
  • 网络guarantee insurance;bonds;bond insurance;surety bond
  1. 保证保险涉及保证人、被保证人和权利人三方,而保险合同通常只涉及保险人和被保险人两方。

    A surety bond involves three parties : the surety , the principal , and the obligee ; while an insurance contract generally involves two parties : the insurer and the insured .

  2. 本文采用理论研究和实践研究相结合的方法,对保证保险这一新兴险种从保险法原理、比较分析、特殊制度适用等几个方面进行了讨论。

    Based on the theory and practice research , this paper discussed the new-born surety bond through the following aspects : the principals of insurance law , the comparative analysis and the use of special institutions .

  3. 汽车消费贷款保证保险合同的性质及责任承担

    The Legal Character and Responsibility of Auto Loan Guarantee Insurance Contract

  4. 只有如此,保证保险才能得到新的发展。

    Only do it , Bond can have a new development .

  5. 保证保险的性质,主要是体现在其独立性方面。

    The character of Bond is mainly reflected in its independence .

  6. 刍议工程质量保证保险的意义与对策

    Discussion on the meaning and countermeasure of engineering quality guarantee insurance

  7. 汽车消费贷款保证保险的法律性质在理论上存在保证说与保险说之争。

    There are insurance theory and guarantee theory about it .

  8. 履约保证保险的法律问题探析

    Analysis and Discussion of the Legal Issues Regarding Performance Bonds

  9. 保证保险性质之探讨&兼论我国保证保险之误区

    Analysis on the Nature of Guaranty Insurance & and Some Misunderstanding in China

  10. 保证保险二元性思辨及其法律适用

    Consideration of Dual Guaranty Insurance and Its Law Application

  11. 我国工程质量保证保险风险分担机制研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Risk-sharing in Construction Quality Insurance System in China

  12. 保证保险合同的性质及其法律适用

    Nature of Guarantee Insurance Contract and its Legal Application

  13. 中国保险界对保证保险的认识存在诸多误区。

    There are misunderstandings about the guaranty insurance existing in our insurance circles .

  14. 构建我国住宅质量保证保险体系

    Establishing insurance system of housing quality assurance in China

  15. 本文旨在对保证保险的适用与完善进行研究。

    This paper aims to study the application and improvement of guarantee insurance .

  16. 论信用保险与保证保险之差异

    On the Difference between Credit Insurance and Guarantee Insurance

  17. 这一部分从保证保险的历史沿革、概念和种类三方面进行介绍。

    It is introduced on three aspects of historical development , conception and types .

  18. 第一,保证保险合同与保证保险合作协议的关系问题。

    The applicable law of the guarantee insurance .

  19. 汽车消费贷款保证保险纠纷剖析

    Analysis of Conflicts from Car Loan Pledge Insurance

  20. 分期付款购车保证保险基本法律问题探析

    A basic legal research on the warranty insurance in the installment purchase of vehicles

  21. 保证保险合同性质解析

    Analysis on the Nature of Guaranty Insurance Contract

  22. 对保证保险合同性质的不同界定,进而带来不同的法律适用。

    Differently defining the nature of guarantee insurance contract will bring different legal application .

  23. 消费贷款保证保险法律性质及相关问题探析

    Analysis On the Legal Nature and the Relevant Problems of Consuming Loan Warranty Insurance

  24. 购房按揭保证保险若干问题研究

    Research on Problems of Housing Mortgage Bond Insurance

  25. 保证保险是保证与保险两种法律制度联姻的产物。

    Guaranty insurance is a combine product of two legal systems : guaranty and insurance .

  26. 中国法律对保证保险的法律性质未作明确界定。

    The China law does not clearly define the legal character of the bonding insurance .

  27. 笔者主张运用二元性的思维来看待保证保险的法律性质。

    The author advocates a binary thinking to treat the legal nature of guarantee insurance .

  28. 作为“舶来品”,保证保险在中国学术界引起诸多争议。

    As a " foreign goods ", guaranty insurance has mush disputes about its nature .

  29. 基于博弈论及信息维的住宅质量保证保险研究

    Study on Assurance and Insurance of Residential Quality Based on Game Theory and Information Dimension

  30. 第三章,分析贷款保证保险。

    Chapter three analyses the bond insurance .