
  1. 翰威特(hewitt)咨询公司的《全球薪资计划报告》(globalsalaryplanningreport)显示,去年印度工资的平均涨幅为13.5%,在亚太国家中居于首位。

    Studies such as the Hewitt global salary planning report suggest that wage increases in India averaged 13.5 per cent last year , the highest among Asia-Pacific countries .

  2. 戴蒙取代高盛(GoldmanSachs)首席执行官劳埃德•贝兰克梵(LloydBlankfein)夺冠。今年5月,有40%的摩根大通股东投票反对该银行去年的薪资计划。

    The JPMorgan chief displaced Goldman Sachs " Lloyd Blankfein at the top of the league in a year when 40 per cent of JPMorgan shareholders voted against the bank 's pay plan in May .

  3. 企业薪酬委员会通常制定高管层的薪资计划,包括股权赠予。

    Corporate compensation committees typically decide executive pay levels , including stock grants .

  4. 作为回击的一部分,投资者应迫使银行改革薪资计划的结构。

    As part of the fightback , investors should force changes to the structure of pay plans .

  5. 多数薪资计划仍基于不合适的衡量标准,如股本回报率、股价或股东总回报。

    Most continue to be based around inappropriate measures , such as return on equity , share prices or total shareholder return .

  6. 这也是为什么短时期内,国会必须阻止这项针对医生的薪资削减计划的原因。

    And that 's why in the short-term , Congress must act to prevent this pay cut to doctors .

  7. 今年,大多数国会议员都希望能阻延这项21%的薪资削减计划这项削减将毫无疑问的迫使部分医生完全放弃为医保病人提供医疗服务。

    This year , a majority of Congress is willing to prevent a pay cut of 21 % & a pay cut that would undoubtedly force some doctors to stop seeing Medicare patients altogether .

  8. 事实上,正是因为意识到对于员工承诺的代价过于昂贵才导致近年来老板们渐渐放弃采用最后薪资养老金计划,而把风险完全转嫁到普通的员工身上。

    Indeed , it was the realisation of how expensive that promise had become that led to many employers abandoning final-salary pension schemes in recent years , thereby passing the risk on to workers .

  9. 但很重要的一点是,必须要意识到持续的投资习惯(不管是通过持续的薪资代扣计划向养老金账户投资,还是每月向你的券商寄一张支票)就是保持前行。

    But recognizing that a habit of continuous investing whether you do it through a series of paycheck withdrawals into a work-based retirement plan , or by sending a monthly check to your brokerage firm is moving forward is an important thing to wrap your brain around .

  10. 该工会和英国皇家邮政相互指责对方放弃2007年商定的薪资和现代化计划。

    The union and Royal Mail are accusing each other of abandoning the pay and modernisation programme agreed in2007 .

  11. 我们确定公司提供的有竞争力的薪资和养老金计划-对所有员工开放-将吸引到最好的候选者。

    and feel sure that the competitive salaries and the pension scheme we offer - open to all employees - will attract the best candidates .

  12. 此外,伦敦新市长萨迪克•卡恩已要求伦敦的交通、警察和消防部门进行性别薪资审计,并起草缩小男女薪资差距的计划。

    In a separate move , London 's new mayor Sadiq Khan has ordered London 's transport , police and fire departments to produce gender pay audits and draw up plans on how to close the gaps .