
pín lǜ hé chénɡ jì shù
  • frequency synthesis technique
  1. 同时,计算机和微电子技术的迅速发展使得频率合成技术有了新的突破,出现了直接数字频率合成DDS技术。

    Meanwhile , frequency synthesis technique makes new breakthrough because of the mushroom growth of computer and micro-electronics technology , and then the theory of direct digital frequency synthesis ( DDS ) is proposed .

  2. 摘要本文综合考虑到频率合成技术及单端口体波谐振器HBAR的特点提出了一种基于一阶非线性PLL的锁相频率合成方案。

    Through considering both the frequency synthesis technique and the single port HBAR features , a plan based of the first order nonlinear PLL is designed . A practical frequency hopping oscillator is designed and its theory is discussed in detail .

  3. 生成跳频射频源的技术,就是直接数字式频率合成技术,技术简称DDS(DirectDigitalFrequencysynthesizer)技术。

    This technology is DDS ( Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer ) .

  4. 本文采用了数字频率合成技术(DDS)来产生调制信号,它具有超宽的频率带宽、超高的频率分辨率和相位连续性等特点,可以实现声光调制信号的频率和振幅的高稳定性。

    The modulating signal is generated in the way of Direct Digital Synthesizer technology .

  5. UHF单环跳频频率合成技术的研究

    Research of a Single-loop Hopping Frequenc Synthetic Technique at UHF Frequenc Band

  6. DDS是近几年发展起来的新型频率合成技术,具有为广阔的应用前景。

    DDS is a new frequency-synthesis technology developed in recent years , it has a bright prospect .

  7. 直接数字合成器(DirectDigitalSynthesizer,DDS)是近年来迅速发展起来的频率合成技术,具有频率分辨率高、频率捷变等诸多优点。

    Direct digital synthesizer ( DDS ) is a rapidly developing frequency synthesis technology . It has high frequency resolution and extremely fast hopping speed .

  8. 直接数字合成(DirectDigitalSynthesize,DDS)是一种重要的频率合成技术,具有分辨率高,频率变换快等优点。

    Direct digital synthesize ( DDS ) is an important technology in the frequency synthesizing with some advantages of higher frequency resolution , faster frequency transform etc.

  9. 基于CORDIC算法的高速直接数字频率合成技术的ASIC实现

    ASIC Realization of High Speed Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer Based on CORDIC Algorithm

  10. 基于CORDIC算法的直接频率合成技术的研究和应用

    Implementation and Studies on Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis Based on CORDIC Algorithm

  11. 直接数字频率合成技术,即DDS,是一种新型的频率合成技术和信号产生方法。

    The technology of direct digital frequency synthesis ( DDS ), is a new typed synthesizer technology and signal frequency methods .

  12. PLL混合频率合成技术能综合两者的优点,已成为现今频率合成领域的重要研究方向。

    DDS hybrid PLL can take good advantage of both their merit , have become an important area of frequency synthesis .

  13. 采用PLL频率合成技术,对适用于宽带接收前端系统的宽带微波频率源进行了设计。

    PLL frequency synthesizer technology is adopted to design broadband microwave frequency source , which is suitable for broadband receiver front-end systems .

  14. DDS技术是一种先进的频率合成技术,其主要优点是易于程控,相位连续,输出频率稳定度高,分辨率高。

    DDS is an advanced technique on frequency synthesis , whose primary advantages are controlling facility , continuous phase and fine frequency resolution .

  15. 特别是直接数字频率合成技术(DDS)需要快速、复杂、灵活的控制来发挥其优点。

    Direct digital frequency synthesis technology ( DDS ) often requires fast , complex and flexible control in order to exert its merits .

  16. 直接数字频率合成技术(DFS)一种先进的频率控制技术。

    Direct digital frequency synthesis ( DDFS ) is an advanced technique for frequency synthesis .

  17. 本文采用了完全数字化的方法,是利用直接数字频率合成技术的原理,并基于DSP的系统实现MSK调制。

    The thesis used a fully digital method that employed the principle of direct digital frequency synthesis to realize the modulation based on DSP .

