
  • 网络quality improver
  1. 新型面条品质改良剂&面条王的研制

    Study on the good noodle & a new noodle quality improver

  2. Nisin-一种天然食品防腐剂和食品品质改良剂

    Nisin ? A Type of Natural Preservative and Quality Improver

  3. 本文主要以小麦面粉、荞麦面粉、大豆粉为主要原料,以谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG)作为品质改良剂对荞麦馒头、面包、方便面进行品质影响研究。

    Wheat flour , buckwheat flour and soybean flour were used materials , researched the effect on quality properties of buckwheat steamed bread , baked bread and instant noodle by using transglutaminase ( TG ) as quality improver .

  4. 每500g面条仅增加成本0.01元,是价廉质优的品质改良剂。

    The cost of 500g noodle increasing only by 0.01 yuan , the additive is good in quality and cheap in cost .

  5. 研究了小麦胚芽粉对提高油炸方便面复水后粘弹性的效果,并与其他品质改良剂(磷酸交联淀粉、活性干面筋、鲜鸡蛋清、瓜尔豆胶、CMC)的效果进行了比较。

    The efficiencies of wheat germ flour for improving the viscoelasticity of the instant noodle softened in boiling water and that of the other quality modifiers such as cross linking starch phosphate , active dried gluten , fresh albumen , guar bean gum and CMC were studied .

  6. 增稠-乳化-品质改良剂十年成就

    Achievements in Ten Years in Thickeners , Emulsifiers and Quality Improvers Industry

  7. 复配型糕团品质改良剂的试验研究

    Experimental study on the compound quality improver of sticky rice-products

  8. 复合型面条专用品质改良剂的研究

    A Study on the Special Quality Modifier for Compounded Noodle

  9. 早籼米品质改良剂的研究

    Study of cooking quality improvement of early long-grain nonglutinous rice

  10. 品质改良剂&三聚磷酸钾水溶液配方的研制

    Ameliorant Quality Study on Formula for Making the Aqueous Solution of Potassium Tripolyphosphate

  11. 面粉品质改良剂开发应用、安全现状及发展趋势

    Present status of research , utilization and safety of wheat flour improvers in China

  12. 亦用于饼干、奶粉、冷饮、冰淇淋粉,作营养增补剂或品质改良剂。

    Also used in biscuits , powdered milk , cold drinks , ice cream powder .

  13. 增稠剂是一类常用的面条品质改良剂。

    The thickening agents are the additives used to improve the properties of noodle usually .

  14. 小麦专用粉和品质改良剂的开发

    Development of Special Flour and Quality Improver

  15. 大米品质改良剂的研制

    Development of the quality improver of rice

  16. 面条用品质改良剂综述

    Review of quality improvers of noodles

  17. 食品品质改良剂&亲水胶体

    The Improver of Food Qulity-Hydrocolloids

  18. 根据我国米制品的具体现状,为了满足延长米制制品的保质期的要求,以变性淀粉、乳化剂、瓜尔豆胶等为原料,研制了一种复配型糕团品质改良剂。

    A quality improver was developed with modified starch , emulsifier and food grade gum as the ingredients .

  19. 因此,精制桃胶可作为面粉品质改良剂用于面条制作中。

    This also makes the PPG to be used in noodle making as an improved agent for wheat flour .

  20. 该文对面粉加工过程中使用各类改良剂作用和性能进行阐述,并提出面粉品质改良剂发展方向。

    This paper concludes and expounds both the effect and performance of most additives as well as point out the developing trend .

  21. 采用质构仪对普通面包和添加有品质改良剂的面包在贮存过程中的质构变化进行了研究。

    The texture change of common breads and breads with a quality modifying additive was studied in storage by a texture analyzer .

  22. 用途:在食品加工中用做品质改良剂,乳化剂,主要用于乳酪,饮料,果冻中。

    Use : Used as improver , emulsifier in food processing in food industry . Mainly applied to cheese , drinks and jelly .

  23. 实验表明:该糕团品质改良剂能够提高糕团的粘弹性和柔韧性,明显提高糕团的抗老化回生。

    The elasticity , flexibility as well as anti-aging property of the rice products were significantly improved with the addition of the quality improver .

  24. 鸡蛋蛋白粉作为营养添加剂和品质改良剂,广泛地应用在食品工业中,具有极大的开发价值。

    As a kind of nutrition additive and quality improver , eeg albumen powder is widely used in food industry and has broad development prospects .

  25. 用途:品质改良剂,用于罐头、果汁饮料、肉制品、奶制品、面制品、豆制品等。

    Uses : a kind of quality improver used in canned food , juice drinks , meat , milk products , wheaten food and bean products .

  26. 用途:在食品加工用做品质改良剂,用于罐头,果汁饮料,奶制品,豆乳等。

    Use : Used as quality improver in food industry . Applied to can , fruit drinks , milk product , bean milk , and so on .

  27. 本文采用苦荞面粉、小麦面粉、苦瓜汁、面粉品质改良剂,通过适宜的工艺制作,得到苦荞含量高、食疗效果好、口感舒适、加工方便的双苦营养面条。

    The article discussed the suitable producing technique of Shuangku nutritious noodle with bitter buckwheat flour , wheat flour , balsam pear juice and improving agent of flour quality .

  28. 说明避开最易老化温度带能有效延缓淀粉回生。品质改良剂能有效减少直链淀粉结晶量,延缓短期回生。

    Avoiding been stored in the retrogradation temperature zone and adding the compound quality improver could decrease the amount of starch crystalline amyloses , and restrain the short-term retrogradation .

  29. 选冷冻缓化肉为原料时,在品质改良剂作用下并控制良好斩拌条件的情况下,产品也能呈现良好的保水性。

    If choose frozen meat as material , products can also good at water holding capacity , under the action of the quality improver and a good chopping control conditions .

  30. 借助现代国际标准仪器设备&粉质仪、拉伸仪、糊化粘度仪和流变仪,研究了多种品质改良剂,得到一个较理想的面条改良剂配方。

    A ideal modifier formula was designed with various quality modifiers produced by the help of the modern international standard apparatus such as farinometer , extensometer , viscosimeter and rheometer .