
yīn biàn
  • phonetics change;sound shift;infection
音变 [yīn biàn]
  • [infection] 对前后相邻的一个元音的读音的影响

音变[yīn biàn]
  1. B类音变是由音系结构系统性的要求引发的,属音系学层面的音变。

    Type A is the result of internal initial and rhyme coordination on phonetics level , while type B comes into being for phonological and systematic reasons .

  2. 现代汉语AB式双音节形容词重叠形式及其音变处理

    Analyzing the Superposition of the Disyllabic Adjective AB Form in Modern Chinese and the Infection of their Pronunciations

  3. 历史语言学中把一个语音变化影响到下一个语音变化的一系列音变称之为链移(chainshift)。

    In historical linguistics , a set of related changes , in which one phonetic change influences the next one , is called chain shift . There are roughly two sorts of chain shifts , as drag chain and push chain .

  4. 入声的促化、音节补偿功能及高元音的形容性成分j、w是这一音变的关键性因素。

    And there are three factors playing an important role in this sound change : the straight and abrupt entering rhymes , the function of compensatory lengthening and the qualifying element of high vowels .

  5. 山西临猗方言人称代词的音变

    Tone Change of Personal Pronouns of Linyi Dialect in Shanxi Province

  6. 浅析英语语音音变对听力理解的影响

    Study on the influence of English speech sound changes on listening comprehension

  7. 两语既同源又有音变先后的发展序列;

    The same origin and development sequence of phonetic change ;

  8. 论水语声母~s->h-的历史音变

    On the Historical Sound Change ~ s - > h-in Shui Language

  9. 突厥语历史音变的五条基本规律

    Five Basic Laws of Sound Changes in Turkic Languages

  10. 武汉话中的类儿化音变

    On One Kind of Sound Change in Wuhan Dialect

  11. 现代汉语儿出现于词尾的功能主要是两种,一是表示语音音变功能,二是表示构词语素功能。

    Er has two functions at termination which denote phonic changes and compound morphemes .

  12. 邯郸方言入声舒化的叠置式音变

    The folded phonetic change of formation from abrupt tone into lax in Handan dialect

  13. 论汉语方言的语流音变

    On Mutation of the Chinese Dialect

  14. 新平花腰傣语音位系统及历史音变述略

    On the Phonemic System of the Huayao Dais in Xinping County and its Diachronic Phonetic Changes

  15. 本文讨论了这两种历史音变类型,不同意从复辅音的角度解释这两大类谐声材料。

    Opposing this idea , this paper discusses the two kinds of historical variation of sound .

  16. 第三,音变的结果是创新,层次的结果是趋同。

    Thirdly , change is the result of innovation , the strata of the result of convergence .

  17. 浙江义乌话的[n]尾韵及其音变

    On the Ending Final [ n ] in the Yiwu Dialect in Zhejiang Province and its Phonetic Change

  18. 目前的对比研究多集中于音变,缩略语以及句子省略。

    Nowadays the contrastive study on economy mostly focuses on phonological change , word abbreviations and sentence ellipsis .

  19. 语触音变规律有助于对语音史的研究。

    The phonetic law of language touch will play a positive role in the study of phonetic history .

  20. 其变化既有连续性音变方式,也有词汇扩散方式。

    All these changes appear in the form of sandhi , and in form of lexical diffusion as well .

  21. 音段音位音变指在一定的语音语境中元音和辅音发生的变化,音系学称音段协调发音。

    Segmental sound change refers to the changing of sounds of vowels and consonants in a given phonetic context .

  22. 南方方言中有较多的方言接触而引发的音变,表现为存在大量的文白异读。

    In southern dialects most expressions and sound changes initiated by dialect contact have many literary and colloquial readings .

  23. 两种情况音变过程中的音节结构模式和变调模式均非常特殊。

    In the above two cases , the model of syllable structure and the model of tone change are both particular .

  24. 文章从音变构词、重叠法构词、附加式构词、句法构词等几方面对拉祜语构词法进行了分析。

    This article analyzes the word-formation of Lahu language in four aspects : phonetic change , duplication , addition , and syntax .

  25. 因此我们尝试选择新的观察角度,即运用了转换生成语法学派的题元理论对汉语音变构词材料作了尝试性的分析和探讨。

    Therefore , we attempt to choose a new perspective which applies theta-roles in generative grammar to analyze the sound-change word formation .

  26. 高元音裂化在南部吴语三片有不同的语音表现,这是音变创新。

    The change innovation is that the different phonological representations are formed by high vowel cracking in three sub-division of South Wu dialects .

  27. 状态词缀构词有着普遍的语音变化规律,但各个语言又有自己的音变模式。

    The formation of status affix has its rules in pronunciation change . But each different language has its own sound change pattern .

  28. 变调是每一种有声调语言普遍存在的音变现象,是语言里最主要的音变。

    The tonal modification , which is the main tonal change in a language , is a commom phenomenon in every tone language .

  29. 通过对共时音变的考察揭示历时音变的形成过程,丰富了历史语言学的研究。

    Discover the form procession of the historical phonetic change via reviewing the contemporary phonetic change and enrich the research of the historical language .

  30. 由这种音变现象在山东地区的地域流变情况可见,知系合口字的唇齿化有可能首先发生于擦音声母。

    The shifted of the sound changes phenomena in Shandong district proves that Round-mouth characters of Zhi-system read in labiodental firstly occur in fricative .