
  1. 建立预算/薪酬控制

    Establishing budgeting / remuneration controls

  2. 各大银行还受到警告,要求它们更谨慎地处理利益冲突,避免将合规及风险部门负责人的薪酬控制权过多地交给业务部门。

    Banks were also warned to manage their conflicts of interest more carefully and avoid giving the business side too much control over remuneration for compliance and risk officers .

  3. 他们必须对自营交易员的薪酬加以控制,使报酬与风险相切合。

    They must regulate the compensation packages of proprietary traders so that risks and rewards are properly aligned .

  4. 建立较为全面的薪酬成本控制体系。最后,本文将提出的薪酬成本控制的方法和控制系统模型用于一家建筑公司。

    The establishment of a comprehensive salary cost control system . Finally , we will pay the cost control methods and control system for a construction company .

  5. 该模型摆脱了以往薪酬成本控制只关注数字变化,忽略了控制隐性薪酬成本的作用,导致企业在薪酬成本控制方面的被动局面。

    The model from the previous pay only concerned about cost control the number changes , overlooked the control of the hidden costs of salaries , leading enterprises pay cost control in the passive situation .

  6. 薪酬激励是控制内部人控制的重要手段。

    Salary-incentive is an important way to manage the controlling of employees .

  7. 实行一次结清绩效工资的薪酬制度,控制激励成本。

    Controlling incentive cost by carrying out reward system with non-installment salary .

  8. 要综合考虑多方面因素,以降低薪酬风险,让薪酬风险控制在能够承受的范围内。

    In order to reduce the risk of compensation , make compensation risk control in to withstand range , we need to make comprehensive consideration of various factors .

  9. 包括劳动力市场的现状,薪酬特点,企业用工状况,及薪酬成本控制的两种认识。然后,根据建筑企业薪酬成本控制中存在的问题和自身特点,以及影响薪酬成本的可控因素展开分析。

    Including , the status of the labor market , pay features , business and employment conditions . Then , under construction enterprises pay cost control and the problems that exist in its own characteristics and affect the cost of salaries start of the controllable factors .

  10. 我们可以在3个领域立即采取行动:新的资本金要求;以利润为基础的薪酬方案,以及加大董事会对风险管理和薪酬的控制。

    There are three areas where action could be taken right now : new capital requirements , profit-based compensation and greater board control over risk management and pay .

  11. 国内外诸多学者在薪酬差距方面进行了规范性和实证性的研究,试图通过对薪酬差距的适度控制来调节员工的薪酬水平,充分激发员工的工作热情。

    Many scholars at home and abroad were in the pay gap between the normative and empirical research , trying to moderate the control of the pay gap to adjust the pay level of employees , reduce management costs , improve staff motivation .

  12. 薪酬管理一直是企业管理与发展的重要内容,而在薪酬管理中,薪酬差距的控制与管理对企业和员工都有着重要的影响。

    Compensation Management always plays an important part in enterprise management and development . and in the salary management , control and management of the pay gap for businesses and employees have a significant impact .