
  • 网络Blackstone;Blackstone Group LP;Blackrock;the blackstone group
  1. 黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)是最大的金融保荐费支付者,拿出了1.19亿美元。

    Blackstone Group was the leading financial sponsor fee payer with $ 119m .

  2. 黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)日前公布了上市四年以来业绩最好的一份季报。

    The Blackstone Group ( BX ) this morning reported its best quarterly earnings since going public four years ago .

  3. 黑石集团还在帮助一家消费者公司中国蓝星(chinanationalbluestar)进行海外投资。

    Blackstone is also helping China National Bluestar , a consumer company in which it has a stake , make overseas investments .

  4. 黑石集团(Blackstone)在2012年以4.15亿英镑的价格,将Nido项目出售给了房地产投资公司RoundHillCapital。

    ( Blackstone sold that same portfolio to Round Hill Capital in 2012 for & # 163 ; 415 million . )

  5. 该公司的首个重大举动是购入黑石集团(blackstonegroup)少量没有投票权的股份。

    The first big move has been to buy a small stake , with no voting right , in the Blackstone Group .

  6. 现在像黑石集团(Blackstone)这样的投资者以及西门子(SiemensAG)等供应商则希望扭转这一势头。

    Now , investors like Blackstone Group LP and suppliers like Siemens AG are looking to buck that trend .

  7. 但还有很多公司按兵不动,比如KKR&Co.和黑石集团(BlackstoneGroupLP)等知名品牌。

    Yet many other firms , including big-name players such as KKR & Co. and Blackstone Group LP , are holding back .

  8. 私募股权巨头黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)指出,自己拥有180亿美元的资金,也将在市场动荡时期寻找机会。

    Noting the $ 18 billion war chest in its possession , the private equity giant Blackstone Group said it would look for opportunities in the market turmoil .

  9. 这一个月来,黑石集团(Blackstone)的很多高管每周七天地艰苦工作,为上周五斥资230亿美元(约合1400亿元人民币)收购通用电气公司(GeneralElectric,简称GE)的抵押贷款和写字楼做准备。

    Many Blackstone executives worked grueling seven-day weeks for a month to put together last Friday 's $ 23 billion acquisition of mortgages and office buildings from General Electric .

  10. 第一份竞购出价来自于黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup),与之携手的是规模相对较小的私募股权公司FranciscoPartners和InsightVenturePartners。

    The first rival offer comes from the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , which is working with smaller private equity firms Francisco partners and insight venture partners .

  11. 那么,KKR和黑石集团孰对孰错?

    So is KKR correct and Blackstone is wrong ?

  12. 公司目前由私募基金中桥合伙公司(CenterbridgePartners)、保尔森基金公司(Paulson&Co.)和黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)所有。

    The company is now owned by private equity firms centerbridge partners , Paulson & Co. and Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  13. 比如,黑石集团(Blackstone)CEO史蒂夫o施瓦茨曼就拥有好几块斯沃琪表,他尤其热衷颜色鲜艳,设计前卫的款式。

    Witness Steve Schwarzman , CEO of Blackstone . Schwarzman not only owns multiple Swatches , he wears them in funky colors and designs .

  14. 因为上个月就有报道称,拉扎里迪斯已联系了黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)和凯雷资本(CarlyleGroup)等私募公司。

    For example , there were reports last month that Lazaridis had reached out to private equity firms like the Blackstone Group ( BX ) and the Carlyle Group ( CG ) .

  15. 1996年我从宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)毕业后的第一份工作是在黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup),那是纽约的一家大型金融服务公司。

    After I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1996 , my first job was at the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , a large financial services firm in New York .

  16. 由于私人股本集团bcpartners、cvccapital和黑石集团(blackstone)均有意收购立博,此次分拆也可能导致立博被其中某家收购。

    The separation could also see Ladbrokes acquired by a private equity group , with BC partners , CVC capital and Blackstone all interested in buying it .

  17. 不仅意外于其庞大的营收数据,也意外于KKR如何能超越竞争对手黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)做到这一点。

    Not only at the mammoth revenue number , but also at how KKR made the cut while rival the Blackstone Group ( BX ) did not .

