
  • 网络the secular life
  1. 其现代性具体表现为在立足点上以世俗生活为本位、在利益主体上以个人为本位,在利益内容上以财产为本位;

    Its modern nature is that it sets foot on the secular life , making the individual as the subject of interests , and the property as the content of interests .

  2. 她的作品承载着作家对世俗生活的悉心关怀、对人类命运的哲学性思考和对小说构筑心灵世界这个目标的不懈追求。

    Her works are loaded with whole-hearted concern for the secular life , philosophical consideration about human 's fate , and persistent efforts to build a spiritual world in her novel art .

  3. 与世俗生活的必需品相关的(尤其是金钱)。

    Concerned with worldly necessities of life ( especially money ) .

  4. 她以一种平民化的姿态快乐地生活,世俗生活的一切都让她无比眷恋。

    She living happiness with a civilian posture .

  5. 同时,他的古钢琴音乐也是反映世俗生活的窗口,某些古钢琴作品为我们展示了一幅幅轻松愉快的世俗生活画卷。

    At the same time , his Harpsichord music reflects the worldly life too .

  6. 她在世俗生活中的成功无法否认。

    Her worldly success can hardly be denied .

  7. 它就象一座丰富的艺术宝库,或是一部世俗生活的百科全书。

    It is like a rich treasure house of art , or a secular life encyclopedia .

  8. 最后,埃斯塔克的艺术家或许让埃斯塔克的世俗生活相形见绌。

    In the end , the L'Estaque of the artists may outshine the L'Estaque of life .

  9. 世俗生活的意义&对池莉作品及其评论的一种读解

    Meaning of Worldly Life

  10. 着力阐述了瓷器表象之外社会每况愈下的崇奢极欲的世俗生活。

    The dissertation elaborates mainly the extremely extravagant and luxurious life in society steadily deteriorated beyond the chinaware .

  11. 不论是宗教故事还是世俗生活,都是画家们重复表现的题材。

    No matter religious stories or mundane life , they are all the themes repeatedly represented by painters .

  12. 这些器物都各有其特色和用途,在世俗生活中是难以见到的。

    These objects have their own characteristics and uses , in secular life , it is difficult to see .

  13. 中国人崇尚一元化,理想生活和世俗生活合二为一,较少超越意识;

    The Chinese advocate life unifying , which ideal life is identical with true life and lack of transcendental consciousness .

  14. 世俗生活的观照和书写者&池莉和方方小说创作比较

    Objective Examination of Common Lives and the Writer & comparison between Chi Li 's and Fang Fang 's novel writings

  15. 孔子及其千百年来的信徒非常关注的是尘世的世俗生活。

    Confucius and all his followers throughout the centuries are very much concerned with the secular life of this busy world .

  16. 王安忆的城市系列描写了都市街巷里弄的世俗生活。本文阐释了其作品中城市女性形象的精神内蕴:追求世俗的优胜与注重实利。

    The " urban series " in Wang Anyi 's works described the mundane life of the urban streets and lanes .

  17. 因此可以这样认为,说《醒世姻缘传》是当时北方基层社会民众的世俗生活史和心灵史是当之无愧的。

    Therefore , The Legendary of Waking Marriage is the soul and life history of worldly life in northern part of China .

  18. 只不过,随着世俗生活的分工日益精细,民间崇奉的神灵群体也日益扩充。

    With the development in the division of labour in worldly life , the group of deities worshipped by folk people expanded .

  19. 波特的悲观来源于世俗生活中的悲惨遭遇,以及作为一个高度敏感的作家,她对于世界面临的种种灾难性威胁的痛苦意识。

    The sufferings in her secular life and her inborn sensitivity to moral and spiritual threats of the world shaped her pessimism .

  20. 人道是为了应付世俗生活而演化出来的技能;

    The Tao of Human is the skills produced from evolution which leading human passing through the material world , the jungle life .

  21. 体闲散文的繁荣表明散文更进一步走向世俗生活,贴近民众。

    Finally , the booming of prose manifests that the prose has entered the common life and become close to the ordinary people .

  22. 去蔽与还原:世俗生活的诗意漫游&于坚诗歌的平民意识与精神空间

    Clarification and Reduction : Romantic Traveling in Secular Life & Awareness of Ordinary People and the Spiritual Space Reflected in YU Jian 's Poems

  23. 他将这种宗教观念同世俗生活统一在“独善”观念中,带给在严酷现实中失意的文人一种安慰。

    He incorporated this religious belief and common life into " self-perfection ", and consoled the intellectuals who were frustrated in the harsh reality .

  24. 诚心向佛的修行人,其心态与行为往往会与以前的世俗生活判若两人。

    Once a person turns his mind wholeheartedly toward the Dharma , his attitude and behavior will no longer be his old worldly self .

  25. 其实佛家之外的现代世俗生活,缺少佛家戒律的约束,更要依靠自身的定力。

    Actually , the worldly life beyond Buddhism lacks the constraint of the Buddhist rules and depends on our own composure to a larger extent .

  26. 在世俗生活的渣沫下面,内心王国按着它自己的语言法则和声音伦理绵绵涌动。

    Under the bubbles of mundane life , the incentre kingdom is stirring endless by it 's own law of language and ethic of sound .

  27. 正因为对世俗生活的积极肯定,所以他才没有忽视人们生活中无法避免、更难以绕开的一个因素&苦难。

    Because of the positive affirmation of secular life , he did not ignore the suffering factor which we cannot be avoided in daily life .

  28. 其二,以民俗学、语言学等理论为工具对一些世俗生活和民俗现象进行溯源,描述其历史演变的轨迹;

    Secondly , tracing the original of worldly life and folk customs and depicting its development in human history with the help of linguistics and folklores .

  29. 意味对世俗生活价值的承认,但潜在陷阱。表现了文学叙事主体的一种世俗化特征。

    Mean to common customs recognition , life of value , but potential trap , display literature narrates a kind of common customs characteristic of subject .

  30. 这是因为,败坏作为精神生活的宗教信仰,比起伪造维持世俗生活的货币来,问题要严重得多。

    For it is a much graver matter to corrupt the faith which quickens the soul , than to forge money , which supports temporal life .