
  • 网络Period of Insurance
  1. 保险有效期还有一个月。

    The insurance runs for another month .

  2. 另外,保险有效期内的市场竞争状况,以及突发事件的发生都属于不确定因素。

    In addition , the life insurance market competitions , as well as the occurrence of unexpected events are uncertainties .

  3. 我的保险单有效期只剩下一周了。

    My insurance policy 's only got another week to run .

  4. 健康保险赔款准备金是保险公司对健康保险保单有效期内已发生但尚未理赔的保险事故未来的赔偿和给付提取的准备金。

    Claim reserve in health insurance is a kind of reserve which is collected for the incurred claims in the policy period .