
fēi fǎ jīnɡ yínɡ zuì
  • crime of illegal business operations
  1. 最后,本文提炼出非法经营罪应有之内涵,并给出完善该罪的具体建议。

    At last , the author proposed on how to perfect the definition of the crime of illegal business operations .

  2. 学界对非法经营罪的研究主要集中在非法经营罪的界定、犯罪客体、犯罪客观方面、犯罪主观方面以及其设置的合理性等问题上。

    The study of crime of illegal business operations mostly includes the definition , object , objective aspects , subjective aspects and rationality of the crime of illegal business operations .

  3. 关于非法经营罪的认定与处罚

    The Determination and the Penalization of crime of Illegal Business Operation

  4. 非法经营罪疑难问题研究

    Study of the Doubtful Question about the Crime of Illegal Business Operation

  5. 非法经营罪调控范围的再思考&以《行政许可法》若干条款为基准

    A Reconsideration on the Regulating Scope of Illegal Business Crime

  6. 非法经营罪是1997年刑法修订时设立的罪名。

    The crime of illicit trade is set in 1997 .

  7. 非法经营罪研究述评

    Commentary on Study in g the Crime of Illegal Bus in ess Operations

  8. 非法经营罪是从1979年的刑法中投机倒把罪演变而来。

    Crime of illegal business is from the 1979 criminal law crime of speculation evolved .

  9. 论非法经营罪

    Study on the illegal managing crime

  10. 侵犯著作权罪与非法经营罪在司法实践中都属财产型犯罪。

    Crime of copyright infringement and illegal business practice , are considered judicial type of property crime .

  11. 文章认为,销售侵权复制品罪和非法经营罪之间不存在法条竞合的关系。

    There is no overlap of articles between crime of sell pirated goods and illegal business operations .

  12. 对个案非法经营罪的思考

    Crime of illegal think

  13. 我国的非法经营罪是从投机倒把罪发展演变而来的,而学界对于非法经营罪到底是怎样的罪名莫衷一是。

    The crime of illegal business in China is evolved from the development of the crime of speculation .

  14. 非法经营罪来源于79年刑法的投机倒把罪。

    The Crime of Illegal Business is from the Crime of speculation in the Criminal Law of 1979 .

  15. 非法经营罪堵漏条款的合理认定&以堵截构成要件为标准的分析

    Reasonable Identification of the Preventing Article of Illegal Business Operation Crime & Analysis on the standard constitution factors preventing article

  16. 非法经营罪是刑法打击经济犯罪活动中常用的罪名。

    Crime of illegal business operation is a commonly charge used in Criminal Law to crack down on econom-ic crimes .

  17. 在我国古代和近代法律中,没有单独的非法经营罪罪名规定。

    In the ancient and modern laws in China , there is no single named crime as the illegal operation .

  18. 因此,司法界应当高度注意非法经营罪的扩大化问题。

    Therefore , The judiciary should be a high degree of attention to the issue of illegal expansion of the crime .

  19. 罪刑法定原则视野下的非法经营罪

    Crime of Illegal Business Operations in the Visual View of the Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime

  20. 第二,组织、领导传销活动罪与其他相关罪名的区别,主要是与集资诈骗罪、非法经营罪的区别。

    Second , the differences between organization , leadership pyramid selling and other crimes , mainly with fund-raising fraud and illegal business .

  21. 因此,要从根本上解决非法经营罪口袋化倾向问题应当从其罪状入手。

    Therefore , from the fundamental solution to the problem of illegal business " pocket " tendency should start from its guilt .

  22. 非法经营罪因第(四)项兜底条款被称为口袋罪。

    The crime of illegal business because of subsection ( d )" fallbackprovision " is referred to as " pocket the crime " .

  23. 故笔者试图从主观方面的角度,以国内通说为基石,具体分析非法经营罪主观方面的问题提出解决的建议。

    Therefore , the author try to analysis the Crime of Illegal Business from the subjective aspect , using the agreement of the statement as the cornerstone .

  24. 非法经营罪是破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪中的一种犯罪,该罪在实践适用中暴露出很多问题。

    Illegal dealing crime is one of the crimes in which the socialist market economy order is destroyed . In practice , this crime causes many problems .

  25. 只有那些违反国家规定中的特定主管机关行政许可、并由承担填补空白构成要件的规范性文件限定有刑罚后果的严重扰乱市场秩序的经营行为,方能以非法经营罪论处。

    Only those unlawful operation acts which seriously disturb the market order , necessary of penal , should be punished by the crime of unlawful business operation .

  26. 非法经营罪在理论上有着很大的探讨空间,不仅如此,在司法实践中同样存在着更大的探讨空间。

    There is a lot of space for us to explore not only in the theory of the crime of illegal business but also in judicial practice .

  27. 二是《解释》第6条中以非法经营罪定罪的行为范围很难确定;

    Secondly , in the article 6 of the Interpretation , the act scope of conviction of the crime of illegal business operation is hard to define .

  28. 其次是司法层面,司法工作人员合理对非法经营罪进行司法解释、在罪刑法定原则的基础上正当地行使自由裁量权。

    Second is the judicial level . The judicial personnel of illegal business sin are reasonable in judicial interpretation , based on the principle of legality as exercise discretion .

  29. 非法经营罪被放到破坏社会主义市场经济秩序罪中,作为一个新的罪名,非法经营罪的设置并非尽善尽美。

    Destruction of illegal business was placed in the socialist market economic order in sin , as a new offense , the crime of illegal business setting is not perfect .

  30. 自1997年刑法设置非法经营罪以来,对非法经营罪的研究经历了一个从一般的学理解释到全面深入研究的发展过程。

    The study of crime of illegal business operations has experienced a developmental process from ecumenical theoretic explanation to full lucubration since 1997 criminal law prescribed the crime of illegal business operations .