
Studies such as the Hewitt global salary planning report suggest that wage increases in India averaged 13.5 per cent last year , the highest among Asia-Pacific countries .
The JPMorgan chief displaced Goldman Sachs " Lloyd Blankfein at the top of the league in a year when 40 per cent of JPMorgan shareholders voted against the bank 's pay plan in May .
Corporate compensation committees typically decide executive pay levels , including stock grants .
As part of the fightback , investors should force changes to the structure of pay plans .
Most continue to be based around inappropriate measures , such as return on equity , share prices or total shareholder return .
And that 's why in the short-term , Congress must act to prevent this pay cut to doctors .
This year , a majority of Congress is willing to prevent a pay cut of 21 % & a pay cut that would undoubtedly force some doctors to stop seeing Medicare patients altogether .
Indeed , it was the realisation of how expensive that promise had become that led to many employers abandoning final-salary pension schemes in recent years , thereby passing the risk on to workers .
But recognizing that a habit of continuous investing whether you do it through a series of paycheck withdrawals into a work-based retirement plan , or by sending a monthly check to your brokerage firm is moving forward is an important thing to wrap your brain around .
The union and Royal Mail are accusing each other of abandoning the pay and modernisation programme agreed in2007 .
and feel sure that the competitive salaries and the pension scheme we offer - open to all employees - will attract the best candidates .
In a separate move , London 's new mayor Sadiq Khan has ordered London 's transport , police and fire departments to produce gender pay audits and draw up plans on how to close the gaps .