
  1. 但是,品牌关系断裂并不意味着品牌与消费者之间就永远失去了联系。

    However , the fault does not mean the relationship between brands and consumers were broken forever .

  2. 在可辩解型产品伤害危机下,是什么因素在影响消费者-品牌关系断裂?这些因素又是通过什么途径影响的?已有的理论研究没有对这些问题做出回答。

    Under the defensible product harm crisis , what is the factor influencing the consumer-brand relationship ? Which way influence these factors ?

  3. 对于电信运营商而言,客户是极其重要的资产,在客户品牌关系断裂后实现关系的再续、挽回流失客户,对电信运营商而言将具有重要的战略意义。

    For telecom operators , clients are extremely important assets , so reestablishing the brand relationship and regaining the lost clients are of important strategic significance .

  4. 近年来包括食品安全危机在内的各种品牌犯错事故层出不穷,对品牌造成负面影响的也严重危害到品牌与消费者之间的关系,甚至会导致品牌关系的断裂,对企业发展造成不利影响。

    Recent years , various brands misconducts emerge endlessly , having a negative impact on brand itself and also doing harms to the relationships between brands and consumers , and even leading to rupture of brand relationships . All these lead an adverse impact to the enterprise development .