
Buying large amounts of low-priced stocks rather than smaller amounts of higher-priced stocks .
But if they are not , market-value indices will tend to overweight expensive stocks and underweight cheap ones .
Finally , the proportion of adverse selection cost in bid-ask spreads of the stocks with high price level is higher than that of the stocks with lower price level .
However , for high-price stocks , the tick size is so small that it can appear " break-in " phenomenon , reduce the quotation size and decrease the liquidity and the aspiration of revealing information .
Since its launch of more than one year ago , the market has been in a crazy pursuit of it , which resulted in a time of heavy share distribution and made GEM the first stock market for the benefit .
The results showed : ( 1 ) There was no significant effect of share price levels on decision time , but a significant effect on the degree of conflict that subjects felt . The subjects felt much higher conflict when choosing from the stocks with higher share price ;