
  1. 从金融机构来说,拟定适合自身的风险管理目标与政策、搭建VaR应用的基础环境、重整风险管理流程,三方面内容不可偏废。

    The financial institution should draft the risk management objectives and policy suitable for oneself , create the basic environment that VaR uses , and combine the risk management procedure , these three respects are equally important .

  2. 我们还应该拟订汇率风险管理目标与政策。

    Besides , we should draw up the targets and policies in foreign exchange risk management .

  3. 风险管理目标是度量并控制风险,使风险减小到指定的可接受的级别。

    The risk management goal is to measure and control risks so that risks can be mitigated to a specified acceptable level .

  4. 商业银行声誉风险管理目标确定之后,需要由风险管理组织体系予以实施。

    After identifying the management objectives of commercial bank 's reputation risk , it needs to be implemented by the organizational system of risk management .

  5. 分析了开放式证券投资基金的流动性风险管理目标以及进行流动性风险管理时面临的两难选择,提出了开放式证券投资基金流动性准备模型,并根据实际情况对该模型进行了讨论。

    The paper analyzes the dilemma of mutual fund 's liquidity risk management , brings forward the liquidity reserve model and discusses the practicality of the model .

  6. 主要包括基于项目的企业风险管理目标、文化、组织、方法、风险管理信息系统等。

    The framework includes five major factors that are project-based enterprise risk management objectives , risk management culture , risk management organization , risk management methods , and risk management information systems .

  7. 内部资金转移价格在商业银行中的作用是多重的,与商业银行的定价目标、市场风险管理目标以及收益目标息息相关,内部资金转移定价的方法也有很多。

    As a multi-purpose instrument , internal fund transferring price is closely related with price target , market risk management target and profit target of commercial banks . There are various pricing approaches .

  8. 最后,提出了相应的风险管理目标以及加强投资风险管理以增强房地产开发商防范风险的能力,提高房地产开发商的竞争力等具有可操作性的做法与办法。

    Finally , the author advocates the corresponding risk management objectives , in order to enforce the ability of investing risk management and the ability of avoiding and resolving risk , and to enhance the competition among the real estate investors .

  9. 项目风险管理的目标可以被认为是使潜在机会或回报最大化、使潜在风险最小化。

    The object of the risk management is to maximize the return and to minimize the risk .

  10. 风险管理的目标就是以最小的经济代价,更安全、可靠地实现项目目标。

    Risk management objective is to minimize the economic cost , more safely and reliably achieve the project objectives .

  11. 因此,公共风险管理的目标应该是尽量减少与风险相关的代价,而不是彻底消除。

    Therefore , the objective of public risk management should be minimization , not elimination , of risk-related costs .

  12. 风险管理的目标是识别并定量分析风险,进而通过一定的措施去规避风险。

    The goal of risk management is to avoid risk through identifying risks , measuring risk and modeling risk .

  13. 第三,新巴塞尔资本协议全面风险管理的目标是风险与收益相均衡。

    Thirdly , the cost-benefit symmetry principle is the goal of the all-rounded risk management system of the new accord .

  14. 对信用风险管理的目标是尽量维持在可接受的参数信贷风险,银行的风险调整回报率。

    The goal of credit risk management is to maximise a bank 's risk-adjusted rate of return by maintaining credit risk exposure within acceptable parameters .

  15. 煤矿以实现本质安全的风险管理为目标,其核心在于对危险源的有效辨识。

    The goal of risk management in coal mines is to pursue the intrinsic safety with its key point lying in recognition of causes of potential dangers .

  16. 而商业性收购是我国商业银行现阶段处置不良资产的主要形式,因而资产管理公司对商业性收购不良资产的处置更接近商业银行自身风险管理的目标。

    Business acquisition is the main disposition form at this stage in commercial bank for non-performing assets , so the disposition for this part is closer to the risk management objectives for our commercial bank .

  17. 最后分析了航空联盟风险管理的目标,建立了航空联盟风险预警系统,以及风险规避与化解的对策。

    Finally , the aim of risk management of airline alliance is analyzed , and the early-warning system of risk of airline alliance is constructed , and the measure of avoiding and disassembling risk is bringed forward .

