
yù qī jià zhí
  • Expected value;prospective value
  1. 所以,有必要根据MBO自身特点,结合我国的具体情况,创新监管模式,构建一个多边的协调监管机制,以确保规范的遵守和制度预期价值的实现。

    In order to guarantee the realization of system observing and expectancy value of the standard , it is necessary to innovate the mode of regulation and construct a multilateral coordination regulation mechanism on the base of its own characteristic .

  2. KMV模型的基本思想是:以违约距离DD(distanceto-default)度量公司资产的预期价值与违约点间的相对距离,违约距离越大,公司违约的概率就会越小,反之越大。

    Distance to default is the measurement the relative distance between the expected value of the assets of the company and the default point . The greater the distance to default , the smaller the probability of default of the company .

  3. 应用客户当前价值(CCV)、客户预期价值(CFV)和客户忠诚度(CL)作为细分维度,构建一种三维的客户细分法,并提出相应的客户保持策略。

    Use customer current value ( CCV ), customer future value ( CFV ) and the level of customer loyalty ( CL ) as dimensionality to design the new three-dimensional customer segmentation .

  4. 总之一句话,Shore(间接地还有Rainsberger)认为,由于不存在预期价值(客户编写测试),就没有理由投入高成本(维护)了。

    In a nutshell then , Shore ( and Rainsberger indirectly ) asserts that since the intended value ( customers writing the tests ) is not present , the high cost ( maintenance ) is not justified .

  5. 不完全信息预期价值

    Expected value of imperfect information

  6. 你可以提供的是高预期价值,高利润,低偿还率的服务吗?

    What can you offer that is high perceived value , high margin , and low redemption ?

  7. 因此,或许你可以让自己坚强起来,遵循决策论,追逐更高的预期价值。

    So perhaps you can steel yourself to follow decision theory and go for the higher expected value .

  8. 但这可真令人遗憾,因为1000万美元已经是该资产的预期价值。

    This would be unfortunate , however , because $ 10m is already the expected value of the asset .

  9. 介绍了本文研究的背景与意义、主要研究内容与结构安排、研究方法与技术路线和预期价值等。

    Introduces the background and meaning , main research contents and structures , research methods , technique routes and expectations etc.

  10. 相反,成瘾性的治疗旨在改变药物或食物种类预期价值的,也可能证明有更多有效性。

    Instead , treatments designed to modify the expected value of the drug or food type may prove more effective .

  11. 企业风险项目投资的决策目标是在不确定的环境下做出正确的投资,实现其预期价值。

    The decision-making target of enterprise risk investment is to make the right investment under uncertainty so as to achieve its expected value .

  12. 若包括长期激励计划的预期价值和养老金,基本工资仅占全部薪酬的40%。

    Basic salaries made up just 40 per cent of total packages including the expected value of long-term incentive plans and pension payments .

  13. 可转换债券所含负债与权益的分叉处理法及其案例分析&基于标准期权定价模型的预期价值法

    A Bifurcation Approach for the Liability Equity in Convertible Bond and Case Analysis An Expected Value Method Based on the Standard Option Pricing Model

  14. 预期价值与交付价值之间的差距,会导致客户的不满情绪,使得测试自动化过程失败。

    This gap between the expectations and real delivered value leads to dissatisfaction and , many times , the failure of the test automation project .

  15. 您的公司在此处将目标和预期价值转化为提供这些价值所必需的实际行动,提供给公司和终端用户。

    It is here where your company translates the goals of desired value into the actions required to supply this value to both your business and end-user stakeholders .

  16. 任何出售都既要考虑伯爵府地区的开发成本,也要考虑对未来几年高档住宅地产预期价值的预测。

    Any sale would also include the costs of development of the site as well as projections about the expected value of prime residential property in the next few years .

  17. 如果没有与之相配套的理念、制度,那么该规则的预期价值和功能将难以实现,反映在司法实践中,该规则就很可能被异化或走形。

    Without matching ideas and systems , the prosperous values and functions of the exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence are hard to realize , which will be gone out of form in judicial practice .

  18. 在企业并购的各个阶段都存在大量的不确定因素,由此而产生并购风险,使企业不能实现预期价值大于溢价的协同效应。

    In all stages of M & A there is a lot of uncertainty , which would course great risk , so that enterprises can not achieve greater than the expected value of the synergy premium .

  19. 而在订单驱动交易机制下,若不考虑订单处理成本,买卖价差则主要取决于投资者对资产预期价值的差异、买卖双方投资者间的比例和逆向选择成本。

    But in an order-driven market , the bid-ask spread is determined by the differences in valuation among the groups of investors , the proportions of buyers and sellers and adverse selection costs if the order processing costs are not considered .

  20. 中国电讯设备厂商华为今年开始出售其移动手机部门主要股权,该进程已处于最后阶段。这个部门在交易中的预期价值达35亿美元。

    Huawei , the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker , is in the final throes of a process begun this year to sell up to a majority stake in its mobile handset division ; a deal expected to value the unit at $ 3.5bn .

  21. 而贯穿于企业并购过程的不确定性因素很可能对企业预期价值产生负面作用和影响,所以能否有效地解决经营风险是企业并购是否成功的重要标志。

    And the uncertainty running through the merger process is likely to have a negative impact on the expected value of the enterprise . So if we can effectively address the business risks is an important indicator of the success of mergers and acquisitions .

  22. 若按预期账面价值来计,承销商们为这家近在2007年还深陷负资产的银行赢得了相对于中国银行(bankofchina)的小幅溢价。

    Underwriters had won a small premium to Bank of China , on a forward book value basis , on behalf of a bank that was deep in negative equity as recently as 2007 .

  23. 每一个部门法的制定及其实施,都有其特定或预期的价值目标。

    Each department law has its own specific objectives or expected values .

  24. 令人困惑的是,两个项目的预期未来价值截然不同。

    The mystery is that the ventures have very different expected pay-offs .

  25. 描述一个总体解决方案,其挑战方面以及对预期业务价值的强调。

    Describe an overall solution , its challenge areas , and a highlight of the expected business value .

  26. 本文对南水北调工程实施价值链管理进行了利弊分析,研究表明南水北调工程实行价值链管理能够提升管理水平,只要有效克服一些可能的障碍,一定能实现工程预期的价值。

    Therefore , the management system of South-to-North Water Transfer Project is studied by use of the value chain theory .

  27. 最后,分析入选圈闭的预期经济价值,确定勘探目标。

    Expected economic value of the selected traps will be analyzed and the exploration target will be determined at last .

  28. 毛桃、木姜子、板栗天麻菌材林的预期经济价值也较高,是滇东北退耕还林地生态建设值得推广的模式。

    Therefore , the two eco-economic forests planting modes are considerable for returning farmland to forest in the mountain areas of northeastern Yunnan Province .

  29. 与预期的价值或标准不一致从而不符合正统。但是,中国对市场的影响,与其治理能力并不相符。

    Unorthodoxy as a consequence of not conforming to expected standards or values . But China 's market clout is not matched by its governance prowess .

  30. 预期的价值的一种明显的桥梁的量子数量与一些经典数量,但一定要注意的方式填补的。

    The expectation value of an observable bridges a quantum quantity with a certain classical quantity , but one must pay attention to the way of the bridging .