
wàn nénɡ yào shi
  • master key;skeleton key;passkey
  1. 爱情是打开幸福之门的万能钥匙。(奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯)

    Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness . ( Oliver Wendell Holmes )

  2. 司法部的律师表示,这只是一项常规请求,认为这既不是要求苹果公司做任何新的事情,也不是让其创造一把“万能钥匙”来访问所有的iPhone。

    The Justice Department 's lawyers called the request routine , arguing that the case was neither about asking Apple to do anything new , nor to create a " master key " to access all iPhones .

  3. 这里进行的所有工作都涉及到把Ajax添加到应用程序,好像Ajax是解决所有问题的“万能钥匙”。

    With all the work you 've done to add Ajax to the application , it might seem like Ajax is the solution to all of your problems .

  4. 我父亲有一把能开所有教室的万能钥匙。

    My father has a skeleton key to all the classrooms .

  5. 嗯,均衡的饮食真有点像开启健康之门的万能钥匙。

    And a balanced diet means a bit of everything .

  6. 我请人带万能钥匙来。

    I 'll send someone up with a master key .

  7. 但屋主有一把万能钥匙。

    For the owner , they made a skeleton key .

  8. 我不指望你会试试你的万能钥匙。

    I don 't suppose you tried your passkey .

  9. 小偷一定是用万能钥匙打开保险柜的。

    The thief must have used a master key to open the safe .

  10. 我非常荣幸地带来《万能钥匙系统》的第一周课程。

    It is my privilege to enclose herewith Week One of The Master Key System .

  11. 奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯爱情是打开幸福之门的万能钥匙。

    Oliver Wendell Holmes Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness .

  12. 万能钥匙密码是多少?

    What number is the master key ?

  13. 一时之间股权激励似乎已成为解决委托代理问题的万能钥匙。

    Share incentive scheme seems to have become the master key to solve the principal-agent problem .

  14. 大堂经理接警后,立即携带客房万能钥匙及手电筒赶赴火警点。

    Duty Manager shall immediately go to the scene with a torch and the master key .

  15. 如果那样的话,你离开家,我们用万能钥匙。

    Just in case you have to leave , we will just use the master key .

  16. 我借了瑞金娜的万能钥匙把刀放进你们公寓

    I borrowed some skeleton keys from Regina and ... planted the knife in your apartment .

  17. 给孩子一把万能钥匙,还有什么样的门他打不开呢?

    Give him a master key , and is where any door that he cannot unlock ?

  18. 由此可以证明,窃贼或者是用万能钥匙,或者是翻越阳台进来的。

    Thereby proving that the burglars had either used skeleton keys or entered over the balcony .

  19. 这可谓是一把万能钥匙。

    This is your key .

  20. 坚定不移的信念有如一把万能钥匙,可以打开各种各样的成功之门。

    Firm belief is like a magic key that can open the door to a wide range of success .

  21. 而“金钥匙”是万能钥匙,能开启各种各样的锁,解决各种各样的难题。

    When we liken the'key'to'resolution'and the'lock'to'difficulty or problem ' , then one key can be for one lock only .

  22. 如果你不在家,我们会用万能钥匙进入来检查下。

    If you aren 't there , we will use our master key to get in and check things out .

  23. 我不管是什么范儿能防住瑞金娜和她的万能钥匙就行

    I don 't care what it looks like as long as it keeps Regina and her skeleton keys out .

  24. 一到傍晚,他们手持万能钥匙和遮光灯笼出门,走到邻居家里行窃。

    At night everybody would leave home with skeleton keys and shaded lanterns and go and burgle a neighbour 's house .

  25. 等布兰切特小姐被关起来你可以在她的牢房里放一把万能钥匙

    Now once Ms. Blanchard has been incarcerated , you can plant one of your lovely skeleton keys in her cell .

  26. 皮姆法官命令苹果公司构建专门的软件,充当解锁该手机的万能钥匙。

    Judge Pym ordered Apple to build special software that would essentially act as a skeleton key capable of unlocking the phone .

  27. 也不要在所有地方使用相同密码,就像不要给锁配万能钥匙一样。

    To help avoid problems , don 't use the same password everywhere that 's like having one key that unlocks everything you own .

  28. 接着他把手伸进口袋去掏万能钥匙。他刚才还拿在手里啊,但是现在没有了。

    Then , he reached into his pocket for skeleton key which he had just had in his hand , but it wasn 't there .

  29. 爱情是一把打开幸福,仇恨,妒嫉之门的万能钥匙,而最容易打开的是恐惧之门。

    Love is the master-key that opens the gates of happiness , of hatred , of jealousy , most easily of all , of fear .

  30. 这是一种比较易学的技术。这种方法适用于简单的测试,也是其他方法不适用时的万能钥匙。

    One of the easier styles to learn , this method can work well for simple tests and tests that can 't be represented well by other methods .