
  • 网络insurance demand;demand of insurance
  1. 特别注重风险预算,重视对保险需求的分析和预测。

    Paying attention to the analysis and forecast of insurance demand .

  2. 经济增长是影响保险需求的主要因素。

    Economic growth is the main factor of insurance demand .

  3. 随着人们对传统不可保风险的保险需求的加大,非传统风险转移市场即ART应运而生。

    Increasing demands for insurance of traditionally uninsurable risks triggered the advent of " alternative risk transfer " ( ART ) .

  4. 同时,为满足多方面的保险需求,wef选择苏黎世作为其长期的承保公司。

    Vice-versa , WEF has chosen Zurich for a long time as their insurance carrier for several of their insurance needs .

  5. 随着中国日益富裕,保险需求也将增长。

    China will need more insurance as it grows richer .

  6. 我国人身保险需求地区差异的模型实证

    Empirical study of regional differences model for life insurance demand in China

  7. 财产保险需求因素之实证研究&以安徽省为例

    An Empirical Study on the Factors of Property Insurance Needs

  8. 陕西省保险需求收入弹性分析

    Income Elasticity Analysis of Insurance Demands in Shaanxi Province

  9. 信息不对称和我国的矿难保险需求分析

    Asymmetric Information and Analysis of Insurance Demand in Mine Disaster of Our Country

  10. 安徽省农业保险需求影响因素调查与分析

    An Empirical Study on Influence Factors for Farm Insurance Needs in Anhui Province

  11. 基于序期望效用的洪水保险需求研究

    Flood insurance demand based on rank-dependent expected utility theory

  12. 保险需求理论在保险学研究中占有重要的地位,而人身保险需求理论更是保险学中的一个重要课题。

    Life insurance demand is a very important subject in insurance theory study .

  13. 江苏省农业保险需求影响因素的调查研究

    Investigation on the Influencing Factors of Demands for Agricultural Insurance in Jiangsu Province

  14. 意外伤害保险需求研究

    Study on the Demand for Accidental Injury Insurance

  15. 第二部分,是河北省农村社会养老保险需求的理论分析。

    Second part is the demand theory analyses of the rural social endowment insurance .

  16. 农民收入与农业保险需求关系的实证分析

    Experimental Analysis on Relationship between Farmers ' Income and Their Demands for Agricultural Insurance

  17. 前两章构成第一部分,介绍了保险需求含义与经济特性以及影响非寿险需求的主要因素。

    Chapter One studies the meaning and the economic specific property of insurance demand .

  18. 第二部分,需求研究部分,这部分主要分析巨灾保险需求的影响因素、影响路径、影响效力。

    This part focuses on factors , paths , and effectiveness of catastrophe insurance demand .

  19. 因此,风险厌恶很好地解释了个人的保险需求。

    Risk aversion is therefore believed to be the reason for individual demand on insurance .

  20. 保险需求理论的演进

    The Advancement of Insurance Demand Theory

  21. 最后,作者针对性的提出了提高森林保险需求的可行性建议。

    Finally , the author put forward some feasibility proposals targeted to improve forest insurance demands .

  22. 第三部分研究湖北省农村养老保险需求及县级财政状况。

    The third part is the Hubei province rural old-age insurance demands and county financial situation .

  23. 在一国经济发展的不同时期或者不同阶段,保险需求又是如何变化的?

    How does the demand for insurance vary across different stages of economic development in one country ?

  24. 纯农户与非纯农户的社会养老保险需求同质性很高,不存在显著性差异。

    The need is no significant difference between farmers living only by farming and others . 3 .

  25. 首先,分析保险需求与保险消费的关系,指出保险需求分析是保险消费研究中的重要内容。

    Chapter two analyzes the demand of insurance consumption and the factors that influence people 's insurance demand .

  26. 本文的考察对象是经济学意义的保险需求,即有效的保险需求;

    The objective of this study is economical demand for insurance , i.e. , effective demand for insurance .

  27. 尽管发展迅速,但我国的现实保险需求仍存在诸多不可忽视的问题。

    Although insurance demand has been developing rapidly , there are still problems that can not be ignored .

  28. 你也可能想重新审查你的保险需求,这是做这些事情的好时机。

    You might also want to re-examine your insurance needs too , a perfect time to do so .

  29. 收入分配的公平性影响着人们的实际收入,从而影响着保险需求。

    The fairness of income distribution influences the actual income of people , thus influencing the demand of insurance .

  30. 居民保险需求是影响保险供给、影响保险业险种开发和设计的决定性因素。

    Urban people ′ s insurance demand is the decisive factor that affects insurance designing , supplying and development .