
The couple have a booth on campus and plan to open further outlets in Hyderabad and other Indian cities in the next five years .
We 've got a shop on each [ low-income ] housing estate which takes Lewes pounds and people are using them , she says .
I had thought I might find a shop selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his job , but the town was completely dead .
And in recent weeks there has been speculation that Amazon is toying with the idea of opening a bricks-and-mortar shop to promote sales of the Kindle , by letting customers try it in person .
We only had one small shop to start with , but now we have hundreds of branches .
Shops , apartments , houses , all are ghosted by those gone before .
At a corner store , while my husband took snaps of a ramshackle soda display , our 8-year-old , Malachi , reached into a basket for a tart yogurt drink he 'd come to love .