
dōng jīng wān
  • Tokyo Bay;Gulf of Tonkin
东京湾[dōng jīng wān]
  1. 她身穿湛蓝色前系扣衬衫、白色上衣和细条纹半身裙,脚踩实用的轻便鞋,站在东京湾台场海洋城(AquaCityOdaiba)的一个柜台后面,用日语、中文和英语分发当地景点和商店的指南。

    In her crisp blue button-down shirt , white blazer and pinstripe skirt , she stands in sensible pumps behind a counter in Aqua City Odaiba on Tokyo Bay , dispensing directions to local sites and shops in Japanese , Chinese and English .

  2. 2006年3月,一个EMIEW机器人在大东京湾旅馆临时担负起旅馆职员的工作。该机器人利用了它的语音识别技术和合成声音技术。

    An EMIEW robot used its speech recognition and synthesized voice technology to temporarily fill the job of hotel clerk at the Grand Tokyo Bay Hotel in March of2006 .

  3. 盾构法已经在国内外的地下工程中广泛运用,特别是国外著名的海底盾构隧道,如英吉利海峡隧道、日本东京湾海底公路隧道、荷兰Westerschelde隧道;

    Shield method has been used in underground engineering all over the world , especially in oversea submerged tunnel , such as English Channel Tunnel , Tokyo Bay Submerged Highway Tunnel , Holand Westerschelde Tunnel .

  4. 东京湾流场三维数值模拟

    A 3-D Mathematical Simulation of Flow Field in Tokyo Bay

  5. 你知道东京湾在哪儿吗?

    Do you know where the bay of Tokyo is ?

  6. “东京湾?”记住主要的,还有其他吗?-

    Gulf Tonkin remember the main.anyboday ?

  7. 东京湾洲际酒店

    Inter Continental Hotel on Tokyo Bay

  8. 佩里之后会驾船驶入东京湾(见上图),用枪炮做强调要求日本开放贸易。

    Perry then sailed into Tokyo Bay ( see above ) and demanded , with guns for emphasis , the right to trade .

  9. 航行了8个月,在马来西亚短暂停留之后,我们到达了东京湾。

    The voyage took eight months , and after stopping for a short time in Malaysia , we arrived in the Gulf of Tongking .

  10. 里奇曾在二战期间效力于澳大利亚皇家海军,并于1945年在东京湾见证了日本投降。

    Mr Ritchie was a seaman in the Royal Australian Navy during the Second World War and witnessed the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay in 1945 .

  11. 东京湾东南亚一历史地区,位于东京湾沿岸,为南中国海的一支。该地现在组成了越南北部的大部分地区。

    A historical region of southeast Asia on the Gulf of Tonkin , an arm of the South China Sea , now forming most of northern Vietnam .

  12. 调查人员表示,日本航空350航班的飞行员故意将其驾驶的麦道DC-8-61客机坠入东京湾,致24人丧生。

    Investigators say the pilot of Japan Airlines Flight 350 , flying a McDonnell Douglas DC-8-61 , intentionally crashed the passenger jet into Tokyo Bay , killing 24 .

  13. 本文基于日本东京湾、伊势湾和浜名湖的调查资料,详细地比较了这3个海湾海水中的溶存甲烷浓度、饱和度。

    Based on our investigative data for Tokyo bay , ISE bay , and Hamana Lake in japan , thispaper compared the concentration and saturation factor of the dissolved methane in seawater of these three estuaries .

  14. 因此,9月2日,在停泊于东京湾的美国密苏里号战列舰上,日本代表同中国及其他八个同盟国的代表签署了日本降伏文书。

    So , on September 2nd , representatives from Japan , China and eight other Allied powers gathered on the deck of the USS " Missouri " in Tokyo Bay . They signed on the Japanese instrument of surrender .

  15. 东京奥组委计划让运动员在东京湾沿岸的奥运村隔离,在他们抵达后一直到离开日本前都处于一个气泡般(封闭安全的)环境。

    The plan is to isolate athletes in the Olympic Village alongside Tokyo Bay , putting them in a bubble when they arrive and until they leave Japan .