
  • 网络World Culture;Around the world
  1. 斯泡茨文化(SportsCulture)则属于世界文化,具有全球统一性。

    While the sports culture , with the nature of global unity , is catalogued in the world culture .

  2. 世界文化的展示与交流&世界数字图书馆(WDL)网站开通及其启示

    Display and Exchange of the World Culture & The Opening of The World Digital Library Website and Its Inspirations

  3. 世界文化潜在的知识和道德力量一定要为政治所用。

    The intellectual and moral potential of the world 's culture must be put at the service of politics .

  4. 毫无疑问,在全世界文化中,人们都愿意通过赞扬鸡蛋来欢庆春天的到来。

    So it 's no surprise that cultures around the world celebrate spring by honoring the egg .

  5. 都江堰风景名胜区拥有世界文化遗产之称号,为国家5A级旅游景区、国家级风景名胜区,具有奇高的科学、历史、文化、旅游、经济等价值。

    As the Nationals ' 5A scenic spots and the Nationals ' scenic area . Dujiangyan Scenic Area has the high value on scientific , historical , cultural , tourism and economic . In that case , it won the title of " World Cultural Heritage " .

  6. 从世界文化发展谈现代音乐教育

    On Modem Music Education From the Culture Development in the World

  7. 另一方面更深刻地说明世界文化的多元化格局正在被解构,单调、乏味的文化一元论模式已初具规模。

    A simple and superficial single-culture model is formed generally .

  8. 汉字是中国文化乃至世界文化的瑰宝。

    Chinese culture and Chinese characters are the treasures of world culture .

  9. 西湖是中国第3处世界文化景观遗产。

    West Lake is the third world heritage cultural landscape of China .

  10. 因此,在2002年,联合国科教文组织决定将中国的剪纸列为世界文化遗产。

    In2002 , UNESCO acknowledged Chinese paper-cuts to be World Cultural Heritage .

  11. 从宏村古水系保护谈世界文化遗产保护的和谐追求

    In the pursuit of harmony from protecting Hong Village 's ancient water system

  12. 世界文化视野中的楚美术

    Fine Arts of the Chu State in the View of the World Culture

  13. 世界文化史上的五种科学思维模式

    Five Scientific Thinking Modes in History of World Culture

  14. 明清时期的陶瓷输出与世界文化交流

    Export of Porcelain Before the Ming and Qing Dynasties and International Cultural Exchange

  15. 与世界文化相比较,有鲜明民族地域特色。

    Compared to world culture , has a distinctive ethnic characteristics and national style .

  16. 世界文化遗产&秦始皇帝陵的保护

    Protection of the World Cultural Heritage & the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

  17. 它已经被评为世界文化遗产。

    It has been included on the list of @ World Cultural Heritages @ .

  18. 提倡发展民族文化,因为世界文化本身就是由诸多民族的文化和文化形态所构成的;

    As a part of the world culture the national one should be advocated .

  19. 当代世界文化的多样性与统一性论略

    A Comment of the Essentials of the Diversity and Unity of Contemporary World Culture

  20. 古建筑保护与世界文化遗产

    Ancient Architecture Protection and World Culture Heritage

  21. 这里是世界文化遗产地。

    Here stands a world cultural heritage .

  22. 世界文化和自然遗产地保护与旅游发展

    Protection of the Place of World Cultural and Natural Heritage and the Development of Tourism

  23. 茶诗英译,对世界文化交流做出了重要贡献。

    English translation of tea poetry makes great contributions to cultural communication in the world .

  24. 中国大运河将于2013年申报世界文化遗产。

    The Grand Canal in China will be declared as World Cultural Heritage in 2013 .

  25. 什么才是真正属于世界文化成果的优秀设计?

    What is on earth the outstanding design of the product of the world culture ?

  26. 解缙在中国乃至于世界文化史上赫赫有名,影响深远。

    He made the far-reaching effect on the development of Chinese culture and even world culture .

  27. 一个国家的文化可能成为世界文化,这对全人类都有益。

    A culture of one nation may become international , which is beneficial for all mankind .

  28. 积极发展文化事业和文化产业,参与世界文化市场的角逐与竞争;

    Positive development culture business with culture industry , participating competition of the world cultural market ;

  29. 辽宁世界文化遗产1+5

    Six world heritage sites in Liaoning

  30. 掌握不同民族文化中的体态语言,将有助于我们对世界文化的了解。

    The mastering body languages of different cultures can facilitate our understanding of the corresponding cultures .