
  • 网络Team;Project team;Project Group;program
  1. “该州的设施管理项目组正在生成其商业理由,预计将在二月底完成并提供给公众,”马丁说道。

    The state 's facilities management project team is still in the process of developing its business justification and expects to have that completed and available to the public at the end of February , Martin said .

  2. 从1944年8月开始,冯·诺伊曼定期地参加ENIAC项目组的会议。1944年11月1日,他给韦弗写信:

    From August 1944 he was regularly attending ENIAC team meetings , writing on 1 November 1944 to Weaver :

  3. 今年五月,英国倡议组织PlatformLondon的“4天工作周”运动项目组委托撰写的报告指出,缩短工作时间可以减少英国的碳足迹。

    In May , a report commissioned by the 4 Day Week campaign from Platform London suggested that shorter hours could cut the UK 's carbon footprint .

  4. 本人所在项目组目前采用传统的手工测试方法,进行面向Web系统的版本回归测试。

    My project group currently uses the manual testing for regression testing for the Web system .

  5. 正是基于这样的市场研究,本项目组选择采用C++结合DIRECTX技术独立设计研发一套虚拟现实平台。

    Based on these facts , our team adopts C + + combined with Direct X to develop a virtual reality platform .

  6. 面对这位头发花白,在斯坦福设计项目组(StanfordDesignProgram)工作了50年的老教授,学生们在抢走水瓶时往往会犹豫。

    Facing grey-haired Bernie , a 50-year veteran of the Stanford design program , students usually hesitate as they try to grab it from him .

  7. 该系统可以使分布在异地的CAD,CAPP,CAM项目组成员在一个虚拟的协作环境内协同工作。

    MCSDM can support separately located CAD , CAPP , CAM groups to work collaboratively in a virtual environment .

  8. 该项目组负责IBM智能地球项目云计算服务的测试与辅助开发。

    The team is responsible for testing and supporting the development of cloud computing service of IBM Smart Earth Project .

  9. 自动化软件测试负责检验Build系统产生的每一个软件版本,项目组成员通过软件测试结果来修改软件项目。

    Thirdly , it should implement automated software testing framework and automated software test cases . Software testing will check each build generated by the software build system .

  10. 因此项目组针对应用于建筑行业和消防系统的分层adhoc网络以及相应的实时视频信息传输系统和视频会议系统进行深入的研究。

    Therefore our research team proposes a real-time video information transport system based on hierarchical ad hoc network and related video conference system .

  11. 最后,组织不希望项目组受到该使用什么编程语言或者什么日志API的困扰。

    Ultimately , organizations don 't want project teams to agonize over what programming language to use or what logging API to follow .

  12. 在1993年至1996年期间,TEM考试(高等院校英语专业等级考试)效度研究项目组对该考试进行了效度评估工作,并修订了阅读项目的考试规范。

    TEM tests underwent a validation study between 1993 and 1996 , during which specifications for the reading component were revised .

  13. Globus项目组和IBM共同提出的开放式网格服务架构(OGSA,opengridservicearchitecture)为网格服务的开发提供了一个标准的方案。

    OGSA ( Open Grid Service Architecture ) brought forward by Globus project team and IBM provides a standard resolution for the development of Grid Service .

  14. 本论文的研究内容作为南京航空航天大学项目组承担的产品数字化设计技术服务的一个重要组成部分,主要研究基于WEB的零件库的研究及开发工作。

    As an important component of product digital design technology undertaken by project team of NUAA , the main content of this thesis is the research and development of the parts library based on Web .

  15. 重点介绍了项目组最新研究出的一种自动IHC染色机核心控制算法。

    The paper focuses on a newest kind of core control algorithm for IHC autostainer .

  16. 该文结合所在项目组进行的小组软件过程实践,对TSP实施过程中可能遇到的一些共性问题进行了深入的分析,并提出相应的解决方案以及具体的实施策略和主要步骤。

    Here this paper presents our TSP studies , experience and considerations on the strategy and steps for practicing TSP in a software organization .

