
  • 网络insurance period;period of insurance;Duration;Duration of Insurance
  1. 保险期限应按照b5和b4规定。

    The duration of insurance cover shall be in accordance with B5 and b4 .

  2. 保险期限可以由我们商定。

    The insurance period can be for an long as we agree .

  3. 如超过保险期限交付,必须事先书面通知本公司办理展延保险期限手续。

    Where delivery is made beyond the period of insurance , pervious written notice shall be given to the Company for an extension of the period of insurance .

  4. 赔偿请求应在保险期限内提出,引致赔偿请求的不当行为可以是在保险合同生效前发生。

    Claim ( s ) must be reported and made during the effective policy period . However , that misconduct which is purported to be the cause of the claims could be occurred prior to the policy inception .

  5. 航意险的保险期限是从被保险乘客踏入保单上载明的航班班机的舱门开始,到飞抵目的港走出舱门为止。

    The insurance time limit of boat idea a place difficult of access is from be stepped by insurance passenger carry on guarantee slip bright the port of airliner flight begins , to fly to till destination port walks out of port .

  6. 该计划还将失业保险的期限延长一年

    The plan also extends on unemployment insurance for another year .

  7. 但是宾夕法尼亚州的代表斯科特·佩特里说政府没有足够的资金来延长失业保险的期限。

    But Pennsylvania State Representative Scott Petri says governments simply do not have enough money to extend unemployment insurance .

  8. 根据工作搜寻理论,应用存活分析方法建立了含有失业保险给付期限因素的失业持续时间模型,并对青岛市失业者登记数据进行了实证研究。

    We apply survival analysis to our duration research and construct a Cox proportional hazard model based on the dynamic search theory .

  9. 本文对享受不同失业保险给付期限的失业者的失业持续时间差异进行了实证研究。

    The paper analyzes the effects of unemployment insurance ( UI ) duration on the unemployment duration using registered data of the unemployed men in Qingdao .

  10. 累计缴费时间10年以上的,领取失业保险金的期限最长为24个月。

    If the time period of paying premiums is not less than ten years , the maximum period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation is 24 months ;

  11. 领取失业保险金的期限根据缴费年限确定,最长为24个月。

    The period for drawing insurance money depends on the length of period for which one has paid the premiums , the maximum being 24 months .

  12. 领取失业保险金的期限可以与前次失业应领取而尚未领取的失业保险金的期限合并计算,但是最长不得超过24个月。

    The time period of receiving unemployment insurance compensation may be calculated together with the previous period in which he should have received but have not received unemployment insurance compensation , but the maximum time period may not be longer than 24 months .

  13. 监管机构和分析人士警告称,这种战略存在风险,因为很多保险理财产品期限较短,为一至两年,而销售所得被用来作长期投资,投入境外房地产或上市公司大笔股权等流动性较差资产。

    Regulators and analysts have warned that this strategy carries risks , since many insurance WMPs carry short maturities of one or two years , while proceeds are invested long-term in illiquid assets such as foreign real estate or large stakes in listed companies .

  14. 保险责任起止期限是多长?

    How long is the period from the commencement to termination of insurance ?

  15. 保险责任的起讫期限是多长?

    How long in the period from the commencement to termination of insurance ?

  16. 保险责任起至期限多长?

    How long is the period form the commencement to termination of insurance .

  17. 失业保险金的领取期限在什么情况下可延长?

    Below what circumstance can be the getting deadline of unemployed insurance gold lengthened ?

  18. 彼时的良好的市场环境,使保险机构忽视一般期限10个月锁定风险。

    To the good market environment , allowing insurance institutions to ignore the usual period of10 months locked risk .

  19. 被保险人的索赔期限,从损失发生之日起,不得超过两年。

    The time of validity of a claim under insurance shall not exceed a period of two year counting from the date of loss .

  20. 该部分首先从保险范围、保险期限角度,以全新的视角对住宅竣工交付后的质量责任体系进行了全面分析,阐述了质量责任与保险责任的关系。

    This section first from the insurance , the insurance period point of view , a new perspective on the housing after the completion of the Quality System to deliver a comprehensive analysis to explain the quality of the relationship between responsibility and insurance liability .

  21. 企业财产保险合同约定的保险期限一般为1年,也可以投保短期险,保险期满后,可以再续保,但续保须另办手续。

    The insurance time limit that contract of company worth insurance agrees is1 year commonly , also can cast guarantee short-term a place difficult of access , after insurance period is full , can renew protect , but add is protected must do procedure additionally .

  22. 医疗保险负责被保险人在保险期限内,因发生人身意外伤害保险责任范围内的意外事故所需费用,但每次事故的免赔额为5元。

    Medical treatment is sure to be in charge of insurant be inside insurance time limit , because produce the contingency place inside extent of liability of person accident injury insurance to require cost , but every time the franchise of the accident is5 yuan .

  23. 最后,论文讨论了工程保险费率与免赔额、保险期限之间的关系,结合工程保险实例,提出了工程保险实践中应注意的问题及建议。

    At the end of the dissertation , it focuses on the relationship between the insurance rate , franchise and insurance valid period . With some practical examples , it points out some relevant suggestions and opinions for engineering insurance practice .

  24. A:如何办理呢?B:您自己选择哪家保险公司的产品,保险金额、保险期限。

    A : How can I buy an insurance policy ? B : You should make choice of the insurance companies , the insured amount and the insurance period by yourself .

  25. 在保险利益原则下,海运货物保险人的责任期限是否真为“仓至仓”,应视不同的贸易术语而定。

    Under the insurance-interests principle , whether it is really " ware house to ware house " to transport the responsibility time limit of the goods insurer by sea , should depend on different trade terms .

  26. 留学生健康保险只支付规定限额内的住院费和治疗费,保险期限内医疗费给付累计总数以不超过保险金额为限。

    The medical treatment inside insurance time limit is expended pay accumulative total gross to be sure with exceeding amount in the limit of .