
We Are The Best Brand integration And Promotion Operator !
C. Brand Resources Reorganization DELVE : We excavate the product value , more persists in excavating the brand value , and maximizes the value of resources reorganization .
As a new type of advertisement , it is in the service of corporation and improves corporation development , establish high quality corporation brand through the aspects of brand resources integration , brand image design , brand propagation .
This paper figures , while the integration is implemented from the decision-making levels , we must firmly grasp strategic integration , brand integration , network resource integration of resources , humanities resource integration to deepen the integration of corporate culture to develop .
On the Resources Conformity of Domestic Brand Furniture Selling in Ethnic Minority Region
The theme brand resources development integration , improve the quality of tourism tourism environment , namely determine destinations core brand personality , reflect the personality of the destination trait carrier and brand personality with potential target for the connection between the tourists .
Only by constructing a multi-leveled model of profit making , can the competitive capacity of the TV Channel be raised .
The evasion of the risks in evaluating target enterprises , the establishment of new production system , the brand expansion and the coordination of human resource should be put emphasis on during the implementing of horizontal M & A.
Service brands depend on service product as the key link , and the peculiar characteristics of service product , have determined that various kinds of resources of the brand needs integration .