
  • 网络insurance regulation;Insurance Supervision
  1. Sigma在《保险监管问题》一文中也指出监管松懈或督查疲软是造成此次次贷危机的根本原因,而各国的政策制定者或监管部门也在次贷危机后努力提高对金融机构的督查。

    Sigma in the " insurance regulation " also pointed out an article or lax supervision and weak regulation is caused by the subprime mortgage crisis , the root causes , and national policy makers or regulators are sub-prime crisis on financial institutions to improve the Governor investigation .

  2. 第二部分:保险监管的理论剖析。

    Part II : analysis on the theory of Insurance Regulation .

  3. 保险监管RBC制度的经济学解释

    An Economic Interpretation of the RBC Regulatory System for Insurance Industry

  4. 最后,本文介绍了WTO的基本原则及国际保险监管核心原则,通过制度供给与需求、制度均衡、制度创新的分析,提出完善我国保险监管制度的具体措施。

    Thirdly , it presents fundamental principles of WTO , the insurance core principles and the perfection of Chinese insurance regulatory institutions .

  5. 加入WTO与我国保险监管业面临的挑战和策略

    Challenges faced by the trade of insurance supervision and management trade after china ′ s access to WTO and the countermeasures to be adopted

  6. 保险监管合作与信息共享在我国的推进和发展

    The promotion and development of insurance supervision cooperation and information sharing

  7. 我国保险监管模式构建的法律问题研究

    Legal Research on the Construction of China 's Insurance Regulatory Model

  8. 同时探讨了保险监管模式的国际发展趋势。

    We also discuss the international developing trend of insurance regulatory model .

  9. 保险监管制度的国际比较及其对中国的借鉴

    The International Comparison of Insurance Supervision Institutions and its Enlightenment to China

  10. 论保险监管的目标、体制与体系

    On the Targets , Institution and System of China 's Insurance Supervision

  11. 因此,我国的保险监管制度存在诸多问题。

    Thus , Chinese insurance regulatory system , has so many problems .

  12. 纽约州保险监管机构也拒绝置评。

    The New York state insurance regulator declined to comment .

  13. 保险监管信息披露机制研究

    The Study on the Mechanism of Insurance Regulatory Information Announcing

  14. 保险监管博弈分析

    The Economic Analysis of Insurance Regulation Based on Game Theory

  15. 完善保险监管体系与加大保险监管力度相结合加强对保险公估业的监管;

    Enhancing the supervision of this industry by perfecting insurance supervisory system ;

  16. 第四章,保险监管适度性的度量和指标体系。

    Chapter IV , indicators of measurement on moderation of insurance regulation .

  17. 保险监管重点调整;

    Thirdly , insurance supervision is the key of regulation .

  18. 进而明确了保险监管法律制度的立法任务。

    Therefore , the legal task is clearly defined .

  19. 保险监管模式的创新与完善

    Innovation and Perfection of the Model of Insurance Regulation

  20. 加强保险监管顺应入世承诺

    Intensifying Insurance Supervision and Complying with Commitments to WTO

  21. 正文的第二部分较为系统地研究了美国商业保险监管体系。

    Part Two conducts a systematic analysis of American business insurance regulation system .

  22. 偿付能力监管已被世界许多国家确定为保险监管的核心。

    Solvency supervision has been the core of insurer supervision in many countries .

  23. 在本文中还具体论述了自发生成的保险监管体制的主要特点。

    Then the dissertation describes the traits of spontaneous system of insurance regulation .

  24. 第五章中国保险监管国际化的对策分析。

    The fifth chapter is about the internationalization of Chinese life insurance regulation .

  25. 加强保险监管,迎接入世的挑战

    Insurance Supervision , Receive the Challenge of Entering WTO

  26. 文章主体共分四部分:第一部分阐述了保险监管的基本理论;

    The first part explains the basic theories of the insurance supervisory system .

  27. 论中国保险监管模式

    An Analysis of China 's Insurance Supervision Model

  28. 保险监管的政治经济理论及其启示

    The Theory of Insurance Regulation and Their Enlightenment

  29. 国际保险监管组织的建立与最新发展

    Construction and Development of International Insurance Supervision Organization

  30. 中国保险监管项目在京启动

    A China insurance supervisory project starts in Beijing