
  • 网络Food festival
  1. 我们应该在哪举办国际食品节?

    Where should we have the international food festival ?

  2. 我们将在学校举办国际食品节。

    We 're going to have an international food festival at our school .

  3. 在咖啡厅,我们将推出非常好的澳洲西餐食品节。

    We will have a wonderful Australian food promotion soon in our caf é .

  4. 艾丽斯说,我认为我们应该举行一次国际食品节。

    ' ' I think we should have an international food festival , 'says Alice .

  5. 你来过我们在庆祝地球之日时举办的有机食品节吗?

    Did you come to the organic food festival we had to celebrate Earth Day ?

  6. 大国际食品节上。

    At the international food festival .

  7. 荔枝及精美食品节在6月末和7月初举行。

    Lichee and Fine Food Festival takes place in the end of June and early July .

  8. 沃尔玛迄今为止在国内举办规模最大、参展产品最多的一届“美国食品节”。

    It is the biggest American Food Festival with most assortments Wal-Mart had ever hosted in China .

  9. 在今年的国际食品节上,我吃到了很多以前没吃过的菜。

    At this year 's international food festival , I tried a lot of dishes that I 'd never had before .

  10. 在三月香港食品节举行期间,又筹办“中西美食大奖”,并从世界各地邀请了41位国际知名的美食家、食专栏作家和名厨担任评判。

    In march , in conjunction with the Hong Kong food festival , the culinary awards competition was judged by41 international gourmets , food-writers and chefs from around the world .

  11. 由美国农业贸易处与沃尔玛联合举办、以“尽享美国风情”为主题的“美国食品节”同时在北京、上海和深圳三个城市隆重开幕。

    Partnered with American Agriculture Trade Office , Wal-Mart kicks off American Food Festival in Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen , featuring the theme of " Enjoy the Most'America ′" .

  12. 四川正在举办食品文化节。

    Food festival sizzling in Sichuan .

  13. 中国人的节日一般都和食品有关,中秋节当然也不例外。

    As the Chinese festivals are usually related to food , the Mid-Autumn Festival is no exception .

  14. 一个强大的影响力,印度食品是长期素食节在印度的印度教,佛教和耆那教社区。

    Onestrong influence over Indian foods is the longstanding vegetarianismwithin sections of India 's Hindu , Buddhist and Jain communities .