
  • 网络insurance service;INSURANCE
  1. 台湾地区保险服务业国际竞争力分析

    Analysis on the International Competitiveness of the Insurance Services Sector in Taiwan

  2. 我国企业在开放环境中的常见营销问题分析开放背景下我国保险服务营销策略研究

    Research on the Marketing Strategies for Insurance Services in China under Opening-up Circumstances

  3. WTO体制下我国保险服务贸易市场准入研究

    The Research on Market Access of Insurance Service of Our Country under WTO Mechanism

  4. 第四部分:WTO机制下中国保险服务贸易业的法制建设研究。

    The fourth part is about the studies on the legal system constructing of Chinese insurance trade in services .

  5. 第三章就中国加入WTO后对国内寿险公司带来的影响作了全面的分析,对WTO中对保险服务业的详细条款和寿险市场的开放进程做出了说明。

    And in Chapter three , a comprehensive analysis of influence of Chinese life insurance company after China joined the WTO is made .

  6. 第三部分:WTO机制下保险服务贸易业所面临的机遇和挑战,本部分介绍了中国保险业的现状及开放进程,并探讨了中国保险服务贸易业在WTO机制下将面临哪些机遇和挑战。

    This section describes the present situation of Chinese insurance trade in services and reviews its opening process , analyzing and revealing the content of such opportunities and challenges .

  7. ACME处理与完整的保险服务生命周期相关联的所有问题&包括评级、承保和保险单维护。

    ACME deals with all the issues associated with the complete insurance servicing life cycle & including rating , underwriting , and servicing insurance policies .

  8. 科技保险服务武汉城市圈建设的几点思考

    On S & T Insurance Serving the Construction of Wuhan Metropolis Circle

  9. 这个价格包括全额免碰撞保险服务,并且不限里程。

    That price includes full collision waiver and unlimited mileage .

  10. 广西北部湾经济区保险服务体系构建研究

    On Structuring the Insurance Service System for Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone

  11. 我国保险服务贸易的国际竞争力研究

    A Study on the International Competitiveness of Insurance Service Trade in China

  12. 新形势下加强基本医疗保险服务的探讨

    Enhance the service of basic medical insurance to meet the medical security reform

  13. 保险服务业产业内贸易及其影响因素的实证分析

    An empirical analysis on intra-industry trade in the insurance industry and its determinants

  14. 析发电企业风险管理趋势及保险服务模式更新

    On Risk Management Trend of Power Plants and Renovation of the Insurance Service Model

  15. 中国&东盟博览会呼唤保险服务

    China - ASEAN Exposition Calling for Insurance Service

  16. 基于价值均衡理论的保险服务业(保险公司)人力资源管理研究

    The Research on Human Resource Management of the Insurance Based on Value Equilibrium Theory

  17. 关于基本医疗保险服务协议法律定位的探讨

    A Discussion of the Legal Traits of the Agreement of Basic Medical Insurance Service

  18. 保险服务与资本市场的结合日益密切。

    Insurance service become closer to the combination of capital market day by day .

  19. 其中,货物运输服务有高额的服务输入,仓储服务、商业服务和保险服务也都有程度不同的服务输入。

    The main service industries of input are goods transport , storage , commerce and insurance .

  20. 中产阶层需要可持续的保险服务,而再保险对此具有重要的支撑作用。

    The middle classes need protection to be sustainable and reinsurance is important in supporting that .

  21. 加强保险服务的发展和创新,需要通过整合保险理论创新力量,实现保险理论创新突破;

    Innovation and development of reinforced insurance service need to realize theoretical breakthrough through its innovation .

  22. 人寿保险服务费用估计数

    Imputed service charge for life insurance

  23. 增长最快的是金融、交通、保险服务三个领域。

    The fastest growth was registered in three sectors - financial , transport and insurance services .

  24. 并从几个不同角度来分析代理人在保险服务行业中的重要性。

    And from several different angles analyze the importance of the insurance agent in the service industries .

  25. 基于网格的数字化虚拟人海量数据管理技术研究人寿保险服务费(虚拟)数

    Mass Data Management of Digitized Virtual Human Based on Grid ; imputed service charges for life insurance

  26. 按照公共财政的要求,为社会公众提供基本的医疗保险服务是政府的职责所在。

    The public finance requires that government should be obligated to provide the basic medicinal insurance for public .

  27. 第三章对保险服务营销管理的市场机会各因素进行了分析。

    In chapter three , every factor of the marketing chance to insurance service marketing management has been analyzed .

  28. 混业经营主要有两种模式:即金融或保险服务集团和银行保险。我国实行保险混业经营是保险业发展的必然要求,并具有可能性。

    The mixed management mainly has two kinds of patterns : finance or insurance service group and bank insurance .

  29. 此外,论文还分析了工程保险服务的软性价值和保险双方赔案处理中的风险管理问题。

    Correspondingly , the issues of soft-value of engineering insurance service and the risk management system of compensation are analyzed .

  30. 丹尼斯是一家公司的董事,这家公司为劳合社(Lloyd's)某些最大的客户提供保险服务。

    Dennis sits on the board of a company that insures some of the biggest accounts at Lloyd 's of London .