  18. 目前,项目管理界已把风险管理和目标管理列为项目管理的两大基础,认为只有把这两者有机地结合起来才能使工程项目目标尽可能好地实现。

    At present , the project management experts have classified the risk management and object management as two fundamental bases for project management . They think that only combining these two parts organically can fully realize the object of the construction project .

  19. 本文提出流动性风险的管理目标是通过选择最优的营运资本策略及建立合适的流动性整体框架,最终实现企业流动性与盈利性均衡,实现企业价值的最大化。

    This paper proposes that the object of liquidity risk management is by choosing the best strategy for working capital and establishing an appropriate overall framework of the liquidity to balance the liquidity and profitability , and ultimately to maximize enterprise value .

  20. 在结合本单位实际情况章节,首先将搬迁项目做一简述,提出了搬迁项目风险管理的目标,提出了网络操作维护中心风险管理流程。

    In combination with the actual situation of the unit sections , the relocation project to make a brief , removal was proposed the goal of project risk management , puts forward the network operation and maintenance center of the risk management process .

  21. 企业财务风险管理的目标在于:了解风险的来源和特征,正确预测、衡量财务风险,进行适当的控制和防范,将损失降至最低程度,为企业创造最大的收益。

    The purpose of financial risks management is : to get to know the source and characteristics of risk , to anticipate and measure financial risks exactly , to control and guard against risk appropriately , to decrease losses as much as possible and finally earn more profit for enterprises .

  22. 最后,考虑银行风险控制的管理目标,进一步确定了该目标下系统的最优定价决策。

    Finally , considering the banks ' risk-control objectives , we determined further the optimal pricing decisions of the target system .

  23. 水库的运行管理也是一种风险管理,总目标是降低或者分散风险,提高工程运行效率。

    Reservoir operation and management is also a type of risk management and its aims are to reduce or diversify risks and increase efficiency of engineering operation .

  24. 《圣地亚哥原则》由20多条得到普遍接受的原则与做法构成,列出了信息披露、投资动机、企业治理和风险管理方面的目标。

    The Santiago guidelines consist of two dozen generally accepted principles and practices that list objectives of public disclosure , investment motives , corporate governance and risk management .

  25. 然后从证券公司建立操作风险管理体系的目标出发,建立了完整的操作风险管理框架,详细分析并应用了操作风险管理的损失数据收集、关键风险指标、风险与控制的自我评估等三大工具。

    With the objective of building operational risk management system , the second step of this paper present a complete op risk management framework by using three important tools ( operational risk loss data collection , key risk indicator , self assessment ) .

  26. 建设银行大连分行利率互换风险管理的总体目标是构建集中、垂直的风险管理体制和覆盖各类风险的全面风险管理体系,不断提升建立有效平衡风险与回报管理能力的商业银行的内控和运行机制。

    The general aim for risk management of interest rate swap of CCB dalian branch is to build centralized and vertical risk management system that covers all kinds of risks within the products , as well as upgrade system 's ability to efficiently balance risks and redounds .

  27. 针对风险问题,从管理目标、管理过程及方法两个维度制定了医药企业信息化项目风险管理模式。

    Aiming at the risk problem , from the management goal , management process and methods of two dimension made medical enterprise informatization project risk management model .

  28. 农村金融信用风险管理的三个目标是:农村金融机构可持续发展、农民有足够渠道获得生产经营所需贷款、政府支农资金得到有效利用。

    The 3 objectives of credit risk management in rural finance are : sustainable development of rural finance institutions , enough credit access for rural population , effective utilization of government subsidies to support agriculture .

  29. 风险管理是项目管理目标实现的保证,项目管理是风险管理有效进行的前提,两者密不可分,只有将两者有机整合才能促成项目结果的最优化。

    Risk management is the ensuring of achieving of project management object , project management is the prerequisite for effective risk management , the two are inseparable , and only the organic integration of the two projects can contribute to optimization of the project result .

  30. 风险规划阶段围绕风险管理目标、风险管理组织的设计、职责划分、项目时间预算来展开。

    Risk planning phase spreads around risk management target , risk scheme , project organization designing and responsibilities division .