
  • 网络high-level decision-making
  1. 确定需要高层决策的事宜;

    Determining the arrangements that need the high-level decision-making ;

  2. 作为决策支持系统(DecisionSupportSystem,简称DSS)研究的重要分支之一。SDSS的结构框架、设计原理在DSS的基础上向前发展,刻意强调面向企业高层决策者。

    As one of research branches of Decision Support System ( short for DSS ), the framework of SDSS and design principium of SDSS developed forward focusing on that facing high decision-maker of firm .

  3. OPC-XML技术的出现,可以加快实现企业应用与控制层的信息集成,为企业进行高层决策和实现客户服务透明化提供强有力的保障,为实现网络化和分布化提供良好的技术支持。

    An example for using OPC-XML technique to realize data access is given . The OPC-XML technique can speed up the information integration of the enterprise 's application and control level , thereby provides a powerful technical support for the network application in the enterprise .

  4. 战略决策是企业高层决策者重要的管理职能。

    Strategic decision is an important management function for top decision-maker .

  5. 仿真类人机器人设计及高层决策方法的研究

    Research on Design of Simulation Humanoid Robot and High Level Strategy

  6. 高层决策的系统机制与决策支持中心

    The System Mechanism of High Decision and Decision Support Centre

  7. 以周报月报等方式为高层决策提供市场分析。

    Provide marketing insights and weekly and monthly updates to senior management .

  8. 国外一位高层决策者上月底承认。

    Admitted one senior international policymaker late last month .

  9. 有能力帮助高层决策者。

    Have the capacity to address top decision-makers .

  10. 高层决策者的社会性别平等意识

    Decision-makers Reveal Awareness of Social Gender Equality

  11. 案例研究有了新的含义,现在高官们面临更严厉的高层决策和大规模的业务问题。

    Case studies have new meaning , now that executives face tougher decisions and large-scale business problems .

  12. 兵力需求是高层决策机关在平时进行战场建设,战时实施兵力集结与调动的基本依据。

    The military strength demand evaluation is a basis for troops construction in peacetime and troops manoeuvre in wartime .

  13. 不过总体上,马克斯·哈斯丁在将人物故事、重大事件与高层决策编纂成书方面十分出色。

    Overall , however , Mr Hastings does an admirable job of weaving together deeply personal stories with great events and high strategy .

  14. 家庭成员居多的现象逐步减少,管理人员与技术人员开始较多地参与企业高层决策;

    Leadership structur of business is socialized , professional , and family members reduced , and managers and technical staff begin to participate decision .

  15. 它已成为中国高层决策者及经济规划者与国际商界、学术界相互交流沟通的重要平台。

    The forum serves as a significant platform for business and academic leaders to interact with China 's top decision makers and economic planners .

  16. 非食品价格涨幅仍保持在不到1%的较低水平,但这一事实并未缓解高层决策者的紧张情绪。

    The fact that non-food price gains have remained low , at less than 1 per cent , has not calmed the nerves of senior policymakers .

  17. 中国宣布新组建5个超级大部,这是精简臃肿官僚机构,明确界定职责努力的一部分。此前,这些职责相互冲突,阻碍高层决策。

    China has announced five new super-ministries as part of an effort to streamline a bloated bureaucracy and clarify conflicting responsibilities that stymie top-level decision making .

  18. 高层决策仍然在少数人手中,而且一个内向型的官僚讨厌听到反对的声音或者向其他城市学习。

    Top level decision making remains in very few hands and an inward looking-bureaucracy is loathe to listen to contrary voices or learn from other cities .

  19. 实现了多种形式情报简报的自动生成,从而提高了系统情报分析和情报服务的效率,为企业高层决策提供支持。

    Because of many kinds of intelligence briefing automatic generating , it improves the intelligence analysis and intelligence service efficiency which provides support for senior management decision-making .

  20. 同时,本文还从基层员工、中层管理者、高层决策者三个层次提出银行英语的推广的重点和方向。

    At the same time , this paper from the grass-roots workers , middle managers , high-level policy makers raised three levels banks English promotional focus and direction .

  21. 证实该方法可以提供给高层决策者完整、及时、准确、立体多方位的决策信息,达到了提供全面决策支持服务的目的。

    The results show that the algorithm can provide integrity , in time accurate , comprehensive decision information , and realize the purpose of general decision support service .

  22. 调查对象认为,无法获得高层决策者的认可是实施共享服务的一个重要障碍,因为这种支持对资源分配来说极其重要。

    Survey respondents consider the failure to secure buy-in from senior decision makers a key impediment to installing shared services , because such support is critical to resource allocation .

  23. 该系统高层决策支持中心主要由信息采集与传输模块、信息服务模块、防洪调度决策会商模块、数据库及管理模块等组成;

    The center of this system is composed of information collection and transmission modules , information service modules , flood dispatching decision consultation modules , database and management module .

  24. 对于欧盟和中国官员举行会议的频率出现了分歧,且中国已不太愿意派出最高层决策者。

    There have been disagreements over how often EU and Chinese officials should meet , and China has shown reluctance to bring its most senior policymakers to the table .

  25. 执行人员、管理人员和高层决策者能够从多种角度对企业业务信息进行一致、快速地访问,从而获得对企业经营的深入了解。

    Top executives , managers and all level decision makers and executors therefore are able to have immediate and consistent access to operation information and form in-depth understanding to the business .

  26. 通过对大量的研究和实验结果的归纳总结,指出模型预测控制是未来飞行器控制,特别是飞行器高层决策系统中的一种具有发展前途的控制策略。

    Through summarization of the research and test results , it is pointed out that MFC is a promising aircraft control , especially aircraft high-level decision control strategy in the future .

  27. 随着信息技术在金融领域广泛而深入的应用,信息系统的可持续运营问题已经日益成为该行业高层决策者们关注的焦点。

    As information technology in the financial field extensive and intensive application of the sustainable operation of information systems issues has increasingly become high-level decision-makers in the industry the focus of attention .

  28. 进而,结合国情,提出了我国发展知识经济框架下人力资源管理的模式和策略.它们可作为人力资源管理的高层决策的依据和参考。

    Further , within the frame of developing knowledge-based economy in our country , some new ideas of human resource management are proposed , which can be referred by top level decision makers .

  29. 凭我过去35年搞外交政策的经验,我认为高层决策者之间的讨论以及由此发展的个人关系是建立合作的关键。

    Direct discussions between senior policymakers and the personal ties that result from such discussions in my view over the last 35 years of conducting foreign policy are the keys to building cooperation .

  30. 管理驾驶舱系统是商务智能系统的高层决策支持系统,通过详尽的指标体系,实时反映企业的运行状态,将采集的数据形象化、直观化、具体化。

    The management cockpit system is a high-level decision support system for business intelligence system , reflecting the real-time running , the collected data visualization , intuitive , concrete , detailed index system .