
fēi zhènɡ fǔ zǔ zhī
  • Non Governmental Organizations;nongovernmental organization
  1. 在几个接收国和一些非政府组织的共同努力下,这些难民得以安置。

    These refugees are looked after by the combined efforts of the host countries and non-governmental organisations .

  2. 很多非政府组织都呼吁公众捐款。

    Many non-governmental organizations have appealed to the public to donate money .

  3. 外国观察员,包括来自俄罗斯和美国政府以及非政府组织的,已给本次选举打个及格分。

    Foreign observers , including some from the Russian and American governments as well as ngos , have given the election passing marks .

  4. 我开始在一些非政府组织做志愿者。

    I started volunteering in a few non-governmental organizations .

  5. 为了解决这个问题,克罗斯比·门齐斯创建了一个非政府组织,名为"非洲太阳能炊具"。

    To solve that problem , Crosby Menzies has created a non-governmental organization called Solar Cookers for Africa .

  6. 该法共有54条,规定了境外非政府组织在中国运营的登记和备案、活动规范、法律责任以及监督管理。

    The 54-point law clarifies the registration1 process , operational rules and liabilities of overseas NGOs , as well as measures for their operations in China .

  7. 很多人并不知道“冰书挑战”是由(印度)喀拉拉邦的一个名为“一村一个图书馆”的非政府组织发起的。

    Not many of us know that The Book Bucket Challenge is a drive started by One Library per Village , an NGO based in Kerala .

  8. 中国28日通过了史上首部境外非政府组织管理法,以便于这些组织在大陆合法运行,同时打击任何可能危及国家安全的行为。

    China adopted its first-ever law on overseas NGOs on Thursday to facilitate their legal operations on the mainland but to combat any activity that might harm national security .

  9. 监督该领域的非政府组织棕榈油观察(palmoilwatch)称,几乎可以肯定,这将导致许多村落被迫迁离。

    Many communities will almost certainly be uprooted , according to palm oil watch , a non-governmental organisation monitoring the sector .

  10. 非政府组织(NGO)的导入有助于我国社会保障体系的完善。

    The ducting of NGO contribute to perfecting social security system .

  11. 非政府组织(Non-GovernmentalOrganization)是一种非赢利性、非政府、自愿自治的正规化民间公益组织,在现代社会具有广阔发展前景。

    NGO , a non-profit , non-governmental , self-governed , unofficial organization for public interests , has a bright prospect in the modern society .

  12. 就如PartnersinHealth的创始人保罗•法默(PaulFarmer)所说:“非政府组织能够且应该加强衰落的公共部门。”

    As Paul Farmer , the founder of Partners in Health , puts it : " Nongovernmental organisations can and should strengthen the faltering public sector . "

  13. 从组织形式看,日本的绿色环保运动以各种非政府组织(NGO)的形式出现,并活跃于社会领域的各个方面。

    The afforestation movement in Japan was launched in all circles of society by NGO ( Non-government Organizations ) .

  14. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)驻北京高级经济学家庄健表示,非政府组织不仅能在灾后重建方面提供宝贵的专家意见,还有助于使这些工作更加透明和高效。

    Zhuang Jian , a senior economist at the Asian Development Bank in Beijing , says that NGOs can not only offer valuable expertise in post-disaster reconstruction , they can also help make such work more transparent and efficient .

  15. 同时,一万张含有这些信息的免费DVD光盘分发给了致力于改善水质量的非政府组织。

    Also ten thousand free copies of DVD versions of the information were go to nongovernmental groups working to improve water quality .

  16. 由于非政府组织(NGO)的逐渐壮大,有志青年们在职业道路的选择上更为灵活。

    And thanks to the rise of NGOs , idealistic young people can choose other , more flexible career paths .

  17. 但是进行该临床试验的美国非政府组织人口理事会(ThePopulationCouncil)本月(2月14日)宣布说他们发现这种杀微生物剂是安全的但是没有效果。

    But this month ( 14 February ) The Population Council , the US-based nongovernmental organisation that ran the trials , announced that the microbicide had been found to be safe but not effective .