  18. 文章主要分析了如何利用基于矢量旋转的CORDIC(COordinationRotationDIgitalComputer)算法实现高速高精度的直接数字频率合成技术(DDS)。

    This paper analyses a ASIC method that realizes the high speed and high precision Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer ( DDS ) with the CORDIC ( Coordination Rotation Digital Computer ) algorithm based on vector rotation .

  19. 将数字技术与传统频率合成技术结合,就产生了直接数字频率合成技术(DDS),这是频率合成技术领域的一次重大革命。

    Combined the digital with the traditional frequency synthesis technology , direct digital frequency synthesis is generated . It is an important revolution in the area of frequency synthesis .

  20. 本文设计了一台高精度程控相移信号发生器,利用直接数字频率合成技术(DDS)的理论,输出频率稳定度高,分辨率高。

    This paper designs a high-precision programmable phase shift signal generator using direct digital frequency synthesis ( DDS ) theory , the output high frequency stability , high resolution .

  21. 介绍了近年来DDS杂散抑制技术的发展,研究了相位抖动法、混合式频率合成技术和相位内插法的原理与应用。

    The development in spurious reduction technology of DDS in the recent years is introduced . The principle and application of phase-moving , admixture-frequency syntheses , inside-phase are studied .

  22. 第三章分析了现阶段比较常用的跳频源技术合成方法,详细比较他们的优缺点,在此基础上提出了并行DDS激励PLL的微波捷变频率合成技术。

    Chapter 3 , the methods of the frequency synthesizer in commom use are analyzed and compared , and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique was also introduced .

  23. 仅用单片FPGA就实现了直接数字频率合成技术(DDS),产生稳幅正弦波,并在数字域实现了AM、FM、ASK、PSK等四类调制信号。

    The DDS , Direct Digital Synthesizer , which is implemented by a unique FPGA IC , can provide the stable sine signal with digital AM , FM , ASK , PSK modulation .

  24. 数字直接频率合成技术(DDS)可使频率稳定度达到晶振的水平,采用DDS技术的新型选频电平表和电平振荡器的技术性能将显著提高。

    The technic capability of new type Selective Level Meter and Level Oscillator adopting Direct Digital Synthesis ( DDS ) is advanced notability , it makes stability of frequency achieve level of crystal ?

  25. 本文主要描述利用FPGA现场可编程门阵列器件作为控制核心,结合DDS数字频率合成技术直接形成SPWM脉宽调制波。

    Combine with the direct digital synthesizer ( DDS ) technology , use field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) chip as control unit , directly generate the sine pulse width modulation ( SPWM ) .

  26. 接着详细介绍了基于频率合成技术的线性调频源的基本理论,主要包括:DDS技术、锁相频率合成技术、正交调制技术、微波开关。

    Secondly , The main theory of LFM synthesizer based frequency synthesis technology has been analyzed in detail , mainly including : DDS technology , PLL technology , Microwave switch and orthogonal modulation technology .

  27. 直接数字式频率合成技术(DDS)是一种先进的全数字频率合成技术,本文基于DDS的相位调制功能,给出了一种DDS数字移相器的设计方案。

    Direct digital synthesis ( DDS ) is an advanced all digital frequency synthesis technology , based on the PM function of DDS , this paper gives the design scheme of a DDS digital phase shifter .

  28. 由于DDS固有杂散较大,要使DDS在频率合成技术中有效地发挥作用,就必须对其杂散特性充分了解。

    Since the inherent spur performance of DDS is not in perfect condition , so , in order to make DDS work effectually , it is very necessary to understand the spur performance of DDS fully .

  29. 通过分析研究直接数字频率合成技术DDS波形发生器的原理与实现,给出了教学实施的具体内容和参考方案。

    In this paper , a new teaching scheme on Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis ( DDS ) and its content are presented for reference , based on the analysis on the principle and implementation of DDS .

  30. PLL是比较成熟的频率合成技术,它有杂散抑制性能好、输出频带宽的优点,但其频率转换速度慢,频率分辨率不高。

    As a well developed frequency synthesis technology , PLL ( Phase Locked Loop ) is good at spurious behavior and wide frequency bandwidth , but it has weakness on frequency switch speed and frequency resolution .