
  1. 二是提出了代理人和经纪人应该成为建设工程保险的展业中心,以及公估人应该成为建设工程保险的理赔中心等观点。

    The other is the view that agency and broker are the center of distribution , and adjuster should be the center of compensation .

  2. 本文第四部分将根据第三部分得出的结论,提出以下政策建议:降低外贸公司的交易成本,降低保险公司的展业成本,降低理赔不确定性成本等。

    At the fourth part of the paper it will give some suggestions for the developing of cargo insurance according to the analysis above , that is how to decreasing the cost of trade companies and the insurance companies .

  3. 在保险市场上,运用保险代理人展业,是各国保险公司常用的做法,其在保险业发达国家已经发展得相当成熟。

    In the insurance market , it is the common and mature practice to carry out business through the insurance agent all over the world .

  4. 保险代理人在保险代理合同的授权范围内,以保险人的名义在保险市场展业,从事保险业务活动,其在授权范围内所产生的一切法律后果,均由保险人承担。

    Within the range of authority from the contract , the agent develops businesses in the name of the underwriter , who bears the effects .