
If one day the world betrayed you , I will stand behind the betrayal of your world
I say " Grab a hold of something , something beautiful and true , someday the world is going to smile for you "
If the world should blow itself up , the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can 't be done .
The milestone comes the day after the head of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) warned the world was " approaching the highest rate of infection " so far .
Or sometimes , the world may come to Latin America .
There is a suspicious man lurking in the shadows .
One day , all of the balls in the world gathered together .
He had sworn a promise to return everything with interest once he had won fame abroad .
I hope one day that I will have a friend in every country in the world .
You can experience each day an awe in the beauty and creation of the world and the beauty of you who is in it !
Perhaps some day in the future there will be a magical moment when the countries of the world will get together to eliminate their nuclear weapons .
However , though they knew they would come to perish soon , the Japanese army still refused to surrender and kept fighting with their last strength , dreaming one day they would conquer the world .
I came to university to get a really good education and to climb my way up the corporate ladder and to someday rule the world and make a lot of money and have a trophy wife .
Just as I didn 't think I could ever be a Grand Slam champion , never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that some of the best female athletes in the world could play tennis in Wuhan , in my backyard .
Now , as we near the third anniversary of that dramatic day in August 2007 when the world became aware of the fragility of the western banking model , we in the west must again rethink the way we relate to others in the world .
He hopes one day to surpass the world record .
Shoutin in the street gonna take on the world some day .
I often dreamed that I would become a future world champion surfer .
It is a big park . There , we can travel around the world in a day !
When I was young and free and my imagination had no limits , I dreamed of changing the world .
The British School in Boston held a fair for students and parents called Around the World in a Day .
At age11 , while watching the1996 Summer Games , Michael began to fantasize about becoming a world champion swimming someday .
NGD is also a day when teachers around the world need to review their teaching methods and make their activities better .
One day I can with people make friends all over the world . I hope my English and Janpanese can improve , too .
After listening to beethoven 's music , Mozart said : " this young man will leave his mark in the world someday . "
It is on May 17 each year because that is the day in 1865 when the International Telegraph Union ( ITU ) started .
One day , the world will end and the last generation of workers will have been cheated of their expectation of a peaceful retirement .
With more muscle behind them , the protesters could yet change the world , though the shift might not be to anyone 's advantage .
It has been a busy day with a series of key meetings between the world 's most industialized nations , tell us the latest developments .
One day last week , the welcoming committee sent by the worlds largest manufacturer of microwave ovens waited in vain outside the main railway station in Guangzhou , capital of Chinas southern Guangdong province .