  18. 在布基纳法索,TAP提供的1800万美元正在资助药物以及非政府组织开办的门诊部和艾滋病病毒感染者网络。

    In Burkina Faso , US $ 18 million from TAP is funding the drugs and assisting clinics run by non-governmental organizations and networks of people living with HIV .

  19. 她现在更愿意在自己的非政府组织中聘请mba实习生,而非最初计划的聘请来自慈善相关行业的毕业生或硕士生。

    She now prefers to take on MBA interns in her NGO , as opposed to her original plan of hiring graduates or masters students from charity-related industries .

  20. 其它大多数是所谓的政府组织的非政府组织&这个名称会令乔治•奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)感到骄傲。

    Most of the rest are so-called government-organised non - governmental organisations , or Gongos , an appellation that would make George Orwell proud .

  21. 这些争议的焦点问题主要集中在参与WTO争端解决机制的主体资格、非政府组织的代表性、特殊利益集团控制和贸易保护倾向等四个问题上。

    Their arguments concentrate on the following four issues : the subject qualification of WID dispute settlement mechanism , the representative of NGOs , the control of SIG ( Special Interest Group ), the trade protection tendency .

  22. 指定的国家CEPA负责人(政府和非政府组织)在协调这些湿地中心发挥了核心作用。

    The nominated National CEPA Focal Points ( government and NGO ) have a central role in collaborating with these centres .

  23. 长期以来,安曼一直是非政府组织(ngo)驻中东工作人员的首选之地,(相对)安全而且由一个稳定的王室政权统治。

    Amman has long been the preferred location of NGO workers in the Middle East , being safe ( relatively ) and overseen by a stable Royal regime .

  24. 首先对非政府组织在WTO中的地位进行了分析,然后重点阐述了非政府组织对WTO决策机制和争端解决机制的参与及其对WTO的作用与影响。

    First of all , the status of non-governmental organizations at WTO are analyzed . This part focus on demonstrating the participation of non-governmental organizations in the decision-making mechanism and dispute settlement mechanism of WTO as well as their impact on the WTO .

  25. 改革开放之后,我国经济取得了飞速的发展,伴随着经济的发展,出现了很多从事公益性事业的非政府组织,即通常所称的NGO。

    After reform and opening up , China has achieved rapid economic development , along with economic development , there have been many in the public welfare non-governmental organizations , commonly known as the NGO .

  26. 各团队接到的任务是,为非政府组织提出的八个社会问题中的某一个提供科技解决方案。获胜团队开发了一款Android平台上的应用。务农者可以用它来分享和接收来自附近农场和政府的关于病虫害的信息。

    Assigned to create a technological solution to one of eight social problems presented by nongovernmental organizations , the winning team developed an Android app that allows farmers to share and receive alerts about pests and diseases from nearby farmers and the government .

  27. 过去,WFP一直能够度过此类融资难关,但联合国官员担心,如今捐助者已被朝鲜激怒。去年3月,朝鲜将美国一些非政府组织驱逐出境。

    The WFP has survived such funding crunches in the past , but UN officials fear donors have now become exasperated with North Korea , which expelled US non-governmental organisations last March .

  28. 在一个培养过很多委员会的非政府组织阿加汗基金会(AgaKhanFoundation)的领导下,马卡扎?辛詹(MarkazaKhinjan)的委员会制止了把女性作为血腥械斗的牺牲品的行为。

    Markaza Khinjan 's council stopped the practice of using women as payment in blood feuds , with guidance from the Aga Khan Foundation , an NGO that trains many of the councils .

  29. 由此,本文根据科普产业的产业特征,结合媒体、非政府组织和公众对科学传播的重要影响,对科普产业协同创新主体进行拓展,提出媒体NGO公众构成的新三螺旋创新模式。

    Thus , the paper developed the innovation subjects and proposed new triple-helix model of " media-NGO-public ", according to the characteristics of popular science industry and the important influence on science communication come from the media , non-governmental organizations and public .

  30. 教科文组织正在为一个全面的非政府组织平台提供支持,以便在联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议(COP)2014年利马会议和明年的巴黎会议之前,提高人们对海洋问题的认识。

    UNESCO is supporting a comprehensive platform of Non-Governmental Organizations to raise the profile of ocean issues in the run-up the Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( COP ), in Lima in 2014 and in Paris next year .