
  • 网络Food Wrapping Paper;Food wrap paper;Food packaging paper
  1. 光触媒抗菌食品包装纸的试制

    Trial Preparation of Food Wrapping Paper with Photocatalyst

  2. 纸制品中检出了重金属、荧光性物质、甲醛、细菌、甲苯等有害物质,提出加强对生活用纸、食品包装纸、室内装饰装修用纸中有毒有害物质的检测和控制的建议。

    The harmful heavy metals , fluorescence , formaldehyde , bacteria and toluene existed in paper products were tested . It is suggested that it should be strengthened in the test and control measures of harmful substances in household paper , food wrapping paper , indoor decorating and refurnishing paper .

  3. 双层塑蜡彩印食品包装纸

    Double-layer Plastic-wax Color-printed Packing Paper for Food

  4. 食品包装纸中模拟污染物分配系数的研究

    Determination of Partition Coefficients of Model Organic Contaminants between Paper Base Food Packaging Materials and Air

  5. 被认为会影响荷尔蒙或类雌性荷尔蒙的化学制品被证明是食品包装纸、塑料制品和香水。

    Chemicals that are believed to affect hormones or mimic female hormones are found in food wrappings , plastic goods and perfumes .

  6. 本文介绍了该消毒柜的设计方法及其对陶瓷菜盘、食品包装纸和冰棍儿杆进行微波消毒的试验研究。

    Design of the cabinet and research on disinfecting china plates , food packing papers and ice - lolly shafts by microwaves are introduced .

  7. 在印度大部分地区,司空见惯的是丢弃的瓶子和皱巴巴的食品包装纸,还有混杂着的牛粪,情况甚至会更糟。

    Discarded bottles and crumpled food wrappers mixed with cow dung - and worse - are simply part of the topography in most of the country .

  8. 一箱标准的配给食物必须分给14个人。食品包装纸中模拟污染物分配系数的研究

    The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men . Determination of Partition Coefficients of Model Organic Contaminants between Paper Base Food Packaging Materials and Air