
  • 网络Food Physical and Chemical analysis;Physical and chemical analysis of food
  1. 对《食品理化检验》实验教学改革的几点思考

    Think of Teaching Reform of " Food Physical-Chemical Testing "

  2. 《食品理化检验》实验课教学改革实践

    Teaching Reform Practice of Experiment Course of Food Physical and Chemical Examination

  3. 《食品理化检验与分析》课程教学改革尝试浅析食品检测实验室信息化管理建设

    Trial on the Teaching Reform of Physical and Chemical Test and Analysis of Food ; Initial study on informatization construction in food inspection Lab

  4. 2003版食品卫生理化检验方法技术含量高,大量采用现代分析技术;

    The 2003 version of the Methods of Food Hygienic Analysis adopted a large number of modern techniques recommended by CAC and AOAC .

  5. 方法:参照《药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准》,按照《中国食品卫生理化检验手册》1997版检测,用石墨炉原子吸收仪等仪器测定铅、镉;

    Methods : With reference to 《 The Professional Import and Export Stands for Medicinal Herbs and Preparations 》, and 《 Handbook of Chinese Hygienic and Physiochemical Assaying for Food 》 ( 1997 ), plumbum and cadmium with the help of graphitic furnace atomic absorption spectometry ;