
  • 网络i don't want you know;Don't Want You to Know;Don't want to let you know
  1. 他们不想让你知道

    The thing they don 't want you to know

  2. 我不想让你知道阴暗面的我

    I don 't want you to know that this side of me exists .

  3. Blair,我不想让你知道的。

    Jenny : Blair , I-I didn 't want you to find out .

  4. 他不想让你知道真相

    He didn 't want you to know the truth .

  5. 找到他不想让你知道的秘密。

    and find out what he doesn 't want you to know .

  6. 且不想让你知道她觉得自己很胖。

    And didn 't want you to know she thought she was fat .

  7. 因为珀西不想让你知道

    Because Percy doesn 't want you to know .

  8. 所以爸爸才不想让你知道他的事!

    Which is why dad didn 't want you to know anything about him !

  9. 他们不想让你知道绝望是你的业务。

    They don 't want you to know how desperate they are for your business .

  10. 也许你的聪明朋友不想让你知道他要做什么。

    Maybe your clever friend didn 't want you to know what he was up to .

  11. 因为我不想让你知道一切,这会成为共犯。

    Captain : 'Cause I didn 't want you to know anything , be an accessory .

  12. 因为我不想让你知道因为我之前恨你现在也恨

    cause I didn 't want you to know.cause I hated you , and I still do .

  13. 也许如果他决定攻击乔治·泽默曼,但他不想让你知道。

    Maybe if he decided to assault George Zimmerman , he didn 't want you to know about it .

  14. 你不会高兴的,我最不想让你知道,不过我不得不。

    You won 't like it . I 'd rather tell anyone but you , but I have to .

  15. 她不想让你知道是因为他非常想嫁给你,因为她知道你愿意。

    She did not want you to know that she wanted very much to marry you because she knew you would .

  16. 可是微软不想让你知道的是,比尔盖茨几乎已与它无关了。这便是由最新财富榜彰显出来的明显的事实。

    What Microsoft doesn 't want you to know though is that Gates has almost nothing to do with the company anymore .

  17. 这可能是因为紧张,因为他知道自己喜欢你,他不想让你知道。

    This could be a nervousness because he knows he likes you and he doesn 't want to let you know that .

  18. 不过他们要你这么认为,是吗?他们不想让你知道真相。

    But then they want you to believe that , don 't they ? They don 't want you to know the truth .

  19. 她不想让你知道谁是你爸,因为他的离去让你妈很伤心。

    I didn 't want to go along with it , but , well then she died and , and it was harder to argue with her .

  20. 好象突然才知道,原来,我一直都是这个样子地守候着呢,每一个朝夕,每一个日落,默默的守候,不想让你知道。

    Suddenly seemed to understand that , I have been waiting all this way to go again , every day , every sunset , silently waiting for , do not want to let you know .

  21. 阿塞夫不屑地说:“他说的跟我妈妈一样。她是德国人,她本来应该更清楚。不过他们要你这么认为,是吗?他们不想让你知道真相。”

    Assef snickered . " He sounds like my mother , and she 's German ; she should know better . But then they want you to believe that , don 't they ? They don 't want you to know the truth . "

  22. 当我们再有机会坐下来,好好地谈一谈的时候,我的爱依旧,只是不想在让你知道了。

    When we have a chance again to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk , my love is still as ever , only that I will not let you know .

  23. 不,我想让你知道有你同行我很开心。

    No , I , um , I want you to know how glad I am that you 're here .

  24. 在纸牌游戏中,你不想让你的对手知道你的牌是好是坏。

    In a poker game you do not want to let your opponents know if your cards are good or bad .

  25. 不打听她不想让你知道的事情。

    Never dig into things she would not like you to know .

  26. 我只是不想让你从我这知道。

    I just didn 't want to let you onto the site myself .

  27. 我一直都不烂,我就是不想让你知道我打的有多好!

    I never sucked , I actually didn 't want you to know how good I was !