
  1. 医疗风险管理组织结构体系构建研究

    Construction of structure system of medical risk management

  2. 建立健全的风险管理组织架构是实现企业风险管理目标的组织保障。

    The organization structure of the provincial quality control and supervision to the higher education ;

  3. 探讨了代建活动中虚拟项目组织的风险管理组织和活动;

    Economics and management theory have been used to analyze the theory base of virtual organization in this dissertation .

  4. 完善的声誉风险管理组织体系是有效实施声誉风险管理的基本保障。

    Perfected organizational system of managing the reputation risk basically guarantees the effective implementation of managing the reputation risk .

  5. 为此本文设计了我国商业银行操作风险管理组织结构与管理程序的理想模式。

    Based on the theory of risk management procedure , this paper analyzes the present situation of operational risk management in domestic banks .

  6. 三是根据相互制约的原理,把多种有效的监管方法组合起来,针对社保政策性金融机构设计了完整的风险管理组织体系。

    Last , a completed organizing system of risk management is designed according to the principle of mutual constraint , in which diversified effective supervisions are combined .

  7. 在信用风险管理组织的结构设计部分,论文对信用风险管理组织的职能模块、信用管理人员的设置及相关人员的岗位职责、人员配置规模以及建设预算进行了系统设计;

    In this paper , the function module , the post and the responsibility of personnel , the personnel scales as well as the budget are designed in detail .

  8. 项目实施阶段,风险管理组织主要由承包商的项目管理团队进行管理,承包商公司对其进行指导和帮助。

    In project implementation process , the risk management organization shall be managed by project management team of the contractor and the contractor company shall provide guidance and assistance .

  9. 项目投标阶段,风险管理组织由承包商公司级进行管理,相应的专家和项目投标人员参与。

    In project bidding process , the risk management organization shall be managed by contractor company and relevant experts and bidders of the project shall participate in the management .

  10. 方法制订完善的护理应急预案,成立健全的护理风险管理组织,设置科学、灵活的演练场景及方法,坚持质量持续改进。

    Method We established perfect nursing emergency project , set up nursing risk management team , designed scientific and flexible drilling scene and methods and focused on continuity quality improvement .

  11. 包括建立健全运营操作风险管理组织、完善运营部门的管理和操作职能、加强运营操作风险管理的制度建设和监督检查。

    Establish sound operation risk management system , including establish sound operation risk management organization , perfect management and operation function of operation department , and strengthen system construction and supervision .

  12. 以人为核心,分别对人的不安全行为、风险管理组织建设、安全文化建设、应急救援体系建设、教育培训和绩效考核方法进行了研究,并建立了相应的方法和体系。

    With the core of human , it has analyzed the humanistic system , such as unsafe behaviors , risk management organization , safety culture , emergency rescue system , education and training and performance evaluation method , and built the corresponding methods and systems .

  13. 虚拟企业风险管理的组织化分布式决策模型

    Organizational distributed decision making model for risk management of virtual enterprise

  14. 方法建立风险管理的组织架构,对本科室工作中高风险的护理行为实行告知制度和采取防范措施。

    Methods The authors established the frameworks of risk management , performed informing system and took preventive measures .

  15. 完善项目投资风险管理的组织,加强企业风险管理人员素质以规避项目面临的经营管理风险。

    Improvement of the investment risk management organization and enhancement the quality of personnel help reduce the operation risk .

  16. 并为风险管理的组织机构和人员队伍建设,航天企业全面风险管理文化的营造和培育指明了方向。

    It is also shows the directions of risk management organization and team construction , build and nurture aerospace enterprise overall risk management culture .

  17. 由于我国商业银行公司治理机制存在着天生的不足,使其风险管理的组织结构和风险评估体系也难以达到现代风险管理的要求,从而致使新协议的第三支柱难以发挥作用。

    Due to the inborn insufficiency of the management mechanism in our commercial banks , the organization of risk management and risk assessment system have difficulty in meeting corresponding requirements , which consequently makes it difficult for the third pillar to bring into play .

  18. 国际工程承包风险管理超文本组织的架构

    Structure of hypertext organization of international project risk management

  19. 国内外许多专家认为,信息安全风险管理是解决组织安全问题最有效的、科学的方法。

    Many expert consider that the most effective and scientific way to resolve organization security problems is risk management .

  20. 本文以交易费用理论为桥梁,将消费信贷信用风险管理与网络组织结合起来。

    In this paper , the transaction cost theory is a bridge to link the risk management of consumer credit and network organization .

  21. 管理计划包括下述内容:计划的目的、成本估算、进度、质量保证、风险管理战略、组织管理、跟踪和控制机制等。

    Management plan consists of the aims , cost estimate , schedule , quality guarantee , risk management strategy , organization , monitoring , and controlling .

  22. 一家银行应该以与自身风险管理战略和组织结构相吻合的方式组织合规部门,并为合规风险管理设定优先考虑的事项。

    A bank should organize its compliance function and set priorities for the management of its compliance risk in a way that is consistent with its own risk management strategy and structures .

  23. 按照《新资本协议》的要求,中国商业银行在风险管理观念、组织体系、信息系统和数据库等方面还存在比较大的差距。

    In contrast to the new accord , operational risk management in our commercial banks has problems in many aspects , especially concept , management structure , information system and data base and so on .

  24. 研究成果完善和丰富了高速公路项目运营阶段风险管理理论与组织内部行为风险预警理论,对高速公路项目运营风险管理实践具有一定指导和借鉴作用。

    Risk management theory in the stage of expressway project operation and behavioral risk early warning theory within organization were improved and enriched by research achievements , which would give certain guidance and reference to operational risk management practice in expressway project .

  25. 重点分析了项目组织风险管理,分别从组织结构形式设计、组织制度和组织管理创新、基于SNA的组织风险管理以及基于CAS理论的项目组织管理等几个方面提出了降低组织风险的对策。

    Analysing the project risk management organization , respectively from the structure design , system and organizational management innovation , risk management organization based on the SNA and on CAS theory of project management and so on to put forward countermeasures of reducing the risk of organization risk management .

  26. 陈家山矿风险管理研究对预防组织失误有现实意义。

    The study is significant in preventing organizational error in mines .

  27. 要对突发性环境污染事故进行风险管理,需要有组织的风险管理体系和风险管理计划。通常克服电磁污染的方法有屏蔽和吸收。

    It needs well organized risk management system and well prepared risk management plan to deal with the accidental pollution risk .

  28. 本方案中对基于风险管理的系统测试组织架构进行了详细的设计,明确了相应角色的组成及责任和义务。

    The plan of system testing based on the fixed organization , and all of the roles defined with clear responsibility .

  29. 内部审计不同于外部审计和管理咨询,内部审计能实施风险管理,为实现组织目标服务。

    The internal audit is different from external audit and management consult , it can implement risk management to achieve organizational goals .

  30. 近半个世纪以来,无论是金融风险管理的理念和组织架构,还是金融风险管理的具体内容和方法,都发生了巨大的变化。

    Since nearly half century , finance risk management has had many huge changes in management idea , organization system , risk management content and the method .