  17. 严格筛选项目组成员,注重知识转移,构建学习型企业,重视产品培训,一级领导大力支持,可以帮助企业ERP顺利上线、规避风险、提高ERP的实施成功率。

    We come to the conclusion that selecting the right members of project group and transferring knowledge with much recognition can help the enterprise ERP run smooth and enhance the implementation success ratio .

  18. EPA通信标准项目组正在为早日使EPA标准成为国际上主流的工业以太网通信标准而努力。

    The committee of EPA has done great effort in order to make the EPA standard become a popular industrial Ethernet communication standard in the world .

  19. 一旦你建立需求来提供B2BiWeb解决方案,就应该集合项目组,并按照解决方案的交付来分配任务。

    Once you establish the requirement to provide a B2Bi Web service solution , assemble the project team tasked with the delivery of the solution .

  20. 本人参加了WH公司人力资源管理项目组,并在导师的指导下完成了公司绩效管理体系的设计。

    Being an intern , I participated in the performance management design of WH Corporation under the guidance of my supervisor .

  21. JuliaSilverman和JessicaMatthews研制了sOccket作为哈佛大学工程类团队项目组的一部分。

    Julia Silverman and Jessica Matthews developed the sOccket as part of a group project for an engineering class at Harvard University .

  22. 作者参与了上海贝尔Videophone项目组的ISDN可视电话中的编码器的研究,主要对其中的视频编解码算法作重点研究和探讨。

    The author takes part in the research of the codec of ISDN videophone in Shanghai Bell Company and discusses the image coding algorithms in detail .

  23. Impala项目组刚刚发布其首个里程碑版本,可以从这里下载。

    The project team have just released their first milestone release which can be downloaded here .

  24. “在速度和成功率上,相比传统方法我们都取得了重大的进步,”来自斯克利普斯研究所的ShengDing副教授说,他同时也是该项目组的领导者。

    " Both in terms of speed and efficiency , we achieved major improvements over conventional conditions ," said Scripps Research Associate Professor Sheng Ding , Ph.D. , who led the study .

  25. 结合面向服务的计算技术,本人所在项目组提出了业务端编程语言VINCA,以支持业务用户组合大粒度的服务来应对需求;

    Based on service-oriented concepts , a business-level programming language called VINCA is proposed to support end users to combine coarse graded services .

  26. 论文根据项目组课题PCBs故障红外故障诊断系统研究,针对系统中图像处理部分的图像特征提取,图像配准等关键性问题进行了深入研究。

    In this thesis , according to project : the study of infrared diagnosing system of PCBs fault , we studied some key technologies of image processing deeply , such as edge inspection and image registration .

  27. 诸如ERP项目组考核不深入、实施激励的手段匮乏、项目团队凝聚力不强、团队成员缺少成就感、角色分配不当等等。

    Such as the ERP project group inspects not thoroughly , implements the drive the method to be deficient , the project team cohesive force not strong , the team members lack the sense of achievement , the role assignment not to work as and so on .

  28. 由于IBM云计算的服务中心位于美国及加拿大,该项目组研发人员在操作云计算服务中心的远程机器时,需要使用SSH协议进行远程连接。

    Because IBM cloud computing service center is in the United States and Canada , when the R & D staff of the project team operating the remote machine of the cloud computing service center , they need to use the SSH protocol for remote connections .

  29. 在第二种方法中,我们使用面对面半结构化访谈方法访谈了来自4所选取的公立大学的62个项目组成员和领导者,4个ICT负责人,以及8各大学管理人员。

    In the second approach to answering the above question , semi-structured face to face interviews with 62 project team members and team leaders , four ICT directors , and eight university managers in four purposively selected public universities were carried out .

  30. 结果在项目组负责的灭蚊区有12个蚊密度测试点,其中10个点的RPI值为0。

    Results 10 RPI of 12 spots of adult mosquito density inspection in the sections responsible by the team were 0.Numbers of mosquito breeding sites found in the sections per hour decreased .