
  1. 在分析风险信息的作用、保险产品与服务质量的作用、收入的作用时,借助了数理的契约模型。

    In the analysis of the role of risk information , insurance products and services quality , the role of income , this thesis makes three mathematical models of the contract .

  2. 三是服务创新,不断地改进和提高保险中介的服务质量,进行服务创新,是保险中介人提高市场竞争力的一个重要途径。

    Three , the service innovation , unceasingly the improvement and the enhancement insurance intermediary grade of service , carries on the service innovation , is the insurance intermediary person enhances the market competition strength an important way .

  3. 保险行业属于服务型行业,本文通过对服务产品特性的深入研究,以及对保险公司及其服务的分析,探寻保险服务及服务管理的方法,从而达到提高保险服务质量的目的。

    The text was written in order to find the method of the insurance service and service management , through analyzing the characters of service product and the insurance company and product .