  18. 如今,我们了解到了他下一站落脚的地方&黑石集团(theBlackstoneGroup),它刚好也是2006年收购尼尔森的6家私募股权公司之一(尼尔森在2011年重返公开交易市场)。

    Now we know his next stop : the Blackstone Group , one of six private equity firms that purchased Nielsen in 2006 ( it returned to the public markets in 2011 ) .

  19. 它还包括了该公司近期接受“询价”的详情,这轮询价后,戴尔获得了黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)和卡尔?伊坎不具约束力的投资意向。

    The proxy also includes details from the company 's recent " go-shop " period , which resulted in nonbinding indications of interest from The Blackstone Group ( BX ) and Carl Icahn .

  20. 周一晚间,美国奥巴马总统出席了黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)总裁托尼•詹姆斯在纽约公园大道公寓内举行的晚宴,席间他极力鼓动这些华尔街人士,向每位到场者募集了35800美元。

    President Obama last night spent time at the Park Avenue apartment of Blackstone Group ( BX ) President Tony James , to press the Wall Street flesh and collect $ 35,800 per plate .

  21. 今天要关注的是一条独家新闻:CalPERS正在与黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)就一个大型的定制托管账户进行谈判,目前谈判已经到了收关阶段。

    For today , some related scoop : CalPERS is in the final stages of negotiating a large , custom-managed account with the Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  22. 据报道,达美航空已经聘请了黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)研究交易的可能性,而全美航空也聘请巴克莱(Barclays)银行从事同样的工作。

    Delta has reportedly hired the Blackstone Group ( BX ) to look into a possible deal while US Airways ( LCC ) has hired Barclays ( BCS ) to do the same .

  23. 本刊已经了解到,黑石集团(Blackstone)正在认真考虑对戴尔提出收购,而且它希望迈克尔•戴尔能站在自己这一边。

    Fortune has learned that Blackstone is seriously considering a bid , and that it would prefer to have Michael Dell on its side .

  24. 黑石集团的首选之一是惠普(Hewlett-Packard)前首席执行官,目前在甲骨文(Oracle)担任总裁兼董事的马克•赫德。

    One of its top choices is Mark Hurd , the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who currently serves as president and a board member of Oracle ( orcl ) .

  25. KKR(KohlbergKravisRoberts)和黑石集团近几个月来的筹资额达到创纪录水平,这使它们得以进行规模巨大的公司收购。

    Record fund-raisings in recent months by KKR and Blackstone have given them the muscle for huge corporate takeovers .

  26. 黑石集团的主打私募股权基金早就已经进行能源投资,比如最近宣布与AltaResources成立10亿美元的合资企业,计划在北美收购和开发非传统油气资产。

    Blackstone already makes energy investments out of its main private equity fund , such the recently-announced $ 1 billion joint venture with Alta resources to acquire and develop unconventional oil and gas assets in North America .

  27. 两相比较,不仅股东们会拒绝现有出价,也有助于黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)和卡尔•伊坎(CarlIcahn)等竞争对手的更高出价获得银行融资。

    Not only would the comparison spur shareholders to reject the existing offer , but it also would help rivals like the Blackstone Group ( BX ) and Carl Icahn secure bank financing for higher bids .

  28. 2007年,即最近一轮经济衰退开始前不久,黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)以200亿美元将希尔顿私有化,当时酒店运营公司普遍受到商业旅行者和度假者减少、以及房地产价格下跌的冲击。

    The Blackstone Group ( BX ) took it private for $ 20 billion in 2007 , shortly after the recession began , as hotel operators were hurt by a drop in business travel , fewer vacationers , and falling real estate prices .

  29. 私募股权投资巨头黑石集团Blackstone最近出资收购了美国犹他州普若佛市一间专事安装家庭保全系统的公司的股权并为其估值20亿美元。

    The powerhouse private equity firm Blackstone recently invested in an Provo , Utah company that installs home security systems in an equity deal that valued it at $ 2 billion .

  30. 在公园大道黑石集团总部顶楼一个可以俯瞰上东区、用木壁板装潢的会议室中,苏世民接受了75分钟长的采访。他谈的主要是这个奖学金项目,虽然也比较简短地讨论了GE的交易。

    During a 75-minute interview in a wood-paneled penthouse meeting room overlooking the Upper East Side at Blackstone 's headquarters on Park Avenue , Mr. Schwarzman spoke mainly about the scholars program , while discussing the G.E. deal more briefly .