
  1. 集成预测模型及在财产保险防灾减损中的应用

    Integrated Forecast Model and Its Application to Property Insurance

  2. 财产保险防灾减损决策支持系统的开发

    The development of decision support system for disaster prevention and loss reduction of property insurance

  3. 综合利用遥感、地理信息系统和全球定位系统集成方法,获取不同模型需要的参数,解决财产保险防灾减损中的关键技术与方法。

    The technique of disaster prevention and loss reduction of property insurance is an integration of remote sensing , geographic information system and global position system .

  4. 试论机动车第三者责任强制保险的防灾防损功能

    On Loss Prevention and Control of Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance

  5. 基于空间信息技术的财产保险业防灾减损决策支持系统

    The DSS for Preventing Disaster and Decreasing Loss in Property Insurance Enterprises Based on Spatial Information Technology

  6. 进行有效的灾害信息收集,并利用这些信息进行灾情预测和损失评估,指导保险公司防灾减损工作的顺利进行。

    It collects effective disaster information , according to which we perform disaster prediction and loss evaluation , and instruct insurance companies to do the work of disaster prevention and loss reduction .

  7. 为了减少灾害带来的损失,需要建立科学的财产损失评估模型来进行合理评估,有效指导保险公司防灾减损工作的顺利进行。

    Scientific model of property loss evaluation is needed for insurance company to evaluate property loss caused by natural disasters reasonably and make the work of disaster prevention and loss reduction go on smoothly .

  8. 洪灾灾情预测是保险公司财产保险防灾减损工作的重要内容,它有效地预测出受灾的地区和强度,对于财产保险的费率制定、有效预防、及时施救以及防灾预案的编制有重要的指导意义。

    Disaster forecast is the important content of loss reduction for insurance agent . It can forecast the stricken area and its intension , which has signality in making rate , preventing efficiently , rescue in time and the workout of the prediction .

  9. 设计并实现了灾情预测模型和财产保险损失评估模型,集成到财产保险防灾减损原型系统中,并在深圳进行示范应用,取得了良好的效果。

    This project designs and implements the disaster prognostication model and the property loss evaluation model , and integrates them into a prototype system of disaster prevention and loss reduction of property insurance . The models were applied in Shenzhen as a test , and showed a satisfactory result .

  10. 为了防止自然灾害和减少自然灾害对财产保险造成的损失,需要根据当前和未来财产保险防灾减损的需要,建立科学的灾情预测模型和财产损失评估模型。

    In order to prevent natural disasters and reduce the loss of property insurance , it is necessary to set up a scientific disaster prognostication model and a property loss evaluation model according to the need of current and future disaster prevention and loss reduction of property insurance .