
  1. 分析市场因素对保险产品定价的影响,保险产品差别定价的策略是保险业产品定价之良策。

    To analyze the influence and discrimination price strategy for insurance product is a good way for pricing .

  2. 本文以保险精算定价理论为基础,揭示出承保利润对保险产品价格变动的决定作用、保险精算定价在市场需求方面的缺陷,为我国城乡商业保险差别定价奠定了基础。

    This article which is based on actuarial pricing theory reveals the decisive role of insurance price changes to the underwriting profits and the deficiency of actuarial pricing in market demand , laying a theoretical foundation for differential pricing of urban and rural commercial insurance .