
  • 网络Insurance claim
  1. 在过去一年中,英国家庭保险理赔中最常见的物品是32英寸的东芝电视机,三星笔记本电脑和索尼PS游戏机。

    The most common items in home insurance claims over the past year were32in Toshiba televisions , Samsung laptop computers and Sony PlayStation games consoles .

  2. 与侵权赔偿不同的是保险理赔是基于保险合同而产生的,是一种合同之债。

    Infringement damages , insurance claims , is based on the insurance contract is a contractual obligation .

  3. 他在1990年将注意力转向他认为没有事实根据的理论,当时他与刺杀案研究员、前保险理赔调查员佩里(DavidPerry)一同进行研究,并对有关达拉斯一位已故警官是第二位持枪歹徒的说法表示怀疑。

    He turned his focus to theories he considered unfounded in 1990 , when he teamed up with David Perry , a former insurance-claims investigator turned assassination researcher , and discredited claims that a deceased Dallas police officer had been a second gunman .

  4. 汽车保险理赔岗位培训平台的构建与实施

    Automobile Insurance Adjustment on the Job Training Platform Construction and Implementation

  5. 侵权损害赔偿与保险理赔的冲突与协调

    The Conflict and Coordination between Compensation for Damage and Insurance Claim

  6. 中国保险理赔制度变迁的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis on the Institution Change of Chinese Insurance Claim

  7. 机动车第三者责任保险理赔次数分布模型研究

    Studies on the Claim Frequency Model of Automobile Third Party Liability Insurance

  8. 车辆保险理赔指南医疗保障覆盖水平较低;

    The coverage level of the medical insurance is low ;

  9. 船舶的适航性与保险理赔

    Vessel 's Seaworthiness and Settlement of Claims under Insurance

  10. 美国失能收入损失保险理赔疑难问题简析

    Problems on Settlement of Claim of Disability Income Insurance in the United States

  11. 保险理赔难的原因及解决对策

    The Causes for the Difficulty of Claim Settlement in Insurance and the Appropriate Countermeasures

  12. 风险模型在洪水保险理赔中的对比研究

    Comparative Study of Risk Model in Flood Insurance

  13. 听着,我们确实需要周末解决保险理赔的问题。

    Listen , we really need to sort out our insurance claim this weekend .

  14. 数据预处理在保险理赔预测中的应用

    Application of data pretreatment in claim fraud detection

  15. 关于保险理赔的概率分析

    The Probabilistic Analysis on the Insurance Claim

  16. 营造良好的社会环境,提高保险理赔效率。

    And finally improve the overall external environment to improve the efficiency of claim settlement .

  17. 车辆保险理赔指南机动车第三者责任强制保险制度研究

    The Study on the System of the Third Party Liability Compulsory Insurance on Motor Vehicle

  18. 这就是保险理赔。

    This is an insurance claim .

  19. 最后,杨燕拿到了保险理赔金。

    Finally , Yang received compensation .

  20. 个案管理在健康保险理赔管理中的运用

    Case Management in Health Insurance Indemnity

  21. 机动车保险理赔问题主要涉及保险学和法学两个领域的专业知识。

    The question of motor vehicle insurance claim mainly involves the insurance study and the legal science .

  22. 法医病理司法鉴定在刑事案件、民事纠纷、保险理赔等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    At present , forensic pathology is playing a very important role in criminal cases , civil disputes and insurance settlements .

  23. 而无论是侵权赔偿还是保险理赔都是为了合理填补受害人受到的损害,并且努力防止和减少事故的发生。

    Tort compensation or insurance claims are reasonable to fill the damage to the victim , and efforts to prevent and reduce accidents occur .

  24. 同时,死亡时间推断对保险理赔及财产继承等民事案件也具有一定的现实意义。

    At the same time , estimation of postmortem interval also has some practical significance in insurance indemnity and civil cases , such as property inheritance .

  25. 在典型的案例管理解决方案中,案例为贷款审批或汽车保险理赔等业务决策提供上下文。

    In typical case management solutions , a case provides context for making a business decision such as funding a loan or paying an auto insurance claim .

  26. 侵权赔偿及保险理赔之间的冲突是不可避免的,但是,我们不能让它们此消彼长,应该在立法上、具体实践中对两者进行协调。

    Infringement indemnification and insurance claims that conflict is inevitable , but we can not allow them to shift in the legislative coordination between the specific practice .

  27. 此举不仅使保险理赔纠纷出现后有更充分的法律依据,使纠纷在很大程度上有所减少,甚至杜绝。

    Would not only make the insurance claim disputes appear more fully after the legal basis so that dispute to a great extent reduced , or even eliminated .

  28. 即要让保险理赔充分发挥出损害补偿的功能,又要实现侵权损害赔偿惩罚与预防的功能。

    That is , to make insurance claims give full play to the damage compensation , but also achieve the function of the punishment and prevention of tort damages .

  29. 通过对中稻、晚稻生育期间的干旱模拟试验研究,建立了中、晚稻不同生育期受不同程度干旱的稻谷产量影响模式,为农业保险理赔估算提供了计算方法,经检验效果较好。

    Through the study on simulated arid test in the growing period of medium rice and late rice , the estimating model of agricultural safe pay for loss is established .

  30. 法律依据与适用主体的不同注定了侵权赔偿与保险理赔无论是在理论上还是在应用中都会有一定的冲突。

    The different legal basis and application of the main destined infringement indemnification and insurance claims , whether in theory or in the application , there will be some conflict .