
xiāng zào
  • toilet soap;perfumed soap;scented soap;toilet (perfumed,scented) soap
香皂 [xiāng zào]
  • [toilet (perfumed,scented) soap] 一种对皮肤无刺激性的肥皂,用高质量的脂肪物质制造,通常是经过研磨和模压而制成块状的,常加入香料和颜色并用防腐剂使之稳定化

香皂[xiāng zào]
  1. 这种香皂起泡很多,并且有好几种香味。

    This toilet soap lathers so nicely and has several fragrances .

  2. 香皂生产线成套设备

    Complete equipment for toilet soap manufacturing

  3. 我换了块新香皂,结果就起了严重的疹子。

    When I changed to a new soap I came out in a terrible rash .

  4. 四个人当中就有三个选中“舒肤佳”牌香皂!

    Three out of four people choose " safeguard " soap !

  5. 你们有哪些香皂?

    What do you have in the way of toiler soap ?

  6. 当客人们度过一个很愉快的晚上满意而去后,她来到洗澡间,发现毛巾和香皂都无人用过…因为她贴的条子还在上面。

    When the guests left after a successful evening , she went into the bathroom and xiaogushi8.com found towels and soap untouched … with her warning notes still on them .

  7. 他把客人用的毛巾、香皂都放在洗澡间。为了不让她的小孩们先把这些东西用了,她在上面贴了张条子。上面写着:用一下,我就杀了你们。

    She put guest towels and soap in the bathroom , and , not wanting her teenagers to use them first , attached warning notes that read : " Use these , I 'll kill you . "

  8. Method颠覆了香皂、清洁剂等日用品的概念,将高性能的环保产品与时尚个性融合。

    Method hijacked the stale category of soaps and cleansers by combining fashion and style with high-performing , eco-friendly products .

  9. 去年11月,我在《华尔街日报》(TheWallStreetJournal)的女同事发现了我用在脸上的唯一产品是香皂。

    LAST NOVEMBER , my female co-workers at The Wall Street Journal discovered that the sole product I used on my face was soap .

  10. 培根香皂培根iPhone保护袋

    Bacon Soap iPhone Bacon Sleeve

  11. 结果表明N-酰基谷氨酸盐是制备高档皂的优良表面活性剂,它可以作为主要原料或辅助原料而用于制备洗涤皂、合成皂或优质香皂。

    It shows that these surfactants are one of the most excellent surfacts that can be applied in soaps . As the good detergent , it can be used to prepare synthetic soaps and toilet soaps as the main or additional material .

  12. 它不只可以用来喝:Dial公司推出了用椰汁做保湿剂的香皂和浴液——其包装盒上醒目地点出这一成分。

    And it 's not just for drinking : Dial has released a soap and a body wash that use coconut water as a hydrating agent - and as a powerful image on the package .

  13. 香皂品牌“帝王肌肤”使得安东尼·格林(家用产品公司PZCussons的前董事长)和Zochonis家族(公司所有者GeorgeZochonis的后裔)以5.41亿英镑资产名列榜单第170位。

    Soap brand Imperial Leather has helped power Anthony Green , former chairman of household products firm PZ Cussons , and the Zochonis family , descendants of company owner George Zochonis , to 170th on the list with a 541m pounds fortune .

  14. 收缩包装对香皂失水性的影响

    Influence of Shrink Packaging on the Fluid Loss Characteristic of Soap

  15. 本方法最低可以测定总黄酮含量在0.06%的蜂胶香皂样品。

    The minimum limit of detection for the method 0.06 % .

  16. 蜂胶香皂中黄酮成分的测定

    Determination of total flavone component in propolis - fancy - soap

  17. 手工香皂是公司新产品之一。

    One of the company 's new products is couture soap .

  18. 所有事物平等,胖人用更多的香皂。

    All things being equal , fat people use more soap .

  19. 靓女们喜欢这种香气高雅的香皂。

    Ladies like this kind of scented soap with elegant smell .

  20. 但是较年长的孩子通常买花或香皂或巧克力。

    But older children usually buy flowers or soap or chocolate .

  21. 手工香皂中有一种常见成分:抗菌性三氯生。

    The antimicrobial triclosan is a common ingredient in hand soap .

  22. 主营:纸香皂,香皂花,沐浴片。

    Main products : Paper soap , soap flower , bath confetti .

  23. 我记得她经常用象牙香皂。

    I do remember * She always used ivory soap .

  24. 香皂因此对所有感冒病毒都是有效的。

    Soap should therefore be effective against all flu viruses .

  25. 小鼹鼠用鼻子轻轻地碰了碰坚硬的香皂。

    The young mole touched the hard soap gently with his nose .

  26. 我制造并销售香皂,文明的尺度。

    I make and I sell soap ? the yardstick of civilization .

  27. 肥皂可以是香皂或其它皂类。

    The soap can be scented soap or other kinds of soaps .

  28. 它把一块香皂放在小鼹鼠面前。

    She laid a lump of sweet-smelling soap in front of him .

  29. 透明香皂、多功能香皂的发展

    Development of transparent soap and multi - functional soap

  30. 他们发现这种香皂非常普通。

    They discovered , however , this type of soap was very common .