
  • 网络Brand management system
  1. 其二级保护伞的品牌结构,及差异化的品牌理念、多品牌滚动发展、品牌管理系统的创建和资源整合等具体策略构成了南方日报传媒集团品牌战略实施的成功经验。

    Its " two umbrella " brand architecture , the differentiation of the brand concept , multi-brand rolling development , brand management system and resource integration constitute the successful experience of the implementation of brand strategy for Southern Newspaper Media Group .

  2. 论文首先回顾了品牌在美国发展的历史为四个阶段:从个体生产者拥有消费品品牌发展到注重品牌的宣传,后来二战时期的品牌经理家的出现,直到当今时代的品牌管理系统。

    Firstly , this paper reviews the history of brand development in America , it developed from brands of consuming products of individual producers to emphasizing brands publicizing , the attendance emerging of brand manager during the Second World War and the contemporary brand management system .

  3. 本文对房地产企业的品牌管理进行了系统的分析与研究,明确了市场竞争中构建房地产企业品牌管理的必然性,提出目前品牌管理在房地产企业的误区。

    The text made a systemic analysis and research to the Brand Capital of real estate industry .

  4. 在医院品牌学科管理中的系统SWOT分析

    SWOT analysis in brand name management of hospital

  5. 品牌管理是一个系统工程,品牌价值的培育是管理的重心。

    The brand management is a system project .

  6. 在综述了国内外对旅游品牌研究成果的基础上,从景区企业的角度,初步探讨了品牌管理模型的构建,分析了品牌管理的系统过程。

    Drawing on works of prominent branding scholars , the paper studies the model of the brand management from the viewpoint of developers of the tourist attraction .