
  • 网络Nonlinear Vibration;nonlinear oscillations;non-linear vibration
  1. 研究发现,厚度为容器直径的0·5到2倍之间,粒径为2mm的颗粒堆,对探测棒的滑动摩擦力在一个平均水平上随时间作非线性振动。

    The research result shows that the sliding friction makes nonlinear oscillations about an average value when the depth of the particulate pile with 2 mm particulate diameter is greater than 0.5 to 2 times the diameter of the container .

  2. 悬垂缆线的非线性振动平巷掘进的悬拱法

    Nonlinear Oscillations of a Suspended Cable SUSPENSION ARCH METHOD FOR DRIFTING

  3. Newton方法在非线性振动理论中的推广与应用

    Extension and Application of Newton 's Method in Nonlinear Oscillation Theory

  4. 用Gauss原理求非线性振动微分方程的近似解

    Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Vibration Differential Equations by Gauss 's Principle

  5. 基于ADAMS的架空导线非线性振动动态仿真

    Dynamic Simulation of the Nonlinear Vibration of Suspended Cables Based on ADAMS

  6. 利用Galerkin方法将其转化为非线性振动方程;

    A nonlinear vibration equation is obtained by Galerkin 's method .

  7. Ritz法在分析薄圆板非线性振动中的应用

    Ritz Method of Nonlinear Vibration of Circular Thin Plates

  8. 鉴于砂土的非线性振动反应和多因素的影响,文中采用了内缓变理论(EndochronicTheory)将本构关系表达为单一的内缓变量(软化参数)的函数。

    In consideration of nonlinear response of sand and effects of multifactor , the endochronic theory is used to express the constitutive relationship as a function of a single endochronic variable , a softening parameter K.

  9. 应用多尺度法和L-P(Lindstedtpoincare)法求得了受谐扰力和脉冲激励的输电线非线性振动响应的近似解。

    The approximate solutions of nonlinear vibration responses of a power line under harmonic forces and pulse excitations are found with the help of multi-scale method and Lindstedt-poincare method .

  10. 采用非线性振动方法分析经纱运动的波动过程,对织造过程中的经纱黏弹性本构关系选用Kelvin模型,根据牛顿定律建立经纱横向与纵向的振动微分方程。

    This paper adopts nonlinear vibration method to analyze the fluctuation process of warp yarn during weaving and Kelvin model to analyze the constitutive relation of its visco elasticity . A differential equation of warp yarn vibration in lengthwise and crosswise is established based on Newton law .

  11. 展开式卫星天线在发射时的非线性振动分析

    Nonlinear vibration analysis of the deployable satellite antenna during launching stage

  12. 挤压油膜阻尼器支承的转子系统的非线性振动

    Nonlinear Vibrations of a Rotor System Supported by the Squeeze-Film Damper

  13. 颗粒物质内部滑动摩擦力的非线性振动现象

    On the nonlinear oscillation of internal sliding friction in particulate matter

  14. 宽带激励下非线性振动系统响应的最小化控制

    Control for Minimizing the Response of Non-Linear System under Wide-Band Excitation

  15. 柔韧扁锥壳在静载荷下的非线性振动

    Nonlinear vibration of flexible shallow conic shells subjected to static loads

  16. 多频激励下一类强非线性振动系统的分岔

    Bifurcations of Strongly Nonlinear Oscillation System under Multi-Frequency External Periodic Forces

  17. 干摩擦作用下贮液器的非线性振动与分岔

    Nonlinear Vibration and Bifurcation of the Tank Induced by Dry Friction

  18. 受热双层圆薄板的轴对称非线性振动

    Nonlinear axisymmetric vibrations of heated double - layer circular thin plates

  19. 齐次非线性振动系统的近似解

    An approximate solution to non - linear vibration of homogeneous systems

  20. 增量谐波平衡法用于输液管的非线性振动分析

    Incremental Harmonic Balance Method for Nonlinear Vibration of Pipe Conveying Fluid

  21. 一类具有参数慢变的非线性振动系统

    Study on the Nonlinear Vibration System with Slow - changing Parameters

  22. 加筋板非线性振动及稳定性分析

    Nonlinear Vibration and Stability of Stiffened Plates under Harmonic in-Plane Loading

  23. 非线性振动系统相轨迹对应波形图的绘制方法

    Method of matlab for plotting wave forms of nonlinear vibrations system

  24. 悬索非线性振动的有限体积法分析

    A Finite Volume Method for Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Suspension Cables

  25. 解非线性振动问题的摄动谐波平衡法

    The Method of Perturbation - Harmonic Balance for Solving Nonlinear Oscillations

  26. 钢筋混凝土板在热&机作用下的非线性振动

    The Non-linear Vibration of Reinforced Concrete Slab under the Thermal-Machine Load

  27. 非线性振动卷积积分方程组快速数值解

    Fast Numeric Evaluation of Convolution Integral Equations for Nonlinear Vibrations

  28. 用动力系统理论研究多自由度非线性振动问题

    Study on Nonlinear Vibration Problems of Multi-Degree-Freedom System by Dynamic System Theory

  29. 具有多自由度人-拖拉机非线性振动模型研究

    Nonlinear Multi-Freedom Degree Vibration Model of the Human Tractor System

  30. 弹簧振子非线性振动的幅频特性

    The characteristics of swing and frequency of a nonlinear vibration