
  • 网络risk aversion;Risk Averse;risk-averse;risk-aversion;loss aversion
  1. M-V证券组合投资决策的风险厌恶模型

    A Risk Aversion Model for Decision of M-V Portfolio Investment

  2. 贝莱德(BlackRock)首席股票策略师鲍勃多尔(BobDoll)表示:人们意识到去年市场在定价中计入了世界末日般的前景,这种风险厌恶的情绪现在已经逆转。

    People realised they were pricing in Armageddon last year , and risk aversion has now been reversed , said Bob Doll , chief equity strategist at BlackRock .

  3. 依据VAR限制条件来定义风险厌恶程度,而不使用普遍使用的期望效用理论的限制。

    To define risk acceptance extent according the restrictive VaR , not the commonly used expected effects theory .

  4. 根据R的不同取值,我们可以将保险人的风险厌恶态度与被保险人的支付能力达成完美的结合。

    According to the variant value of the R , we can appease perfectly the conflict between the risk averse attitude of the insurer and the affording ability of the insured .

  5. 基于适应性函数系数ARCH-M模型的风险厌恶度量

    Measuring the Risk Aversion Based on Adaptive Functional-Coefficient ARCH-M Model

  6. 结果发现,对于市场导向型FDI来说,汇率变化与FDI流入成正比;而东道国汇率波动幅度增大会阻碍风险厌恶型FDI流入,同时会促进风险偏好型FDI流入,反之亦然。

    We found that for the market-oriented FDI , the exchange rate change had positive effect on FDI inflow ; and the fluctuation range becoming wider can hinder the risk-adverse FDI inflow , but encourage the risk-preferred FDI inflow , and vice versa .

  7. 对于一般的(L≥2)证券组合,给出了最优策略的数值解,并对投资者风险厌恶程度、股票间相关关系对最优策略的影响进行了探讨,是以往研究的进一步深入。

    For a usual portfolio , this paper gives the computational solution and has deep analysis of the effect of correlations between stocks on the optimal strategy .

  8. 本文就是要研究总体风险厌恶与多个经济变量的关系,由于出现了维数祸根问题,所以我们提出了适应性函数系数ARCH-M模型并用来度量风险厌恶。

    In the present thesis , we will study relationship between the aggregate risk aversion and economical variables . Due to the problem of " curse of dimensionality ", we propose an adaptive Function-Coefficient ARCH-M model to measure the risk aversion .

  9. 金融市场的风险厌恶指标已明显好转。

    Indicators of risk aversion in financial markets have improved markedly .

  10. 对风险厌恶型投资者克服逆向选择作用的信贷决策机制分析

    Credit Decision Mechanism Against Adverse Seletion to Risk - Averse Entrepreneurs

  11. 风险厌恶型的证券投资数学模型

    A Mathematic Model of Securities Investment with Inclinations to Avoid Risks

  12. 动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价

    Dynamic Risk Aversion , Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing

  13. 比索的下跌进一步助长了全球市场上已然加剧的风险厌恶情绪。

    The peso fall added to increased risk aversion on global markets .

  14. 而且生产经营性的企业往往是风险厌恶者。

    And the producing and operating enterprises are often risk-averse .

  15. 失望厌恶和风险厌恶会改变投资者的最优投资策略。

    Disappointment aversion and risk aversion will change investors ' optimal investment strategy .

  16. 罗尔斯认为,风险厌恶者将会选择平等的经济秩序。

    Rawls argues that risk averse individuals will choose an egalitarian economic order .

  17. 在很多情况下,风险厌恶程度增强是正确的。

    Increased risk aversion is justified in many cases .

  18. 风险厌恶参数、时间贴现因子既影响了个体购买保险的偏好而且影响到了购买的数量。

    Risk-aversion parameter , utility discount rate affects the preference on insurance products .

  19. 与风险厌恶相对的是奉献爱好。

    Between risk aversion and risk seeking is a state called risk neutrality .

  20. 但风险厌恶投资者胆怯的形象似乎是不太恰当的。

    Yet the image of timorous investors resisting risk is not quite right .

  21. 风险厌恶情绪已经减弱,‘动物精神’有所抬头,他表示。

    Risk aversion has fallen and animal spirits have increased , he said .

  22. 风险厌恶的投资者对风险资产的选择行为研究

    Research on the Porfolio Selection of Risk-Averse Investors

  23. 根据投资者的风险厌恶水平,模型可以给出适合其风险偏好的最优投资组合。

    The model can give the optimum portfolio based on the investor 's risk-averse level .

  24. 利用风险厌恶研究了期望效用函数,给出了实用价值较强的不等式。

    We discuss expectation utility functions with risk revulsion , and derive a practical inequality .

  25. 因此,风险厌恶很好地解释了个人的保险需求。

    Risk aversion is therefore believed to be the reason for individual demand on insurance .

  26. 得到了风险厌恶程度对保险人行为影响的充分条件;

    The result shows that risk aversion is a sufficient condition to the insurer 's behavior .

  27. 关于风险厌恶度的一点注记

    A Note on Risk Aversion

  28. 多级无赔款优待系统的定价动态风险厌恶、随机贴现因子与资产定价

    Pricing NCD System with Different Discount Levels Dynamic Risk Aversion , Stochastic Discount Factor and Asset Pricing

  29. 如何度量风险厌恶一直是经济学者和统计学者研究的课题。

    How to measure the risk aversion is a task on which economists and statisticians always do research .

  30. 与此同时,货币走软会鼓励资本外逃全球风险厌恶在亚洲的主调。

    Meanwhile , a weak currency would encourage capital flight , the Asian leitmotif of global risk aversion .