
  • 网络INSURANCE;insurance clause;clause;insurance terms
  1. 在传统的保险条款下,很难准确计算财产的重置价值。

    With conventional insurance policies it is difficult to work out accurately the replacement value of your possessions .

  2. 合同中附加了保险条款。

    An insurance policy was annexed to the contract .

  3. 你们准备投保哪些险别?你们的保险条款规定了哪些险种?

    What cover will you take out ? What do your insurance clauses cover ?

  4. PICC远洋船舶保险条款修订探析

    An Exploration on the Amendment of Ocean-going Ship Insurance Terms of PICC

  5. 从PICC医疗责任保险条款看我国医疗责任保险制度

    A Glance at our Medical Liability Insurance System Through PICC Conditions Related

  6. 从实际问题出发,探讨了FIDIC、NEC合同条件和我国《施工合同(范本)》中,有关保险条款的异同点。

    From actual problems , insurance item were discussed about FIDIC , NEC and construction contract of China .

  7. 为迎接我国加入WTO,特撰此文将中国海洋运输货物保险条款(CIC)与伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款(ICC)进行比较,以便正确学习和运用之。

    The essay is written , greeting China 's entry to WTO , to make comparison between China Cargo Insurance Clauses and London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses in sea transport for the purpose of study and appliance .

  8. 人保海洋运输货物保险条款中的一切险条款

    Analysis of " all risks " clause in PICC marine cargo insurance

  9. 保险条款的效力评价&新《保险法》第十九条的理解与适用

    Interpretation and application of the Article 19 of the new Insurance Law

  10. 如果发生意外,这个保险条款仍然适用。

    This provision of the insurance policy applies in case of accident .

  11. 我国保险条款可读性分析及其通俗化研究

    The readability analysis of China 's insurance clauses and its popularization study

  12. 论保险条款、费率之审批

    On Examination and Approval of Insurance Clause and Premium Rate

  13. 它指在保险条款中提到的所有危险。

    It means all risks mentioned in the policy .

  14. 我刚刚在想你的保险条款。

    I was just thinking about your insurance policy .

  15. 协会航空货物保险条款合同上附加了保险条款。

    Institute Air Cargo Clause An insurance policy was annexed to the contract .

  16. 船舶保险条款中的恐怖活动风险

    Risk of Terrorism in Ship Insurance Activity Show

  17. 海上保险条款是商人们从事海上保险业的惯例的反映。

    Marine hull insurance clauses embody the usage of insurance amongst the merchant adventures .

  18. 国内外工程施工合同保险条款的比较与理论诠释

    Comparison and Academic Annotation of Insurance Item About Domestic and International Construction Engineering Contract

  19. 但是对被担保公司的种类以及保险条款上各有不同。

    But which firms they will insure , and on what terms , varies .

  20. 审慎的保险条款。

    A prudent insurance policy .

  21. 国际货物运输保险条款

    International Cargo Transportation Insurance Clauses

  22. 海洋运输货物保险条款

    Ocean marine cargo insurance clauses

  23. 这是该公司的海洋运输货物保险条款。

    Marine risk ( Insurance ) Here is the copy of the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of PICC .

  24. 协会航空货物保险条款

    Institute Air Cargo Clause

  25. 英国协会船舶抵押权人利益保险条款是目前发展最完善,应用也最广泛的标准条款。

    The Institute Clauses is the standard clause that now the most developed and the most widely used .

  26. 他还提到一些成长中的业务,例如可以补充其保险条款的个性化支持服务。

    He also points to growing businesses , such as personalised assistance services , that complement its insurance provision .

  27. 根据共同保险条款,保险人通常必须付全部费用的百分之二十。

    According to co-insurance clauses , the insured person must pay usually 20 percent of the total expenses covered .

  28. 对协会船舶定期保险条款与定期保险限制条件条款中污染危险条款的理解

    The Apprehension on the Pollution Hazard Clause of Time Clause-Hulls & Time Restricted Conditions Clause-Hulls on the Institute Vessels

  29. 我国目前的车辆保险条款中只有无赔款优待折扣这一条。

    So far there is only No Claims Discount , NCD , in the automobile insurance items in our country .

  30. 是这样的。当在起草保险条款时,经纪人给我们一份保险通知。

    It works like this . While the policy is being prepared , the broker sends us a cover note .