
yī cì xìng
  • disposable;only one time
一次性 [yí cì xìng]
  • [only one time] 只有一次,不重复的

  • 一次性的桌布

一次性[yī cì xìng]
  1. 他用一次性刀片刮脸。

    He shaved himself with a disposable razor .

  2. 一次性尿布很容易穿上。

    Disposable nappies are fairly straightforward to put on

  3. 我们生活在一次性物品充斥的社会。

    We live in a throwaway society .

  4. 他们讲述了他们第一次性经历的趣事。

    They recounted amusing stories about their first sexual experiences .

  5. 我们的调查显示这些过敏多为一次性反应。

    Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs .

  6. 利息按天计算,每年4月1日一次性打入账户。

    Interest is calculated daily and credited once a year , on 1 April .

  7. 他们正在生产一次性剃须刀。

    Now they are producing throwaway razors .

  8. 你定期支付保险费,而保险公司则会一次性给你一笔钱作为回报。

    You pay regular premiums and in return the insurance company will pay out a lump sum .

  9. 不管你是一次性摄入全天的卡路里限量,还是在一天内分次摄入,结果好像没有多大差别。

    There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go , or spread it over the day

  10. 使用一次性产品被认为是没有顾及对生态的影响。

    The use of disposable products is considered ecologically unsound .

  11. 这是一个简单的术语,它概括了这样一个事实:工作中的关系可以是非亲密的、无关紧要的、不无足轻重的,这些都是合理的,甚至,恕我直言,可以是一次性的或可替代的。

    It 's a simple term that encapsulates the fact that relationships at work can reasonably be non-intimate , inconsequential , unimportant and even , dare I say it , disposable or substitutable .

  12. 在一次性经济中,猫在15年的寿命里会使用掉5475个罐头。

    In a throwaway economy , you would throw away 5,475 cans over the cat 's 15 – year lifetime .

  13. 公司生产成千上万种一次性产品:纸盘、塑料杯和照相机等等。

    Companies produce thousands of different kinds of disposable products : paper plates , plastic cups , and cameras , to name a few .

  14. 我总是在看书,有时我还可能一次性看两三本书。

    I always have at least one book being read , sometimes I might have two or three .

  15. Kitchen-sink是个动词,指将某公司负面的财务信息一次性全部公布出来。

    Kitchen-sink is a verb , referring to announcing all of a company 's bad financial news at one time .

  16. 航天员们在太空洗衣服吗?航天员中心航天员系统副总设计师刘伟波介绍:三位航天员在太空不洗衣服,他们穿的是一次性衣服。

    The three astronauts don 't do laundry in space and use disposable clothing instead .

  17. 还有停止使用不必要的一次性包装以及在新产品中加入更多再生塑料。

    Also to cut out unnecessary single-use packaging and to include more recycled plastic in new products .

  18. 而且,定期更换和丢弃一次性衣服比用水洗衣服的成本更低。

    Disposable clothing that is regularly changed and discarded costs much less than doing laundry with water .

  19. 简单的做法比如将塑料杯换成玻璃杯,或者将一次性塑料瓶换成不锈钢瓶,日久天长,就能带来大的改变。

    Simple swaps steel bottles instead of single-use plastics can go a long way to making a difference .

  20. 《民航行业塑料污染治理工作计划(2021-2025年)》提出:到2025年,民航行业一次性不可降解塑料制品消费强度较2020年大幅下降。

    By 2025 , the consumption of disposable non-degradable plastic in the civil aviation industry will decline sharply from the 2020 level .

  21. 12月1日起,海南省全面禁止一次性不可降解塑料袋、塑料餐饮具等用品的生产、销售及使用。

    Disposable plastic bags and tableware that are non-degradable have been banned from production , sale and use starting Tuesday in China 's island province of Hainan .

  22. 列入首批禁塑名录的产品包括一次性塑料袋、包装袋、餐盒、碗、水杯以及吸管等不可降解聚合物制品。

    The first batch of items to be banned include products such as disposable plastic bags , packaging bags , meal boxes , bowls , drink cups and straws made from non-biodegradable polymers .

  23. 民航局表示,明年起,国内客运航班将禁止提供一次性不可降解塑料吸管、餐具、包装袋等用品。

    China will ban the use of disposable plastic packaging bags , tableware and straws made from non-degradable materials on domestic flights starting next year , the Civil Aviation Administration of China said .

  24. 报告重申,到2025年年底,全国范围邮政快递网点禁止使用不可降解的塑料包装袋、塑料胶带和一次性塑料编织袋。

    Compiled by the development and research center of the State Post Bureau , the report reaffirmed the country 's plan to cease the use of non-degradable plastic packaging , plastic tape , and single-use plastic woven bags at postal and express service outlets by 2025 .

  25. 方法80例老年肺癌化疗患者随机分为A、B两组,A组应用封闭式留置针静脉化疗,B组应用普通一次性头皮钢针静脉化疗。

    Methods Eighty aged pulmonary cancer patients were randomly classified into two groups ( group A and B ) .

  26. 基于ID的一次性盲公钥的密码学分析

    Cryptanalysis of one-off blind public key based on ID

  27. 一次性输液器用PVC粒料pH值的影响因素

    Influence of the Factors on pH Value of PVC Particle for Single Used Medical Infusion Sets

  28. PVC一次性手套生产技术的探讨

    Study on Manufacturing Technique of Disposable PVC Gloves

  29. 目的:克服一次性PCR假阳性及非特异性条带干扰。

    Objective : To overcome the interruption of false positive and undesirable nonspecific banding with single PCR .

  30. 也就是说,用户使用自己的Windows域帐户和密码一次性登录到其Windows桌面。

    In other words , the user logs on once to his Windows desktop using his Windows domain account and password .