
  1. 核心员工的流失现象比较严重,如果不及时对A研发中心的薪酬体系做出调整,其核心竞争力将受到严重影响。

    Therefore , the losses of key employees are quite serious , if the pay system is not adjusted in time , the core competitiveness will be seriously affected .

  2. 同时还设计出了一套细致全面的薪酬方案实施办法来促进薪酬体系的改革调整。

    In the meantime , designed a meticulous and overall salary plan implementation approach to promoting the reform of firewood reward system adjustment .

  3. 通过减少薪酬等级,调整薪酬水平和薪酬结构我们确定了薪酬体系调整方案。

    By reducing the pay levels , pay levels and pay structure adjustment of our pay system to determine the adjustment program .