
  • 网络Listing financing;ipo
  1. 要管理层表态,放弃或暂时放慢IPO和新股上市融资的脚步?

    Is their doing to reduce for a while or abandon the speed of new shares and IPO on the list .

  2. 我们致力向客户提供优质服务,其中包括审计、企业顾问、企业上市融资、公司秘书、税务安排、专业翻译等等。

    We are providing clients with quality services including Audit , Assurance and Business Advisory , IPO Consulting , Company Secretarial , Taxation and Professional Translation Services .

  3. 在债务融资较难实现的压力下,通过IPO进行上市融资不失为一个良好途径。

    In debt financing more difficult to achieve under pressure through the IPO for listing would be a good way of financing .

  4. 又一批中国内地公司选择在香港进行规模超过10亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO),突显出香港对希望上市融资的内地企业依然充满吸引力。

    Hong Kong has landed another batch of $ 1bn-plus initial public offerings of Chinese companies , underscoring its ongoing attraction to mainland companies wishing to raise capital .

  5. 鹏瑞利的ipo涉及在中国的一些物业,包括在佛山和成都举债营建的尚未完工的购物中心,其部分建设资金将来自此次上市融资所得。

    The perennial IPO involves a portfolio of properties in China , including unfinished debt-funded shopping malls in Foshan and Shengdu , which will be financed in part by the proceeds of the offering .

  6. 我国民营企业创业板上市融资风险研究

    Research on the Risk of China 's Private-owned Enterprise in the GEM

  7. 综合性IT企业上市融资分析

    The Analysing of Comprehensive IT Enterprise 's Listing Financing

  8. 境外二板市场上市融资。

    Listing financing of the overseas second stock market .

  9. 中国足球超级俱乐部上市融资的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis on the Finance of Issuing Stock of the Chinese Soccer Super Club

  10. 并认为到美国主板上市融资是医药企业融资应该追求的方向。

    In addition , listing financing in American main board was suggested for pharmaceutical enterprises .

  11. 但人们越来越担心,在股市繁荣期间,一些条件不够的公司也能够成功上市融资。

    But fears have grown that unsuitable companies were able to raise money during the boom .

  12. 民营企业上市融资利弊分析&以东莞民营企业为例

    Analysis of private enterprise listed financing advantage and disadvantage & take Dongguang private enterprise as example

  13. 证券监管部门应制定相关政策,扶持绿色经济行业的企业上市融资;

    The securities regulatory authorities should formulate relevant policies to support green economy business listing and financing .

  14. 进入扩张期和成熟期后,高新技术企业可以通过证券市场上市融资。

    After entering the quickly development phrase and maturity phrase , the enterprise can financing through the security market .

  15. 三是在股票融资方面,民营企业上市融资需要股票市场的制度创新;

    Third , in stock financing , the listing financing of the private enterprise needs system innovation of the stock market ;

  16. 支持国有大型企业和高新技术企业上市融资

    Support large state-owned enterprises and high and innovative technology companies in their efforts to seek financing by listing on the stock market

  17. 第二,对现行企业上市融资准入条件及评价方法进行了较为系统的分析。

    Second , a systematic analysis is made on the admittance qualifications and appraisal methods on listing financing of the existing enterprises .

  18. 建议力求针对性和可操作性,能够有力地促进S市企业上市融资工作。

    Focusing on pertinence and maneuverability , the suggestion can effectively promote the listing and financing work of the enterprises in S City .

  19. 在出版业从事业到产业的改制过程中,面临资本市场的压力,出版企业纷纷选择上市融资。

    During the conversion from public publishing to industrial publishing , publishing groups facing capital pressure choose to be listed on financing option .

  20. 初步具备海外上市融资条件的国内高科技企业、国内风险投资公司以及拓展海外资本市场业务的各类中介机构。

    Domestic technology-related enterprises that are initially entitled to overseas listings , domestic venture capitals , and intermediaries that are explore overseas capital market .

  21. 深圳股票交易所中小企业板正式启动,为中国中小企业上市融资提供了渠道,特别是具有发展潜力的高成长性中小企业提供了一条新的融资渠道。

    The startup of SME market in Shenzhen Stock Exchange offers a channel to the financing for Chinese SME , especially the company growing highly .

  22. 文章最后一部分是从防范风险、改善金融环境以及企业环境三方面提出我国房地产企业上市融资的政策建议。

    ⅴ . Gives suggestions on real estate enterprises ' going public in light of risk precaution , financing climate innovation and enterprise environment improvement .

  23. 外部融资包括了银行贷款、债券融资、租赁融资、风险投资、企业合作融资和上市融资。

    Outside financing include loan from bank , bond financing , venture investment , leasehold financing , financing from firms and financing from public market .

  24. 越来越多的家族企业通过上市融资的方式得到了很好的发展,形成了一大批具有相当规模和实力的家族企业集团。

    More and more family business through public financing has been well developed , forming a large number of considerable size and strength enterprise groups .

  25. 成熟阶段的融资方式的优先序为债券融资、银行贷款、上市融资和风险投资。

    In the maturity stage , its priority order of financing is from bond financing , to bank loans , stock financing and venture capital investment .

  26. 创业板市场,是指在创业期间的企业,通过资本市场上市融资以谋求更大发展的市场。

    " GEM " is , by definition is the kind of capital market that focus on providing financing resources for start-up companies to seek greater development .

  27. 当国有企业卸走了它的负担后,财务状况得到了改善,于是国有企业增加了投资,到证券市场上上市融资。

    As the state sector has shed its burdens , it has used its improved financial situation to list assets on the stock market and increase investment .

  28. 因此,目前我国职业体育俱乐部应首先通过股份制改造,私募部分发展资金,为将来职业体育俱乐部上市融资做准备。

    The study indicates that professional sports club in China should firstly reform the stock system for financing the capital privately and then preparing for its listing financing in the future .

  29. 实证研究结果充分证明了本文所建立的上市融资评价体系是对目前企业上市融资审核体系的有益补充。

    The results of case studies have fully proved that the listing financing appraisal system established in the thesis is a beneficial supplement to the current enterprise listing financing approval system .

  30. 第三章,结合中国水电集团的自身特点,得出比较适用于中国水电集团的整体上市融资战略,即一次性整体上市模式。

    The third part analyses the most proper way for the Sinohydro Corporation 's listing , after the analysis of the Sinohydro Corporation 's character , that is the holistic listing .