
  • 网络B-Brand;world brands
  1. 品牌头脑风暴:中国品牌怎样进入世界品牌俱乐部?

    Branding brain storming : How China brands enter World Brands Club ?

  2. 并为一些世界品牌企业的产品进行OEM加工。

    We also offer OEM process to some international-brand enterprises .

  3. 实施ISO9000认证创世界品牌

    Applying ISO9000 Certificate to Create World Brand

  4. 2004-2005年,世界品牌实验室(WorldBrandLab)相继推出2004、2005年《中国500最具价值品牌》排名,这是中国品牌第一次经由世界顶尖品牌研究机构所做出的较为全面、科学的评估。

    2004-2005 , the World Brand Lab promotes 2004 , 2005 " China Top 500 Brand " rank , this is the first time for china to hold such kind of brand evaluation which is made by a first-rank brand research institute .

  5. 我认为,在持续打造我们的品牌并巩固卡迪拉克(Cadillac)和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)这两个世界品牌的地位上,我们有着非常好的机遇。

    I think we have great opportunity to continue to build our brands and strengthen Cadillac and Chevrolet , our two global brands .

  6. 世界品牌,民族骄傲。(波司登)

    The world brand , the national pride . ( Bosideng )

  7. 纵观世界品牌企业的产生,不难看出其都具有自己独特的商业模式。

    Any world-class brand boasts its unique and innovative business model .

  8. 走出国门,向世界品牌挑战。

    To step abroad and challenge the world 's leading brand .

  9. 其次,有利于我国民营企业世界品牌的建立。

    Secondly , promoted to the world famous brand .

  10. 奶酪的属地化,也许根本不需要世界品牌。

    Localization of cheese , and perhaps do not need a world brand .

  11. 世界品牌战略理论方兴未艾,国内对品牌战略的研究与实践也正处于大发展时期。

    Brand development strategy for the theoretical study of the ascendant in the world .

  12. 高峰世界品牌策划机构,专注于品牌策划及品牌设计的专业服务机构。

    Gaofeng World Is A Brand Planning Enterprise Specializing In Brand Planning And Designing Services .

  13. 如何在与西门子,依莱克斯等世界品牌的竞争中捍卫民族工业的荣誉?

    How to defend the honor of national industries in competing with Siemens and Electrolux ?

  14. 此投票结果根据进入世界品牌消费行列的人们所给出的真实评价而得出。

    This data reflects user opinions and depends on user entry of standard brand names .

  15. 创造一个世界品牌、在海外市场取得更好的成绩,是她下一个挑战。

    Creating a worldwide brand and racking up big sales abroad could be her next challenge .

  16. 尽管如此,将上海家化打造成一个世界品牌,仍需很长时间。

    Still , it will take a long time to transform Jahwa into a global brand .

  17. 只要发展方针不变,美特斯邦威将成为中国第一个世界品牌!

    Metersbonwe , keep yourself , and you will be the first worldwide famous brand of China !

  18. 公司坚守诚信,以追求卓越创造世界品牌为己任。

    We adhere to integrity and take the responsibility of pursuing excellence and creating famous world brand .

  19. 很少中国公司可以凭借国内的成功而晋身成为世界品牌。

    Few Chinese companies have been able to leverage success in their homeland ito an international brand .

  20. 良好的社会和市场环境是非常重要的,中国企业要创建世界品牌,必须要受到保护。

    Having a good social and market environment is very important for creating global brands for Chinese enterprises .

  21. 在同世界品牌竞争的过程中,这些问题暴露无遗。

    When this local brand competed with the brand all around the world , these problems are exposed .

  22. 建立和培育我们自己的世界品牌,走品牌强国之路是增强中国企业竞争力的必由之路。

    Therefore we should establish our own brand and develop our own brand to help building a strong China .

  23. 这种模式需要进行重大的权力下放,从而产生了“世界品牌,当地特色”的理念。

    The model required significant decentralization , and led to the " global name , local touch " idea .

  24. 也许世界品牌的诞生就是不经意间的副产品,而不是脱离现实过度追求的结果。

    Perhaps the birth of the World brand is a byproduct inadvertently , rather than over-the pursuit of unrealistic results .

  25. 他说,家长买的是哈罗这一世界品牌。

    Parents , he says , are buying into the fact that it 's Harrow , it 's a world brand .

  26. 作为一家在中国有突出表现的国际设计公司,凯里森熟练于把世界品牌移植入多种文化土壤。

    As an international firm with a strong presence in China , Callison is adept at translating global brands for various cultures .

  27. 铸就代表国家竞争力、具备国际竞争力的世界品牌是建华人不懈的追求!

    Forging the competitiveness that represents the country and owing the brand with international competitiveness is the constant pursuit of Jianhua people !

  28. 中国是最早创建世界品牌的国家,中国品牌早在15世纪就已经闻名遐迩,享誉世界了。

    China is the earliest country creating world wide brands , they were famous all of the world as early as 15th century .

  29. 挖掘潜在比较优势,努力创造世界品牌&对精密机械类功能部件企业的建议

    Tapping Potential Comparative Advantages to Create the Brand of the World Class & Suggestions to the Enterprises of Function Units for Precision Machinery

  30. 走私主要集中在著名的世界品牌上,因为对商品的即时确认和信心是进行这种快速的地下交易所必须的。

    Smuggling focuses mainly on well-known international brands , as instant recognition and confidence in the merchandise are essential to these quick , furtive transactions .