
  1. 而四天后航空母舰继续驶向日本如果有需要,随时返回韩国同样是非常重要的信号。

    It was also important that the carrier moved on to Japan after four days & ready to return if needed .

  2. 如果你放弃阶级或决定,你不需要这本书,您可以随时返回本书进行全面的现金退款如果您还没有作出马克在资讯科技及传回的前一个既定的最后期限。

    If you drop the class or decide that you do not need the book , you may return the book for a full cash refund if you have not made marks in it and it is returned before an established deadline .

  3. 您可以随时停止和返回到您的设置当中。

    You can stop and come back to your set up at any time .

  4. 在美国国家航天局发现一块太空垃圾正在飞向国际空间站的轨道上之后,今天国际空间站的成员们紧急撤离到了逃生舱,随时准备紧急返回地球。

    The crew members were scrambled into escape capsules ready to fire off for an emergency return to Earth after Nasa officials spotted a piece of space junk hurtling towards the path of the ISS .

  5. 很长一段时间,你可以说服自己只是偏离步道几米距离,随时都可能找到返回步道起点的路。

    For the longest time , you can convince yourself that you 've just wandered a few feet off the path , that you 'll find your way back to the trailhead any moment now .