
  1. 购买了大量的低价股,而不是少量的高价股。

    Buying large amounts of low-priced stocks rather than smaller amounts of higher-priced stocks .

  2. 但是,如果情况并非如此,高价股在市场价值指数中的权重将会高估,而低价股则会低估。

    But if they are not , market-value indices will tend to overweight expensive stocks and underweight cheap ones .

  3. 此外,高价股买卖价差中的逆向选择成本所占比例高于低价股价差中的逆向选择成本比例。

    Finally , the proportion of adverse selection cost in bid-ask spreads of the stocks with high price level is higher than that of the stocks with lower price level .

  4. 相反,对于高价股,由于0.01元制定的过小,则会出现插队现象,降低了交易者申报订单的规模,因此降低了市场的流动性和信息的披露。

    However , for high-price stocks , the tick size is so small that it can appear " break-in " phenomenon , reduce the quotation size and decrease the liquidity and the aspiration of revealing information .

  5. 从推出至今一年多的时间里受到了市场的疯狂追捧,造成一次次的高价股发行,使创业板俨然成为我国股市的第一造福机器。

    Since its launch of more than one year ago , the market has been in a crazy pursuit of it , which resulted in a time of heavy share distribution and made GEM the first stock market for the benefit .

  6. 实验结果表明,股价对股票选择时间没有显著影响,但对被试体验到的冲突强度有明显影响,被试选择高价股时感受到的冲突强度显著高于选择低价股时感受到的冲突强度;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) There was no significant effect of share price levels on decision time , but a significant effect on the degree of conflict that subjects felt . The subjects felt much higher conflict when choosing from the stocks with higher share price ;