
  • 网络customer value chain
  1. 顾客价值链及其优化策略探

    Customer Value Chain and Strategies for Perfecting It

  2. 顾客价值链探析

    A Study of Customer Value Chain

  3. 这就是,基于企业价值链和价值分析法的企业产品价值管理,基于顾客价值链的顾客价值管理,以及基于SA8000标准的企业社会价值管理。

    In summary , it ′ s the management of enterprise product value based on enterprise value chain and value analysis , the management of customer value based on customer value chain , and the management of enterprise society value based on SA8000 .

  4. 并在房地产顾客价值链模型的基础上,提出房地产营销提升顾客价值的策略建议。

    Based on this model , the paper suggests the strategies of promoting customer value in real estate marketing .

  5. 接着基于价值链理论对安利(中国)的商业模式进行了分析,主要从供应商价值链、企业价值链、渠道价值链和顾客价值链方面着手分析的。

    Then , it is the analysis of the business model of Amway ( China ) on account of value chain theory .

  6. 提高服务质量和服务意识:通过信息系统的建设应用,有效的优化顾客价值链;

    Improve the service quality and service consciousness ; effectively optimize customer 's value chain through the construction application of the information system ;

  7. 同时,企业将顾客价值链与企业内部的价值链、合作伙伴的价值链进行联接,形成完整的企业空间的价值链。

    In the meantime they connect the value chain of customers with that of internal enterprises and that of collaborating mates . Thus they form the integral value chain of the space enterprises .

  8. 指出目前农村信用合作社的工作还没有围绕着顾客价值链的实现来开展,没有把顾客的价值实现当成打造农村信用合作社企业价值链的核心来开展。

    The thesis points out the work of rural credit cooperatives have not been based on the customer value chain , have not regarded the customer value as the core of enterprise value chain .

  9. 构建了价值链整合模式,将企业价值链与供应商价值链、渠道价值链和顾客价值链整合起来,在整合系统中提出了增加顾客价值和降低顾客成本的策略。

    The thesis also give some strategies of increasing customer value and lowering customer cost in the integrated system which integrates the enterprises ' value , suppliers ' value chain , channel value chain and customer value chain .

  10. 顾客价值链是依据创造顾客价值的交易过程和关系过程所形成的顾客感知价值的整体,它的构建应体现顾客价值的核心思想和基本特性。

    The customer value chain is the whole customer perceived value on the basis of trade process and relationship process that both create customer value . So the structuring of customer value chain should embody the core idea and the basic characteristic of customer value .

  11. 企业日益认同顾客在价值链网络中的关键作用。

    Businesses increasingly identify the key role of customers in their networks of the value chains .

  12. 并将XX公司IT分销渠道的重构作为一个项目,应用项目管理中范围管理、进度管理的一些方法,对如何实施构建顾客价值和供应链管理的分销渠道进行研究和探讨。

    XX IT companies and distribution channels as a reconstruction project , the scope of application of project management in the management , management of the progress of some of the ways of how to build customer value and supply chain management of distribution channels to study and explore .

  13. 基于顾客价值的供应链合作

    The Collaboration of Supply Chain Based on Customer Value

  14. 通过降低成本、业务外包和创造顾客价值,供应链管理能有效地提升企业的竞争优势。

    Through reducing cost , outsourcing and creation customer value , supply chain management helps to efficiently promote the competitive advantages of enterprises .

  15. 因此,围绕某项生活的价值追求,由相关消费的价值环节,构成顾客组合消费价值链。

    Therefore , focus on the value of the pursuit of life , the value of consumption by the relevant part form a combined consumption value chain .

  16. 指出了传统价值链思想的局限性,从企业获得持续竞争优势出发,提出了基于顾客价值的价值链分析方法,并将其应用到配送企业价值链重组中。

    A new method of analysis of value chain based on customer value is discussed and put into use in the regroup of the value chain of distribution enterprise .

  17. 经济全球化、信息技术的飞速发展、经营的顾客导向和价值链的整合等,都对传统的管理理论提出了新的挑战,要求企业管理必须适应这些挑战,在管理理念和管理方法上进行变革。

    The economic globalization , the rapid development of information technology , management of customer orientation and value chain integration , the traditional management theory put forward new challenge , enterprise management must adapt to these challenges , to change the management idea and management method .

  18. 顾客价值在战略利润链中驱动作用分析

    Driven action analysis of customer value in strategy-profit chain

  19. 本文的主要内容包括:(1)顾客让渡价值和价值链理论的概念、内涵的介绍和阐述;(2)对无缝钢管行业进行顾客让渡价值的分析以及细分市场和价值定位,以进行价值识别。

    The main content of this article are : ( 1 ) The concepts of Customer 's value Granting and Value Chain ;

  20. 第一,分析供应链协同创造顾客价值机理:供应链协同研究顾客价值;供应链协同创造顾客价值;供应链协同交付顾客价值;供应链协同弱化顾客价值衰减效应。

    Firstly , analyze of the mechanism of supply chain coordination creating customer value : supply chain coordination researches customer value ; supply chain coordination creates customer value ; supply chain coordination delivers customer value ; supply chain coordination weakens attenuation effect of customer value .

  21. 接下来,论文的第二部分提出了实现顾客全价值的顾客驱动型价值链框架,其中针对市场需求的不同类型提出了相应的价值链功能重点。

    The second part put forward the frame of value chain driven by the consumer for fulfilling consumers ' whole value , including the corresponding value chain emphasis to meet different type of demand .

  22. 随着顾客的价值需求由盲目到明确、由点需求到链需求的变化,房地产企业也逐渐由房屋的提供者转向了顾客价值链需求的整合者。

    With the clarification of customer value need and the change from point demand to chain demand , real estate companies gradually change their role as building - provider to integrator of customer value chain need .

  23. 周而复始的顾客生活活动的价值追求,又形成顾客生涯循环消费价值链。

    The cycle of the value pursuit in customer life also forms value chain cycle of Customer Lifetime Value .