
  • 网络budget management system
  1. 重庆MH企业集团全面预算管理体系构建与应用研究

    Research on Building and Applying the Overall Budget Management System for Chongqing MH Enterprise Group

  2. 本文虽以SD公司为研究对象,但由于国内生产企业在管理上有一定的相似性,故笔者希望通过探讨,能对其它企业建立或改善适合本企业条件的全面预算管理体系提供一定的帮助。

    Therefore , the author hopes that it can help other enterprises establish or improve the comprehensive budget management system applicable for their conditions .

  3. 经济利润指标EVA为全面预算管理体系提供了测定和分析工具,具有广泛的适用性。

    Economical profit target EVA has provided the determination and analysis tools for the comprehensive budget management system , and has widespread applicability .

  4. 本文通过理论探讨和案例研究相结合,设计了以EVA为起点的全面预算管理体系的构建架构。

    Through both the theoretical discussion and case studies , EVA is a starting point of the comprehensive budget management system architecture and also the aim of budget implementation .

  5. 为了拓展自己的发展空间,企业必须及时完善建立预算管理体系,并实施ERP环境下的预算管理信息系统,增强自身力量,赢得市场,在成长中保持竞争力。

    To expand their opportunities for development , the enterprise must immediately perfect budget management system for establishing and implementing the ERP budget management information system , increasing its strength and win the market , and maintain its competitive edge in the growth .

  6. 本文通过应用综合归纳、对比分析和调查研究等方法,通过对航天CK研究所的宏观背景、行业及单位背景分析,提出建立CK研究所全面预算管理体系的必要性及重要意义。

    By using the approach of comprehensive generalization , comparative analysis , investigation , etc. , this paper analyzes macro-background and industrial background of Aerospace CK Institute , and brings forward the necessity and significance of building a comprehensive budget management system .

  7. 如何结合企业实际来构建全面预算管理体系是企业经营者必须认真思考的问题,BER作为一家快速发展中的企业,迫切需要构建科学合理的全面预算管理来对企业进行有效的管理。

    Combined with the actual overall budget management system to build the business must seriously consider the BER as a fast-growing enterprise , there is an urgent need to build a scientific and rational management of the overall budget for the effective management of the enterprise .

  8. 最后,通过对SL科学院全面预算管理体系构建研究,总结针对科研单位进行全面预算管理体系构建的心得体会,重申在科研单位实施全面预算管理的科学性和实用性。

    Finally , based on the SL Academy of Sciences comprehensive budget management system construction research , summing up for scientific research units to carry out overall budget management system construction experience , reiterated in scientific research units , the implementation of a comprehensive budget management scientific and practical .

  9. 实施预算管理体系整合集团公司内部管理

    Implement budget management system and conformity internal management of group company

  10. 第四部分:我国非营利组织预算管理体系的构建。

    The fourth section is constructing system of the budget management .

  11. 寿险公司全面预算管理体系研究

    A Study on Comprehensive Budget Management System of Life Insurance Company

  12. 基于平衡计分卡的全面预算管理体系研究

    The Research of Comprehensive Budget Management Based on the Balanced Scored Card

  13. 全面预算管理体系的风险规避研究

    The Research on Risk Avoiding of Comprehensive Budget Management System

  14. 高校预算管理体系建设研究

    A Study of the Construction of Budget Management System in Colleges and Universities

  15. 基于作业成本法的预算管理体系

    A budget management system based on Activity-Based costing

  16. 试论我国预算管理体系建设

    On the Construction of Government Budget Management System

  17. 一个完善的预算管理体系,必然是与企业的战略目标相一致的。

    A sound budgeting system is sure to be consonant with its strategic target .

  18. 宁波港铁路有限公司全面预算管理体系的构建

    The Construction of Comprehensive Budget Management System in Ningbo Port Railway Co. , Ltd

  19. 基于价值链的企业集团全面预算管理体系构建

    The Building of Overall Budget Management System of Enterprise Group on Value Chain Analysis

  20. 构建高等学校财务预算管理体系研究

    A Study on Scaffolding a Management System of Financial Budget at Universities and Colleges

  21. 战略导向下的集团公司预算管理体系构建及应用研究

    A Study on the Budget Management System of Group Company Constructed and Applied under Strategic Orientation

  22. 建立和完善中再集团全面预算管理体系,提高公司的管理水平和综合竞争能力。

    Establish and improve the budget management system and improve management level and ability of competition .

  23. 论预算管理体系的改进

    Improvement of Budgeting Management System

  24. 建立与完善现代企业制度就必须建立科学化的预算管理体系,制定并有效实施全面预算管理已成为现代企业理财的一种国际惯例。

    It is necessary for building and perfecting modern enterprise system to build a scientific budget management system .

  25. 渤海财产保险股份公司浙江分公司全面预算管理体系构建研究

    Bohai Property Insurance Co. , Ltd. , Zhejiang Branch the Study on Construction of Overall Budget Management System

  26. 所以研究和建立人格化预算管理体系有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    So it is significative in the theory and the application for studying and constructing impersonated budget management system .

  27. 带着这个问题,对中国冶金进出口总公司的预算管理体系进行了全方位的研究。

    In order to answer this question , a thorough research herein is conducted on CMIEC 's budget management system .

  28. 本文尝试利用波特的价值链分析方法进行企业集团全面预算管理体系的构建,对企业的价值链和价值活动进行分析,确定全面预算管理的重点;

    This thesis attempts to build the enterprise group overall budget management system with value chain analysis method of MICHAELE · PORTER .

  29. 最后,将优化后的全面预算管理体系付诸实际,并跟踪实施的效果。

    Finally , the optimization of the overall budget management system was put into practice , and tracked the implementation of the results .

  30. 打破现行公共财政支出预算管理体系,建立起我国新型的政府公共财政支出预算管理体系,是转变政府职能、建立规范化市场机制的必由之路。

    To change government function and establish standardized marketing system we have to break current fiscal spending system and set up a new one .