
  1. 通常情况下,提高利率会抵消此类风险,但当利率水平高到了引发你希望对其保险的违约的程度时,它就不会抵消风险。

    Normally , a higher interest rate would compensate for such risk , but this does not work when the rate become so high that it triggers the default you want to insure against .

  2. 第4章是对具体情况下风险转移问题的研究,主要涉及交付、特定化、集装箱运输方式、保险和违约等与风险转移的关系和对风险转移规则的影响。

    Chapter Four : research on the problem of Passage of the Risk under the specific situation , probes into the relationships between delivery , appropriation , container transportation , Insurance , breach of the contract and the passage of the risk and the effect of transferring of risk .

  3. 这类违约将使为这些债务提供保险的信贷违约互换亏损面扩大。

    Such defaults would spread losses in credit default swaps , which insure such debt .

  4. radian和mgic等抵押保险公司通过销售违约保护产品,有助于缓和市场的动荡。

    Mortgage insurance providers such as radian and mgic help smooth the bumps in the market by selling protection against default .

  5. 毕竟,信用衍生品起码银行销售团队这些年卖给投资者的信用衍生品的全部意义在于,按说它们能为投资者提供保险,防范债券违约的风险。

    After all , the whole point of credit derivatives – at least , as they have been sold to many investors in recent years by banks ' sales teams – is that they are supposed to provide insurance for investors against the risk of a bond default .